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League of Legends General /lolg/
first for no image
second for still no image
Xth for splattering Lulu's purple viscera all over the curbside
>Jinx and Sona nerfs
>No sign of Zed nerfs yet
Good old Riot balance team, coming through with the top priorities.
>Finally see the new secret again MF splash
>Nerfed tits but buffed ass.
Don't know how I feel about this
xth for
>removing devour
Is Taliyah one of them?
Who's ready for mages to get played in every lane?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 5 slots left
password is vidya
xth for rito design
first for cute yordles
I want to make trundlefag my slave
xth for retarded /pol/ crossboarders
lots of people who have used it on PBE say it's a pretty bad item.
Warmog's is going to be overpoowered. Volibear is likely to be out of control unless all new champions are played that can kite him more easily than what's being played now.
>He posted it again
user why do you hate my eyes so much
Tumblr pls go.
The design is garbage
So how do I go about changing splash arts in my client?
like srsly
they do only 2 types of ults now - FREE TP (like this one or reksai) or FREE ZHONYAS
Xth for Vlad x Vayne
Yes I am planning to at least try out spellvamp quints and masteries.
>first time Zed
>make sue not to feed Yasuo so play safe
>bot lane that is three kills behind attempts engage
>they die
>me and Amumu proceed to 2v4 and come out successful
>"Nice, I think we can-"
>Both bot laners leave the game, making it a 3v5
>Brand already fed
Never in my life did I think the term 'open mid' would actually leave me less tilted than going through a game like that
Piss off shill
The only thing I know about this image is how easy it is to trigger the walking tragedies in /utg/ by pointing out the two unambiguously evil characters are white. The rest of those words are a formless scream.
>Literally everyone is trans
At least whoever drew this will neck themselves within the decade but fucking hell
>Illaoi has finally a chance to shine
>no one in lolg likes her enough to play her in the contest
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 3 slots left
password is vidya
>implying people come from /pol/ to other boards
epic shitpost my dude
Do we all agree the QSS nerf is absolutely retarded
>Indirect buff to Fizz, Zed, Darius etc
Did Riot change Warmog's?
>No sign of Zed nerfs yet
Did you completely miss the QSS change? Zed is going to be so op now.
>Iranian vs western European
>spellvamp quints and masteries
Oh wow I actually forgot those still exist
Is Sona chubby?
>playing normal game
>enemy team is all-chatting like "lol why wasn't drag warded???"
>i respond "because it's a normal, no one cares"
>suddenly the enemy Vi who only plays normals gets really upset
>"yes, why the fuck do you think we have an azir top"
>they keep trying to trash talk me as if i actually give a shit about this normal game, even as we're winning
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 3 slots left
password is vidya
>>No sign of Zed nerfs yet
user, Zed is nerfed to become banned in all matches.
>League is literally an Orwellian nightmare
>Riot will literally ban you for saying 'gg ez'
Lolbabbies will literally defend this
I'm aware of that. I'm talking about PBE right now.
user it's supposed to be a buff to them. Most of them are overtuned as fuck because they don't get a reliable ultimate.
Dont play safe vs Yasuo as Zed. You stomp him in laning phase.
-50 health in exchange for 10% CDR. The regen was already really strong but people weren't picking it up because it didn't fit into their build. Now I expect it to be too powerful not to get. (I expect to still see full tanks with Warmog's, Spirit Visage, and IBG or FH)
Fizz's fish still drops IIRC.
xth for Lulu cuddles
It's a slow, that's why.
Warmog's, Visage, and FH now gives you 40% CDR. This shit is ridiculous.
>Jinx E
>Mana cost increased to 70 to 50.
>Damage lowered to 60/120/180/240/300 from 80/135/190/245/300.
Nerfing Jinx in the state she is right now must mean buffs somewhere else right? RIGHT?
Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.
>Zed will approach a 100& banrate
>The counterplay to Zed will be to enter gamemodes with bans
>New players in 2017 will cry about a champion they never saw
LoL hell no, its a really power spike item, and i hope the pbe meta goes throw
Tanks are dead, get over it
>season 4 easily get to plat adc
>season 5 same
>season 6 have over a hundred games stuck in gold
>demoted out of gold 1 4 times
>demoted into gold 3 this morning
>literally can't tell why I'm losing or what I'm doing wrong, even after watching replays
I don't fucking get it. I'm always up in cs at 20 minutes, I'm always positioned in what I think is the right spot, my only deaths are due to an assassin or tank gapclosing onto my ass and 2shotting me.
