/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steamgroup. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steamgroup, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, May 4th:
1493 – Pope Alexander VI divides the New World between Spain and Portugal along the Line of Demarcation.
1799 – Fourth Anglo-Mysore War: The Battle of Seringapatam: The siege of Seringapatam ends when the city is invaded and Tipu Sultan killed by the besieging British army, under the command of General George Harris.
1814 – Emperor Napoleon I of France arrives at Portoferraio on the island of Elba to begin his exile.
1945 – World War II: The German surrender at Lüneburg Heath includes all Wehrmacht units in the Netherlands, Denmark and northwest Germany.

HoI4 DD54 - AI

EU4 DD April 28

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>EU4 - BDSM

>>[CK2 - 2.4.5] - After The End

>>[V2] - 7 Years v0.1

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 21/03/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

>>[CK2] The Winter King v1.3.2

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/vg/search/text/the most cancerous thing about hearts of iron games,/

Nicholas II

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Ignore the autist bellow me

Reminder to build bureaucrats and encourage liquor factories.

Mods look at our older thread
We have a proper pic
The thread made before the bump limit uses a bait image
Don't delete this, let us choose


>not using adblock

legit thread here

just like this one :^)

And the same old bait


>people still don't use adblock

Anyway gimme a good HoI3 nation that isn't commonly played


buy it before it's too late

The 2 adblocks I used (not op of pic) replaced the ads with their own ads. If Im going to do that I might as well give cash to the websites.

Not him but that's played quite commonly


Reminder that Johan destroyed this family.


you took my post you faggot

Why are there so many civil wars on /gsg/?

Becuase literal autism

Never had that problem with AdBlock plus

Because there are 3 steam groups and 2 discord groups dedicates to shit this place

Washington has fallen! Vive la commune!

It's not really Johan's fault though

Is this KR?



>more horses than trucks

Stale meme
Should go to the shitposter thread, they are having a wonderful time with this shit there


What the fuck is this Arumba meme. What did he do to his family or whatever?

r8 my europe

>blaming everything you don't like on Der Erwige Steamgrüppe again

Here we go again

There's literally nothing wrong with it


not quite senpai


>Spanish Galicia
>groß Rum
>that fucking border in Hungary
>Spanish Netherlands
>Swedish Estonia
It's shit, lad.

>Create groups dedicated to shit this place, founded by shitposters or that were involved in shitposting
>Surprised when people blame them for shit

He blogged about his life

>20 unique posters vs only 11

>disunited Germany

They are really trying to damefah activity there though
The op got desperate when he saw mods didn't delete the proper thread

>didn't even mention poleniums
t. piast

I don't know how that thread managed to stay up with the obvious image to incite some drama

>product of the Hebrews

l a l

what's even funnier is a proper thread was made, but jannies deleted it almost instantly

Mods wouldn't lurk so much to catch the nuances of that
It's subtle


>dude, literally the only reason these groups got created is to destroy this place!!!!!

Appearances can be so deceiving

Shit meant samefag

He went to the psychiatric after throwing his kid off a tree and was diagnosed with autism, so he started having anti-depresive medicines that made him argue with a soccer referee because his wife was cheating on him with the referee, then he started ranting about it twitter saying that he took of his ring and showing pictures of his family saying that "appearances can be so deceiving" and now he's playing Stellaris MP with Wiz and crew declaring war in Fallen Empires day 1.

Because there's no rule about using the same OP image repeatedly on Veeky Forums and /gsg/ is the only general that tries to enforce such a thing.

t. Steamgroup

Jannies can't normally identify the proper thread unless someone puts porn in the OP

What are the essential mods for Victoria II? Are there any overhauls that generally improve the game like how M&T does for EU4?

Posting mapshit to grab attention.

Holy shit I really hope that most of this is a joke.

>arumba shit

Not again

HPMeme is pretty much the best one.

Where were you when the Moorish Empire fell?

HPM for V2 or NNM

HPM does fix more shit than NNM though and it has more stuff

better map lad

t. ddrjake
we don't care about you, ArumbaXShen is the only officially sanctioned /gsg/ combo

the most cancerous thing about hearts of iron games, is that population is completely irrelevant. it doesn't even exist to begin with as a mechanic. only indirectly via the manpower pool. thus, a luxemburg with 10 factories will be able to produce way more than a china with 2 factories. now that i think of it, factories are a stat. they don't even need to be manned. you can actually have more factories than your population.

the absolute best way of simulating production, factories and population belongs to victoria 2. unless hearts of iron 4 takes some ideas from it, it is going to be their 4th cancerous game of the series

т. Alex Grandi

>You will never have glorious turks conquer your land and make you convert to Islam forcefully ever again


I prefer HPM

aka Alexmod

>non-contiguous germany

deal breaker

best grand strategy for beginner? I think ill start with EU4
playing Age of empires right now but im completely new to the genre

Nice copy paste a bro I award you 2 meme points.

We get it, you are proud of your pasta
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/text/the most cancerous thing about hearts of iron games,/

As a Vicky kid this liquor meme really annoys me because I enjoy Victoria 2. I stand firm in my belief that however flawed the vickyconomy is it's still far and away the greatest grand strategy game of all time and the people pushing this meme are just jealous they don't understand the input, throughout and output techs.

It is not.
>Arumba's twitter
>Referee rant
>Medication explanation
>Stellaris MP Arumba autism (Minute 11:30)

Please have the OP updated next thread

Rest In Presseuns Germaniums

>u just dont understand the economy only enlightened lads like me can

pls give the template for that map. it's gorgeous

You mock me but I have seen liquormemers such as yourself explain why the economy was flawed and in their explanations they should a complete ignorance towards the mechanics of the game.

that is the template, modify it lad

pls answer :((

Read the OP image

Holy shit poor guy.

>le poor paradox shit eater
Sure is reddit in here lately.

Why was the Nickypost deleted?

tupac alive in cuzco
tupac make fast rap cuzco
we will war you

Suprise, the report and ignore autist is the janny.

Because the janny is

>a man is not deserving of pity once his life breaks absolutely the fuck down because he doesn't chimp the fuck out at a company that makes videogames like an absolute autist

wow ok

Hey Guys, whats the best /gsg/ game to conquer Infidels and force them kaffir to convert to Islam

lads my HPM crashes everytime I try to select soldiers
what gives

>/gsg/ game

You aren't using the new patch or you are using a very old hpm version

What does /gsg/ think about Francisco Pizarro?

flag mod m8

>arguing for basic human decency in /gsg/
Sure is reddit in here lately.

/gsg/ is with Arumba, faggot

Why is no one telling steam shitters to fuck off anymore?

me on the middle

Looking for sexy Russias with hot borders