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>Open Beta
May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9

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game is fun but not for some

haha yes good

I'll post a picture of my nipple with a face drawn on it in pick or green pen if somebody gives me a key

why am i constantly matched with brand new players

this is honestly so fucking infuriating

never forget widowmaker

post picture first and we'll see

xth for mei the best all around character in the game

having one on your team is a-mei-zing

>Never really play Healers in games, usually find it boring
>Decide to give Lucio and Mercy a try
jesus FUCK those two are fun
having someone who is literally straight out of Jet Set Radio, and then a hyper mobile healer, blizzard somehow made me want to start playing healers a lot more

>it's a "I make up imaginary scenarios in my head and try to use them as valid arguments about the game's balance" episode

Why would people preorder this despite knowing nothing about how to play it or FPS's in general?

Teach me how to carry objective game modes when my whole team:
>picks any combination of: Reaper, McCree, Widowmaker
>the enemy team has at least a Winston but typically a Winston/D.Va + Reinhardt on offense or defense, and a Torbjorn and Bastion+Reinhardt combo on defense

Tier list for comp 6's

Lucio, McCree


Mercy, Reinhardt, Widowmaker, Winston

Zarya, Symmetra, S76, Genji, Junkrat, Reaper, Pharah, Zenyatta

Torbjorn, D.Va, Roadhog, Bastion, Hanzo, Mei

Source: gosugamers.net

hide mei threads
ignore mei posts
do not reply to mei posters

>"I'm ready to start a Blizzard™!"

C'mon, REALLY?

The best support is Zenyatta. Fact.
>passively heals with orb of harmony but unlike Lucio doesn't need to hold his teamates dick by standing right next to them to do it. Just needs to be able to see them no matter how far they are.
>Also only heals 10 less per second than mercy
>Lucio only heals 12 per second which is nothing
>Can actually fight back unlike mercy and can get kills
>orb of discord > Mercys Attack boosting staff
>instead of only that 1 ally doing more damage every ally does more damage against the target with doom orb
>Tanks are soft as fuck with it
>ultimate insta heals everyone in it pretty much and no ally will die next to you while it's active

In what universe is Winston good.

>try brawl
>every game the defenders have a perfect composition for defending no matter how much they die
>attackers are always a bunch of random bullshit that doesn't work together

Nice "random"

Is a widowmaker nerf inevitable or are they really going to let her keep that damage output?

the MM has been total fucking trash for me ever since the preorder beta

every game is shit like this

i used to have pretty good hidden MMR in quick play (i'd often meet pros and shit) but now it's all gone to shit

big boy teams will run 2 winstons to fuck up the back row while the rest of the team does objectives and frags

Tier list for pro gaming

Brood War

Quake, Smash


LoL, DotA

TF2 """"""""""""""""""""""""pros""""""""""""""""""""""""

In the universe where you git gud and you're not a widowmaker / mcree / reaper / bastion shitter.

kys :)

in the competitive universe

Why the fuck is the 3rd best support at the top. Fuck that tier. Lucio is shit

>every defense round I pick attack characters
>most of the team is attack as well
>no one switches
>I'm not switching because fuck you
>somehow we lose
Its everyone elses fault fuck you I want to play who I want you guys carry fuck you

He's the best Widowmaker counter in the game, besides a better Widowmaker. She cannot snipe with a face full of fat monkey dick.

In the universe where people play Winston as a backline disrupter instead of a frontline tank.
>the universe people know how to play Winston

>Widowmaker/Hanzo POTG

>Smash at the same level as Quake and above literally anything else on that list

>one last game before bed
>cant go to bed with a lose
>I know I'll go full tilt now and lose the next 5 games in a row until I give up or fall asleep on the keyboard

>smash higher than FGC

I like Mei's design, but the glasses just go against her nerdy personality and it ruins it for me.
I'm not saying they are problem glasses, but they are too trendy for a geek like her.

Do her skins give her more suitable glasses?

What are your Overwatch OTPs, anons?
Tracer/Widowmaker seems pretty popular, tough I'm not a fan of it myself since I don't like Tracer.

>lose game hard
>next game
>lobby shuffles the 2 retards out of the enemy team into my team and gives enemy team the 2 new guys that joined instead of the guys that left



Why is Dva so unfun to play

Is it her speed? Her zero killing power?

>Smash above anything on that list besides LoL and TF2

>31 years old
What the fuck.

>Her zero killing power?
that oen

Mercy and me.

It's rare, but some people legit need glasses like that to see well.

Symettra needs to be remade because she's boring as shit.

There needs to be more teleporter/mobility boosting heroes in general because I hate Lucio for his personality so fuck playing him.

