Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

I'm on my phone so you get a shitty OP edition.

>What's new
Dragon hero next, likely chromie.

>where do I find you panda-loving faggots
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Find the ones you enjoy playing and buy those. Don't buy cheap heroes just to get into Hero League, it's not worth rushing into.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

wowhead.com/npc=30997/chromie#modelviewer:10 0

>Gazlowe takes gravity bomb
>He literally does not use it one time in a 25 minute game

I will buy Chromie day one, if she is a cute gnome.

If it ends up being another damn elf like Alexstraza, I'm gonna be upset.


If it isn't the right moment when 5 enemies are grouped up, slowed, and walled in then there is no right moment

We are gonna need to add another bee to that hive

always gives me a subtle giggle

Pick one and only one!

>gnomes in hots

Give me the D.


>wowhead.com/npc=30997/chromie#modelviewer:10 0
dat ass-wiggling what a slut

lmao ez
yiff in hell waifufags

t. totally not a Twilight cultist

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

>everyone picking deathwing

And you guys like to pretend you aren't edgy faggots.

alex, kalec or deathwing are the most well known so it will be one of them
i would pick ysera though

We've need a cute fem gnome for a while

The blue dragon should be malygos, I would still take chromie over all of them. But then it's either Maly or Ysera

>yfw its wrathion

malygos is dead, jim

So are Uther and Arthas

So is deathwing

so is Falstad

>Implying blizzard knows the difference between malygos and kalecgos

So is deathwing. And all the aspects are out of power.

On that note, the Butcher is dead, Kael'Thas is dead, Tychus is dead, Zeratul is dead, Azmodan is dead, Diablo is trapped somewhere, Tyrael is black, Kerrigan is the Phoenix, Kinky is dead, Arthas is deader.

Falstad is alive user you can visit him in ironforge

He is the most fun card in HS when you can get him off in maly rogue


Hearthstone's devs don't

This teaser is retarded.
>It's literally a fucking dragon
>out of all 4 universes only wow has dragons
They could've at least hint towards his/her name.

Red Shirt Guy pls

>They could've at least hint towards his/her name.
They did

They did on the russian HotS twitter by not renaming the file name

cyka blyat

>It's not Maiev

Fuck this company.

Just wait till legion comes out kek.

the chin is already in the game so it's only logical

can russians do anything right? other than killing their own people I mean

Wait, Kael is dead?

Also, how do dragons work in Warcraft?

He lives on in your heart

No more elves! No more soap opera romance trees.

Yeah, he died twice in Burning crusade.

>Solo queue ranked

kael died like 8 years ago during bc

dragons are shit after cataclysm

Yeah when is she getting added? She should have been the first one in the game.


Huh. I kind of thought he'd be too important to kill off in some WoW thing.

Also, reading the lore, Kael, Illi and the Naga allied with the Burning Legion? Aren't those the demons? I thought you guys said Illidan dindu nothin and Malf was the asshole.

>I kind of thought he'd be too important to kill off in some WoW thing.

Kael did and well Illidan was a burning legion peon in wc3.

Well, as it turns out thanks to Blizz's love of turning everything into "Bad guy was only bad for the sake of being good way way way way way down the line", Illidan was a good guy allllla long :^)

>Illidan was trying to build an army to fight sargeras :^)! WE SWEAR THAT WAS THE PLAN ALL ALONG
>Sargeras built a demon army to destroy all the worlds in the universe so the "void lords" we totally didn't copy from the new bad xel'naga in SC2 can't corrupt the universe with their Old God minions!

The Burning Legion are fighting the titans who are the bad guys. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Illidan fought the legion in WC3, but then because he went to acquire power to fight the legion it turned him partially into a demon, the malfurion banished him.

Now in legion they talk about demon hunters and what they go through to actually fight the legion. Also in the illidan book one of the most powerful naaru says Illidan will be the savior of the light or some shit.

>new game
>won last 2
>maybe this time i wont get paired with retards
>johanna(me), nova, karazim, valla, dehaka
>seems solid
>karazim goes ASAP for damage build
>when obj comes(shrines) comes he died 4 times already
>no plz
>he keeps feeding
>dehaka goes alone 1 vs 5 because I AM DEHAKA ONE WHO COLLECTS and dies
>I have no idea what nova is doing
>end game, we lose
>i got 2 times the damage of dehaka, and somehow died only 2 times of his 9
>karazim 11
Why do i even keep playing

champion of the light with holy infused glaives and holy eyes.

The titans are dead except for sargeras who leads the burning legion. He wants to destroy the universe to stop the void lords who are the real real badguys this time we swear, from corrupting the universe futher. Also old gods are just minor void lord minions

Illidan pretended to be allied with them while systematically killing their leaders. Illidan truly did nothing wrong.

Aman thul spirit is inside raden but he is a super fag and hes not doing anything.

Illidan was fighting the legion even in BC, that's how he took over the black temple and imprisoned that pit lord. He was just always scared of kil'jaeden.

I don't even have a proper reaction image for this. Blizzard wouldn't do this right???

So, he wasn't the Betrayer until the metamorphosis?

And people were saying Illi was imprisoned for no reason and Malf was a dick long before the new WoW exp came out. Was it just people liking him more?

In the latest novel Thrall turned out to be half orc half dragon and obtained all the powers the dragon aspects had become the cataclysm which is why he isn't warchief anymore

He was imprisoned for betraying his friends and giving the dragon soul artifact to azshara

Yeah they did in chronicles that just talks about the origins of the wow universe.

