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i dpnt understand

I have a key to trade if anyone is interested

that's some shit art

>Regularly get top damage as fucking Winston with shit like McCree and Reaper on my team
Boggles my mind.

Do not attract thick fags please.

There is literally no counter against 2 Meis on defense

Why are duplicate heroes allowed?


So who's the top, Roadhog or Junkrat?

My bet's on Roadhog. I like the idea of the older, grizzled bodyguard banging his skinny charge.

he's not that good and tracer is very good and will only die if very unlucky or piloted by a bad player

Is any one else getting random disconnects?

i dont think ive played a single game without widowmaker on my team


>Get top damage
>As Reinhardt
>With Junkrat/Bastion on my team


In Overwatch, objectives are captured or protected in the following manners:

>staring really hard at it
>shooting in its general direction
>healing the people doing that
>chasing opponents
>sniping opponents


Give me ONE good reason to play this shit game over Battleborn.


I want Mercy to hold me tight and tell me it's okay to play Support.

I just want to monkey around but it's really god damn hard to carry when you do almost zero damage.

It's almost like there's only 1 sniper or something

Dude it's been like 20 years and people still fight on the roads in AB. No level of sarcasm is going to make you feel better.

how do i spend coins

Why is he so cute?

>can't aim for shit
>just play splash damage/melee characters

How much health do the training bots have in the shooting range?

Battleborn is already dead

save em for full release, can buy skins, emotes, shit like that.

i feel like im getting worse the more i play

but user, it is ok to play support

>You can put a fucking turret on the payload

Who in their right fucking mind thought this would be balanced

Do you really want to be dealing with gearboxs humor?

1-3 Carbon Fiber D.Va
4-6 Amber Mercy
7-9 Anubis Pharah
0 Wight Reaper

>tfw you realize that the people playing overwatch will be the same fucking garbage playing unranked battlegrounds in WoW

more like Stillborn

Battleborn is a MOBA, Overwatch isn't. You should play Battleborn

Just play Tracer, if you can find your E key you'll kill people by sheer annoyance if not bullets.

What's the point of voting for cards at the end? Do you get anything?

Pro arenashooter guys.

Can you reload cancel? Or any type of cancels...?

They're gonna get wiped

That's how every game is, you cant escape it.

>54% of teams' damage taken healed by me
>0 commends
absoplutely epic



expect them to be removed if someone figures any out

Let's see you do better

cancel your own life nerd

>That person that always go lone wolf into the enemy team and dies
>Doesn't ever communicates in any way
>Person constantly just spawns and dives right in again and again regardless of objectives

Are there already bots that are in the matchmaking or something? I swear sometimes people are just AI.

What the fug is the point of the pink haired tank chick? She seems strictly worse than all the rest.

>hey I know let's make tons of chokepoints those are fun
>let's also make unlimited ammo lol

you doin it for the e-kudos bud?

>those fucking hips

my brain says that's not how proportions work but my dick says tfw no gf

>its an everyone gives up at the last second and lets the enemy get on the point when we were crushing them game

she is the enigma of this game. has a black whole ult and thats it

>Get a pretty cool 1v3, expect it to be the play of the game
>Game ends
>Play is a Bastion firing down a hallway while everyone walks into his line of fire

Shits out damage at full charge. Best ult in the game. Difficult to kill if you're good.

>mfw was /in/ since February
>mfw wrecking all these noobs in Open beta and carrying my entire team

No, bullshit. I've played plenty of games online, including BR infested mobas, and nothing, NOTHING compares to the incompetence of WoW players in unranked battlegrounds. We're talking about people who get routinely outskilled by bots which do nothing but run towards objectives and stand on them/click them. Not even fight or heal or try to run. No, they just fucking do nothing but go for objectives which are impossible to capture if someone even looks at you funny and they still win against those retards.

>team doesn't actually try to push until the last 30 seconds of the game

who is best hero and why is it lucio

>Play Monkey
>Shit weapon
>Shit barrier that shatters almost instantly, or just doesn't last long enough
>Shit Ultimate only used for smacking people around

When does Winston get fun?

her shield boosts the damage and width of her beam

I don't think that's explained in-game though

>Junkrat weapon accuracy
Good shit.

Is it possible to Q from Reinheardts charge? or do I need to hit it then Q when Im done with the animation?

When you find a Widowmaker and fuck her face until she switches.
He's just bad in pubs because nobody's gonna capitalize on you monkeying around.

>Set a player to avoid
>Day later he's on my team
Fuck off blizzard.

This happens more often than not.

>Game where we are getting shit on as attackers
>Can't capture first point
>Team makes a big desperation push at 30 sec and cap it
>Then proceed to cap the last point within a minute

We honestly should not had won that but whatever?

>Being a healslut without getting your cumshot
literally pointless

>it's a your team doesn't even get 1 percent of point capture time episode

Find a Widowmaker and give her the hot monkey dick.

roadhog is op

I must be becoming shit at FPS or something. I was Supreme and Global elite for a month or two in CSGO.

Now I'm getting fucked left and right, constantly. I tried tracer but every single person just insta-headshots me as soon as i get close


add me if you wanna play.


someone post KEYS

>forced to healbot every match because nobody else wants to pick support

L-Lucio is fun and all, but I want to try playing Mei_!

Okay. I forgot I can't play Pharah well anyways

Play Zen and shit damage

Completely different skillset.

Get gud by playing and practicing

How about NOPE?

lucio is my go to support as well

literally just sit there and amp it up every so often and im on fire the whole match

i thought you were talking about Lucio for a couple seconds

>Play Zen and be shit

Fixed that for you

Don't think so, I still have mine from the stress test weekend.

Does saying that actually make you feel better?


Try soldier 76 and widowmaker

>play mei
nice game overwatchtards

Will there be an actual good way to get coins?
Or just hope you get them from every level up box

>open a purple
>it's fukken dosh

I don't know how I feel about this



Betcha there'll be a cash shop at launch

You can't do anything while charging except change your direction slightly.

>It's only like 200 coins

does anyone know when the junkrat comic is coming out?

The game crashes for me everytime I get to the character select screen when entering a game.

Is my computer really that bad or is there something I can do to fix this?

what kind of answer is that

im saying someone always picks widow

>kill 4 people with my sword as genji

>faggot reaper just shoots 2 people with his shotgun and gets potg

fucking retarded braindead hero

post specs

>japan map
>B site
>they camp out with 3 bastions, one torbjorn and one hanzo and one widow
>only save ults for when we actually successfully push

This game's starting to not be fun anymore

>I don't know how to play Junkrat

That's Tamyra, or Nicoleships.

She's into BDSM and big asses.

>wait 5 minutes in skirmish with no one to shot
>it puts me in game
>instantly see defeat
>don't even show up on victory pose screen
>0 xp

Thanks Blizzard

do you want an arena fps? play overwatch
do you want a moba fps? play battleborn
who are the retards that seriously think these are even the same genre