>literally 72 hp/s healing passively across his whole team
>can boost it to 240 hp/s with a CD
>can switch to speed boost when mobility > health

so if i pre order now i will get cucked and have to wait until the 5th anyway right?

fuck off thick rimmed glasses have always been a nerd thing

just because numale cancers and feminist whores wear them now does not mean shes one of them

shes like the polar opposite of degenerate

Wow, it's like half the inputs of a real fighting game. Great example user.

Your lack of skill.

"""""""""""""""""""air footsies"""""""""""""""""""

>Why is Dva so unfun to play
Forced weebshit for lonely autistic virgins
I'm good with my fampai Junkrat

Why is he so f.u.n ?

Hey guys!

Should I get this game? Is it fun? And does it have replayability?
Is it worth the 60$? Or is there anyplace where I can get it cheaper?


play it tomorrow for $0 and make your own decision

Dva's attack damage is so fucking pitiful that she actually cannot kill a Soldier 76 sitting in his healing AOE.


so close

Nah, TF2 is identical and free
Steam, look for tf2

>d.va is a professional sc2 player
>one of her abilities is boosters


Open beta right? Thanks m8!

My username is Espigao#2503 in case anyone wants to play with a shitter.


if you mean useless bullshit you can grind for then not really

Junkrat looks really fun
But i think ill just be pure Genji main
Reinhardt if we desperately need a tank

She should just be a Portal character. Give her a second weapon like Mercy has, left click orange right click blue. Can only put on walls, not floors and ceiling. Only from melee range. Done.

I was more asking in a way of it being for for a long period of time and not getting stale fast (like HoTS for example)

As long as the unlocks are all cosmetic then idgaf

Why does Reinhardt seem like the only good frontline tank? Is Roadhog suppose to be good at the front?

D.Va and Winston are obviously for disrupting the backline and fucking up their attackers.

He heals 12 per second. That's nothing. He's shit. Mercy does 50 and Zyn does 40. And they don't need to be right next to their ally to do it. They can be further.

Reminder that any hero that takes control away from the opposing player, unless the ability is piss easy to dodge, is poor game design.

>McRee's flashbang

Less than 24 hours until the real open beta starts.

roadhog is just shti

Unlockables are
Taunts,Victory poses,Skins,Voice lines Sprays and logos

>all thesemain faggots from super smash bros

you are going to play this casually, right?

Roadhog is so damn fat you can't shoot the McCree and Lucio standing behind him, and he pulls your squishies to their frontline.

You could just make that a different character.
Some people like how Symettra plays; if you completely change how she plays, that's shitty to people who like her right now.


Multiply by 6 because he's healing his whole team. 72 per second. His AoE is pretty good range too, he just needs LoS like your beloved Zenyatta and Mercy.

>see Tracer
>stickyjump to her
>pull out my massive bear trap
>laugh as she gets stuck while going back in time
>literally bomb her ass like some old guy on the train
>player changes hero the moment he dies

Oh Junkrat you the best

>Turn a corner
>McRee right there in your face

May as well walk away from the computer.

>everything is reset
>people who've never played before just want to play

what did you expect

I can't wait! Hold me, Mercy!

I unironically like edgy designs, how do I reap

Putting traps in the Tracer flank routes and spamming them to death when they trigger them is my favorite thing as Junkrat.

teleport behind the enemy team
shoot them in the back/side
go into wraith form and run away when they focus you

Shoot stuff until they die, including tanks.

tfw you suck at everyone

that dragon ult is fucking skilless

also if you pick widow/reaper when there already is one uninstall the game and play COD instead

Teleport behind them, kill two squishies, wraith form out while spamming hello, then push with your team because you actually do good DPS and can left click tanks to death

Mercy or Zyn could heal their whole team more effectively by just switching their targets. I'd rather have one of them on my team instead of Lucio

The game is incredibly laggy, though it appears to be constant stutters rather than desyncs over several seconds.


there are actually times where it's right to have 2 reapers on your team but who cares you just came here to be mad

There are two dragon ults, Genji's and Hanzo's, but you're still right

>dragon ult
Literally just walk away from whatever objective/chokepoint you are on, it's probably the worst ult in the game.

Reinhardt has a 2000HP shield, Winston got his shield nerfed from 1000 to 600. Roadhog just has health and D'Va is fucking paper because LMAO HUGE HEAD

what if widowmaker's gun was bolt action or did very little damage if it was less than 50 charged

at least most of dva's health is armor

It's fine. Learn to monkey trouble.

>get a sick black hole triple kill outside Anubis spawn to swing the game in our advantage
>PotG is Mercy left clicking me during it

I may absolutely suck with D.VA but I really like playing as her.



Doesn't matter with how insane the damage output in this game is. I feel like any offense character but like fucking Tracer can just man up on D'Va and out DPS her.

They need to make it do less damage that's my problem. She shouldn't 1 shot Zyn with a basic attack. That's bullshit. Not an ability. Just a badic attack

> Its another "I get all golds and am playing as hard as I can at the objective and my team is pure ass" episode
