Yordle Girls Edition
Old: eyosongive.us
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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xth for Taliyah, best girl.
>tfw no good fanart of her yet
Let's get this shit started
>NA scene
I need Taliyah fan art
xth for views from the stixx
xth for my cute babygirl
bad OP, someone redo this please
I will pen your fucking mom user
i want to FUCK fizz
More like
>Darshawn scene
That was ALL on his poo-covered ass. What the actual fuck was he thinking???
Stixxay's best champ is Cait and he can't even lane with her properly, what the fuck.
>NA scene
Xth for Katarina
best girl
man i got hyphy over an esports game again
i havent gotten hyphy ovr esports in forever
that game was great
>Aurelion Sol first game
>Supposedly we'll be seeing it all tourney
Oooooh boy. Who is up for a circus scene today?
>tfw Taric rework isnt in here.
Stixxay DID do something.
He literally lost them the game.
Xth for changes making breast waifu a midlane poke machine.
>Azir didn't even have a void staff yet
Has CLG ever beat an international team
xth for waifu
RASENGAN -quickshit
/lolg/- naruto general
Daily reminder that tanks are OP and unkillable. Mages need buffs, give them some buffs to ADs too since they will explode with half a spell rotation anyway.
I want sjokz
>NA Boosted scene
>NA scene
Taliyah personality and voice are pure perfection
I think the fact that you can win 1 teamfight in late game and just end off that is a little ridiculous.
No fortify, no buybacks, towers are paper.
Does LoL need buyback? What about Guardian Angel reviving you at base? What about the ability to buyback towers?
Or is it currently fine the way it is?
Personally, I think something needs to be done, I'm not sure what, I'm partial to GA reviving at base but other than that I don't quite know how to tackle this issue.
He plays Caitlyn because he has fucking Zuna level positioning
So he has to play a 700 range AD to avoid walking into the other team (which he still does), and he'll lose a 2v2 against fucking anyone because he's that fucking bad
They beat Jin Air at IEM San Jose
>implying england is relevant
Mata was the MVP that game. Shame that he won't get any recognition for it.
>Sol gets jumped on by Alistar
>Stars reset and does no damage
>Get's E'd by Poppy
>Stars reset and do no damage
>A light breeze
>Stars reset and does no fucking damage
Meanwhile RNG has Azir giftwrapped to them on a silver platter.
Leave it to NA to memepick their chances of winning away. Pick Azir/Maokai for fuck's sake
I feel sad for him, he was carrying and then Darshen went DUDE LMAO IM GOING IN
Maybe next year Stixxay
>build one magic resist item against azir
I bet you build thornmail as your first and only armor item and complain that ad carries still can kick your ass
is that supposed to be akali cosplaying nidalee or something?
I missed the opening ceremony. Was there anything cool? Like that one time they had all those wacky ninja drummers.
>League will never be as good a Dota
>dominated by koreans
>1 kill by 20 minutes
>meanwhile in Dota
>2 kills a minute
>fresh patch
>Manila Major
He's saying Huhi is a shitter!!
>Playing a midlaner without waveclear
>The NA region died for this meme team
Xth for brown girls make the world go round
What does Huhi normally play?
Why did he pick A sol?
>trusting poo in loos
that was your first mistake NA
Games would be 1 Hr + if death timers didn't scale the way they do.
The time when Stixxay died under bot tier two was just as bad.
Even my roommate, who doesn't even know shit about vidya, is asking why these casters are trying so hard to hype up these """""matches"""""" God, fuck this steaming piece of shit.
Just downloaded hearthstone on my phone. How the fuck do I play this? Thanks.
huhi can't play azir for shit
that twitch ban was just questionable, azir is much more threatening than twitch.
this guy lmao
he loves his 特别
You misspelled Nami :^)
>build more MR items
>Azir still destroys you
>Lucian cuts through you even harder
epic advice but le tanks are le op xD
>all subs team
Dota is far more entertaining to watch, especially the casters
>supposed to live in the wild
>giant ugly fake nail
Pobelter and IMT would've won that.
He just got a fucking quadra in a 1v3.
she actually looks fine as fuck there but she has got some manly ass shoulders
because faker played it in soloQ or some shit
Nah, Stixxay lost them the game by trying to frontline at Tier 2 bottom lane turret
The only person better at playing Twitch than Wuxx is Imp
>seeing Aurelion Sol
>after that shitty play from CLG
If anything, this is more flame for the fires that the designer behind fucking Bard and Aurelion Sol shouldn't ever get his hands on another champion again, and that Aurelion legit needs some reworks with his stun and e to actually be viable.
>posting a whitewashed version
I expected better from you, Welding
This is true, but this game had nothing to do with death timers.
>Q getting put on a 5 minute cooldown
>poke machine
You retard theyre GUTTING sonas ability to deal damage in favor of her actual SUPPORT skills.
I think that was more Mata being fucking godlike, that took split-second reaction time to go in like that RIGHT when he took Turret aggro. Darshawn going in was just absolute retardation.
fuck off
>Every game is 60 minutes because you cant go highground
heres your (You) anyway.
>NA scene
doesn't mean anything at all when azir is straight up better than twitch
a good azir is always more welcome than a great twitch
>League will never have WARHAMMER
dont bully she just wants to look cute...
i dont have the dark one saved, someone repost it pls lol
>playing garbagestone
flush yourself my man
>towers are paper
In LoL, you defend towers
In Dota, towers defend you :^)
Yes? The whole point about teamwork is not having one person do everything to win the game.
Building items that covers two kinds of damage isn't feasible by any stretch of the imagination. Tell them to stop getting caught.
it's worse before lvl 5 but it gets lower than it is now
at max it's like a 3.5 sec cd
He got a quadra in a situation where no one fucking hit him because he's playing a 700 range AD and he has fucking Hurricane
Pretty fucking hard to get a quad when no one pays attention to you and you're hitting 3 people people from 700 range you fucking silver trash
I wish TSM got their shit together sooner. There is just no fucking way I'm trusting fucking Huhi and Stixxay against literally every team save for SM. Stixxay at least got back into it thanks to RNG assuming he was dead but Huhi was godawful
Agreed, she hits a lot of my qt zones.
Any PBE bros got the inside scoop on builds for her yet?
She definitely needs cdr, but getting 40% on her isn't too tricky. Mostly I'm not sure if it's more worth to max Q or E first. Spamming Q seems like it could land you in a bad position in lane, so I'm thinking E, but I'm just some unranked theorycrafter.
>le bard is bad meme
Sol is pretty shit though
>tfw Riot is just going to cave to reddit and alter her face to be more Caucasian looking
It's okay Taliyah I'll still love you.
Yeah man just what we need. Not only the early game is complete shit but now teams will refuse to try and siege the enemy base since they will all buyback and rape them back.
Damn man congrats, I cant get out of...
>Devourer jungle is still meta
>Nidalee cannot be played
>Kindred cannot be played
>Yi is must ban
>Any ADC can build Rageblade
>Sightstone is option support item
>all those skulls
looks like dota will never have it either
>NA scene
Why is Stixxay so overrated? He has to rush first item swiftness boots on Caitlyn because he's so fucking shit
2v2 as in laning phase you fuckin monkey nigger
literally hang yourself
>muh assassins burst mages should be able to 100-0 tanks in one rotation!!!!!
>NA has special strategies
oh they're special all right.
xth for Cute Vi
Aphromoo is such a good support that he can make Stixxay look better than he is