They call him the betrayer because he made another well of eternity because he believed that they would need it to fight the burning legion again. He never really betrayed malf, malf was just scared of arcane magic and banned it until a few years after Illidan's death in BC when it was allowed again by Tyrande during pre-cata

>He never really betrayed malf
He was training to be a druid and said "no this is too hard I'm going to join the highborne", stole the dragon soul and give it to azshara.

No, he was imprisoned after that for making a second well of eternity by taking water from the well and beating up Jarod after Jarod tried to stop him, Jarod left the sentencing up to Malf and malf had him imprisoned and Maiev (Jarod's sister) volenteered to be his jailer. Those stolen vials were also used to create the sunwell

>Shortly after Malygos died trying to prevent mages from destroying the world
>Tyrande, the least likeable leader in Azeroth, unbans arcane magic
like pottery

He was infiltrating the burning legion at that point, and when he was found out he really had no choice. He didn't intentionally go behind their back to get the dragon soul for Azshara. Him infiltrating the inner circle is what allowed them to even fight back.

Well she accepted the Highborne back after they came to her saying that they saw that the world would need their help.

They did. Its canon in the new book Warcraft Chronicle that is pretty much a big lore compendium that revises and revisits a lot of the universe.

I torrented it last week, its not a bad read, if very much lore changing.

What is a well of eternity? Is arcane magic the thing that drove high elves insane? What magic do night elves use?

Does Illidan use magic? Is what Jaina does arcane magic?

What is wrong with arcane magic? Also Maly was going insane

>What is wrong with arcane magic?
The nelves banned arcane magic after the burning legion indicent.

>Maly was going insane
t. The aspect of life who has done nothing but bring death to the dragons

No, nothing drove the elves insane. Do you mean the exiled highborne that went to the EK and were getting driven mad by something around Tristfal? Whatever that was is unknown.

After being allied with many races who use the arcane, there is nothing wrong with arcane magic. If they really had a problem with it, they would be enemies with arcane wielding races. tyrande understood this and allowed them back into darnassus.

>there is nothing wrong with arcane magic
I never said arcane magic as wrong he asked why the elves don't like arcane magic.

Adding to my post, it was interesting to read the expanded troll and night elf history.

>night elves confirmed trolls that hated the sun and lived in underground in the caverns and burrows in the north of kalimdor
>they discover a bigass lake that turns out to be magical as fuck
>magic transforms them into elves over a few generations

Night elves did druidic nature magic, as well as arcane magic from the well of eternity, which is a giant lake that was infused with an extreme amount of magic, around which night elves built their civilization, before it was all destroyed when their queen got too greedy for power and opened portals for the burning legion to invade the planet.

The well was destroyed during, and as a result, the energy from the destruction tore the one continent on the planet into many. "

On a side note, I think the Black Empire that existed before all the current shit we know, way way before the first legion invasion is kinda interesting.

>Some dragon

>Not Kel'Thuzad


>What is wrong with arcane magic?
nice try Azzinoth

the well of eternity is titan blood
>amanthul pulled ysaarj like a worm from the surface of the planet
>it caused a huge wound and the titan fetus bleed all over it.

And its magic as fuck.

>Queen Aszhara ruined all this with her lust for power and Sargeras cock

trollfags btfo since ancient times

Aegwynn tits WHEN?

So, most of this lore was established in Warcraft 3, right? 1 and 2 didn't bother with all this?

I know Grom was in 2.

Blizzard knows how to world build but then they just go fuck it and destroy everything and salts the earth.

draenor was retconned to death with warlords of draenor

wc1 was retconned to death with the meme movie

is that a real HS card? lmao it's so shit
>dr boom exists
>meanwhile, 8 mana for a 6 hp minion with a board clear deathrattle

WC1 has been retconned by literally every other piece of media in the franchise

>>dr boom exists
not in standard

>Warcraft Chronicle
how many volumes are there? i found 1 only


where does the giant swimming turtle island come in
lmao pandaria is canon

no shit it's canon what the fuck did you think

Here you go.

Nexus businesses/practices:

>Raiders Rolls
>Jaina's Cones of Cold
>Ashalanore's Salami
>The Soup Dash Sallac Kitchen
>Stormrage 10,000 Step Anger Managament Program
>Morales Bus Tours
>Gazlowe's Gadgets
>Abathur's Hat Emporium
>The 1,001 Gods Dojo
>Bronzebeard's Brew and Bloodshed
>Diablo's Overpowrestling Gym


>Annual March of the Black King
>Sponsored by Cow King whole milk, it gives you Hardened Bones.
>Special guests this year: the Scourge, the Army of Hell and the Skeletal Mages
>Catering provided by Butcher's Slaughterhouse and Stitches' Shish Kabobs.
>any libcucks that protest in the March of the Murlocs against our rightful king Leoric will be Entombed.

>5-Man Maw Porn Studios, CEO Zagara

Rexxar's Exceptional Obedience Training Academy
Dehaka's Pawn Shop
Valla's Anger Management classes

>not Dehaka's Essence-ial Incense and Spelunking Equipment

Chromie? Really, Blizzard? Really?

poor trolls, still living in their stick huts from millennia ago

I'm guessing she will just be a legendary skin for Jaina. I really hope they put her in though, also Azshara.

What was the secret meeting about where they invited all those streamers and pro players?

Are you retarded user?