IGN is 'oh ok' - please help, shit on me, tell me why I'm losing games cause I just don't know.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 3 slots left
password is vidya
Yas main here, this is incorrect. Zed is super easy lane, at least before 6. Even after 6 you can just dash around like a monkey to negate most of the dmg he can do with his ult. Though to be fair I rarely play against good Zed's. Or maybe I'm just really good. I dunno. It's definetely a free lane for me tho.
That's nice but it won't remove his DoT damage
/co/ here
get ready for this bait all day talihim is brought up
>S6 Riot
>Slapping CDR on fucking everything
honestly wouldn't mind if they kept the large hands since she's a geomancer working with her hands a lot.
just the slimming down of those ridiculous brows and making her nose look less like a sausage already solves half the problems with her appearance. Riot wants to make things not pander to one demographic like the people who want sexy grills but going to the opposite extreme and giving us middle-eastern's version of the grouch is just as stupid.
True, but her belly isn't even visible there! You're just as bad as Pool Party Lulu.
Now if only people bought FH more often.
I think you can still qss fizz's ult because it has a slow attached to it
Correct me if I'm wrong
It's tragic watching rioters trying to justify shit like this when they probably don't even believe in what they're doing themselves
noted, just be aware I never played zed before, so was still getting used to the mechanics
both bot laners were in gold, the rest of us were bronze. How do people like that even reach that rank?
you're just playing agaisnt bad zeds
not to mention that if you're in the jungle, you're fucked (unless walljump with krugs if they;re there that is)
Zed isnt as great as yas late game though and cant do as much as yas can in teamfights
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 3 slots
password is vidya
They probably will, now that Visage's regen has been buffed and this core build covers all necessary resistances and gives the CDR cap.
IBG still grants 20% cdr, no? Or is it only 10%?
lulu need not apply, ugly yordle
it fixes a lot of shit
rageblade now costs another 1k, devourer is no longer piss easy to get
worst part is it ruins my tryndamere top lane, am I gonna have to rush BOTRK now?
>playing a game who's company hires sjws who don't even play the game to come up with new stuff for the game
>playing a game where the balance team is composed of low silvers who only play a few games a week and basically don't have an understanding of the game
>playing a game that's literally dying
Do AS runes have any effect on pantheon?
I just started a game with AS runes on him and I only seemed to have the base AS.
xth for Cute Vi
Destroyer of Worlds Edition
Yeah dude, I haven't seen a good Zed in ages. Even if they snowball early they just start feeding at some point, negating what ever advantage they had. Honestly I wish they gave Zed better late game in exchange for worse early/mid. For me it's not fun to play a character that has a clock on him.
no, cuck
Will Veigar be a premaban now?
Wait did they remove the AOE? So hurricane rageblade ADCs are dead?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 3 slots
password is vidya
>making shurima great again
ayy lmao
sometimes i wonder what a Riot would look like if they didn't think they always knew better than the players
Lulu a cute
This ship is better
This may be Chromas all over again.
People who played the Skarner reowork on PBE also said Skarner felt like shit, then he had a 68% win rate. You know PBE is mostly Bronze and Silver players, right? I'm not even memeing
The post I made on leddit about the photoshopped splash of Taliyah's that an user did here keeps getting downvoted, but it's still staying above the 0 line.
Looks like all of reddit isn't cucks after all.
>Jinx nerfs
>Hey guys I've heard that some people are complaining that there's no use for champion shards if they own every champ, how should we fix this?
>we haven't had a yordle champion in years
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 2 slots left
password is vidya
Taliyah's passive is genuinely really fucking cool. It's uniquely interactable and actually changes the way you play the game, forcing you to put some thought into your positioning. Not some boring 3 hit proc shit or dumb minigame that most champs get these days. I'm quite pleased.
also forgot
>being more and more casualized with the removal of solo q, rank basically means nothing, proof being that my skill limit is mid plat yet I got to diamond 3 this season using cancer queue
>mfw know people who were hard stuck in silver/gold who are now in plat
Yordles were a mistake
I want my ADC to hold my hand on the way back to lane for safety measures.
Oh hey, I was one of the people who noticed that!
Mad Dummy has 2 minutes in game and they set him up to be a russian machine gun, yada yada yada..
You can't go below 0 votes in reddit.
What is the most based gamemode and why is it
[Spoiler] One For all [/Spoiler] ?
Less than two years
I don't think league is dying. I don't even think league is capable of dying. It's the number one game on twitch, it's f2p and it's kinda easy to get into. And it's fun with friends. It'll just keep self-sustaining until better f2p games appear.