OT: Reminder to send your suggestions about thick champions wearing tiny bikinis for the contest, it's the last day!
OT: Reminder to send your suggestions about thick champions wearing tiny bikinis for the contest, it's the last day!
Other urls found in this thread:
Taliyah is ugly and NOT waifu material
I want to RAPE Riven!
3rd for Cute Vi
MSI Edition
>looks in general
Personality has nothing to do with decision making
fuck. karma a cute. must be the light skin
Holy shit I just wanna watch a few games before I go to bed.
I want to RAPE Riven!
>no zed nerfs
Based as fuck, it's all she's good for.
All Karmas are cute!
If you love her panties so much then what do they smell like?
I want to sit on trundlefag's face
jesus christ go get laid
Fuck off, LeBlanc, you fat bitch. I hope you die of diabetes you fucking grotesque tumor.
33 sexualized champions? Eve, MF, Elise, Nidalee, Zyra and maybe Sivir(because of her clothes) are the only champs that flaunt their sexuality or do witty/flirtty comments. I kinda want to reply to him and go all "now you're slut shaming the other females just for having a more curvy body, bla bla bla, nice double standards bla bla bla". Fucking cancer.
t. zed main
Xth for Shaunamir
Rose Eden flowers~
10/10 taste, sir. she loves you too very very much.
So Bengi has been reduced to the team's pet now. Doesn't he feel bad about being a joke?
I wonder who's behind this post...
Is there an item as useless as Warmogs? There is literally no point in taking 8 seconds out of combat when backing takes 7 and you have homeguards.
this is quality. was the green screen intentional, as well?
He gets paid to be a meme and close games when Blank is tilting
That sounds like a pretty good life from my perspective
considering the huge ass paycheck he probably gets, nah
Only 3 games with him. Sorry to disappoint.
Disclaimer: I'm not sorry and you're both faggots.
>sand nigger champ can plant IEDs
who came up with this shit
Will Taliyah be cancer?
Now, I love women with wide hips. It's my thing. Mal Malloy ma girl
But jesus christ that picture is ridiculous
Why are insulting le Balanced lady of visual illusions through her looks instead of through gameplay?
Are you gay?
>Rose Eden flowers~
Wrong, Annie's Panties smell like Spaghetti-O's
It's for sieging as a tank. Go in the battle, fuck people up, wait a bit, do it again and try to bleed the enemy out. This doesn't really work in practice though. it's not too great because HP isn't very useful, you want armor or mr as well. Adding 10% CDR might be enough to make it a good item.
Every champion is cancer
Yes. Even that champion is cancer. Even the one you are thinking.
All champions are cancer.
I already wrote the suggestions I wanted and I'm all out of ideas, though
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>Hecarim nerfed into the ground aka fucking bugged and no chance of fixes because he's not in the meta
>Revive removed
>Homeguard removed
>Fuck it, lets remove all the other boot enchantments
and thats on top of
>DFG Removed
>Fun Tristana Removed
>Fun Veigar Removed
>Syndra killed due to DFG Removed
Why do they do this to spite me
nice to see you back ahricuck
This is now an Ahri thread
post cutes not lewds
what part of her kit looks like cancer
Looking at these Taliyah livestreams, this bitch isn't good. Her range is shit and the Worked Ground or whatever fuckin limits her. Her damage is shit, and she doesn't fit the role of a carry or a support. They class her as "Control Mage" but Zyra is the same but way better. I'd seriously save your RP or IP until they buff her.
who are you rooting for at memeSI user?
ahricuck? you mean the cuck that the mods ban the moment he ever identifies himself? i have no idea who you're talking about.
She'd be hotter if she wasn't the epitome out of cancer.
Would rape from behind and leave a fragile mess/10
>can knockup people in the direction she wants on a probably low cooldown
>Save your IP
>When I already have >48k saved up for her
Her ult creating terrain can guarantee kills on champs that can't get over walls.
Say what you want about her QWE, I'm calling it now she'll be broken because of her ult. Her ult is like the bastard lovechild of Nocturne and J4.
>Fun Veigar removed
Nigger you best be joking.
>Poke enemies with your spells
>Get AP
>Last hit with Q
>Get AP
>Ult changed from AP of enemy to Percent health
>Ult now an execute for all champs
>Not fun
anyone but SKT, fucking boring gooks take the fun out of everything
She is only bad when you are on the receiving end!
Flexing on a confused kid as LeBlanc is majestic.
I don't play lb, but what the fuck does she have anything to do with this? Zed fucks everybody in the ass, he's just annoying and the item changes this patch will just be helping him even more.
>DFG removed
wasn't this removed like a year ago?
Why was Ahricuck banned? I assumed he just got bored and left
Why ban Ahricuck and not ban Lulufag or Lissandrafag who are a fucking blight upon the thread
>B-but but Faker
Yeah i agree, i don't care who wins, just no more fuckin Faker or SKT
this is the post of a man who has been j4'd to many times
demacia my nigga
you mean corki package?
Which female LEGAL LEGENDS would be the most satisfying to sexually mindbreak?
Ahricuck as in Slutty Fox?
CLG to get out of groups
Because he and his fetish disgust people and gets reported.
Slutty fox is a faggot ERPer
Ahricuck just wanted to be cucked by Ahri
He'd make at most like 1 post in the thread
Slutty fox was pure cancer who just shitposted relentlessly about ERPing like ImThem does
CLG and Flash Wolves
Only teams worth rooting for
>tfw I'm looking forward to SKT Azir
i want to be on the receiving end of leblanc if you know what i mean
judging from what i've seen on streams it's about as effective as ziggs' knockup
it also pushes people away and over walls if you fuck it up
i can't see taliyah being good or competitively viable desu senpai
I can try.
>decide to play aram to wind down from ranked tilt
>get good champ, someone dodges
>happens 4 more times
>get shitty champ and the game starts
how frequent were swains birdies previously?
does this affect his single target damage a lot?
it says they cant attack the same target more than once each second
I would root for CLG but I know they're going to get stomped through out this tournament so I'm trying to distance myself from them mentally as much as possible.
>ERPing like ImThem does
are you sure you know what that word means?
>tfw Easyhoon and VG won't ever make it to worlds because they have the shittiest Chinese botlane
>tfw VG is too cheap to buy Uzi off of a collapsed QG
The most principled and proud ones, maybe Caitlyn or Sejuani?
>furries still here
>fags still here
>futafags still here
Everyone wants to do lewd things with LeBalanced.
>i can't see taliyah being good or competitively viable desu senpai
You say that now
But think about all of the mid-lane to bot-lane ganks that could happen. Or Ways they could catch out a target who was split pushing.
It's practically a teleport, creates a huge fucking wall (That does last awhile) while Taliyah comes with some power of her own.
i'm surprised they somehow managed to push swain even further into the ground
Add me for ERP
IGN: ImThem
Zed's kit is only inbalanced because of ratios and Maw of Malmortius being gay retarded.
Zed can get his numbers brought down to make him less cancer. LeBlanc will always stay as she is because of Riot's "respect towards old champions."
>15 mins till MSI
who's ready for some CLOWN FIESTAS?
Breast waifu!
>Slutty fox was pure cancer who just shitposted relentlessly about ERPing like ImThem does
nigga you what?
Butt waifu.
i've never seen him post anything like that in the last 10 months or so and i browse the general a lot.
in fact, slutty fox was the only one I've seen even talk about erp(in one or two threads, noting excessive)
I'm not. I was actually enjoying all the waifuposting. This thread is gonna be shit now that everyone will start talking about the game again.
Imagine how satisfying it would be to cuck her.
They should be an item that gives +30 MR and tenacity/cdr
>Null Magic Mantle + Forbidden Idol + 900g
>people unironically thinking G2 will be anything but dead last
Balance is weakness.
*kills your entire team, teleports to a shadow and makes it out alive*