Best Cat Edition
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Where the fuck is the thread count?
In the garbage.
Why didn't they make card Dante look more like Dante?
You want Odd-Eyes Phoenix, but then you also want Partnaga. And a rank 5 like Shark Fortress or whatever.
So just make both work.
Will Rescue Cat ever comeback
Because Dante wasn't bishonen enough.
well he has a hat and a red attire...
>do set 4 and set monster
>opponent does Brilliant Fusion into Black Rose, wipes my field, then summons Chaos Max equipped with Megamorph after Upstart
not that user but I fail to see Parnaga/Phoenix/Maguilla Gorilla utility on the deck, care to explain?
Synchros were a mistake, they should ban all synchro monsters.
You were a mistake
fuck of salty Ritualfag
What did he mean by this?
Can't they just print some proper
Warrior -> Dragon
Dragon -> Warrior
support already?
>Quasar can't negate Battle Fader
>Crystal Wing can
I was playing Monarchs.
thats older than dirt
also what is the Buster Blader family?
Key word being proper.
Make an archetype/series of cards that actually work.
The Felgrand Paladin is like the only card that tried but it kind of sucks.
That aint rescue cat
He meant that your use of the Domain lock made your sadistic tendencies extremely clear and that your apologies didn't sound sincere because of it.
anyone? I really want to learn how to play Dracopals and this intrigues me a lot
I thought you were building a performapal deck.
technically I'm building Dracoslayer-Performapal-Odd-Eyes feat Majester Kirin
Is it legal for me to:
XYZ summon tachyon dragon>XYZ Summon full armor photon dragon>Use its effect>XYZ Summon dark matter dragon>Use its eff
Read. The. Cards.
I fucking did you prick, just answer me.
Partnaga's boost is great, and with Shark Fortress and or Odd-Eyes you get double or quadruple the effect.
Phoenix is a searchable low scale with Sky Iris, can be boosted by Unicorn, and can boost other Performapals by 1000 including in the middle of either player's battlephase/damage step. And anther level 5 for for rank 5s.
Whether or not you want to bother with the Gorilla is up to you though. I'd say that card is probably more suitable for stun or more defensively oriented decks.
If you did, you wouldn't be asking that stupid question.
sekrit chaos max tek?
No no, the real Dante
Proto RE 4 is that you?
I really want that mod
Im about to post a complicated three card wombo combo of Chaos Max
already got the best chaos max tech in the game right here
Just need DNA surgery to make MAX plant type
>Cyber Stein
How long is it going to take for them to ban it?
>Cheap Exterio is totally fair guys ;^)
then you have acces to black garden too!
>captcha: Post 2800
ok, 2800
all you need to do is run dodge dragon at 3 plus any card that can SS itself from hand inherently
Make Lightning and punch over Stien for game.
Dude you gotta make this deck and make the baddest plant dragon there ever was
REEEEEEEEEE i'm so sick of these banish decks that kill my dark world deck!!!
I'm switching to monarchs!!!
*buys 3 monarch structure deckS*
Paying 5k in blood is fair ;)
Veiler ;)
Solemn Strike ;)
life points don't matter
So what card sleeves does everyone use?
counter with this ;)
what's this stun shit everyone is talking about latetly? some kind of secret meta or just a dng meme?
Card of Demise made set 5 go hyper degenerate
BA isn't based on DMC.
>playing unranked
>He kills my Scarm in the battle phase just as planned
>End phase I search tour guide
>In my turn I summon tour guide and fiendish rhino warr
>I xyz summon nightmare shark and attack directly
>turns out he afked
>I leave
___________Erick_CM: have fun reading the comments about your loss you cunt, i already posted the screenshots..... maybe someday you will learn how to play correctly
Erick_CM has logged out
Such salt...
Name and shame?
This type of shit happens everytime. This isn't shaming worthy.
and... what does exactly? backrow full of counters? or floodgates?
what if we add Kaiser Colisseum to control the field along Black Garden? and Cactus Bouncer can work as an Elemental Statue, Blue Rose Dragon, Lonefire blossom and World Carrotweight champion help with field advantage, Glow-Up, Spore and Dandilion help with synchros, now we only need a way to dump some extra plants to the graveyard... vanilla plants + Advanced ritual Art maybe?
>lost to Blue-Eyes Performage Clowns
I don't know what's going with this game anymore...
What is this mammary gardener from?
But they have Vergil too
Virgil was a real life Roman poet, and is featured in Dante's Divine Comedy as a guide.
They have demons too. In fact, Dante sends the demons to the grave literally.
>tfw digital bugs look cool and are fun as fuck to play
>tfw they're shit
konami WHY???
they have unicorns too infact a lot of people are into unicorns/horses. infact they wanna have sex with em.
And Dante's the completely original name of a fictional character from DMC. So therefore, it can be safely assumed that the Divine Comedy is a DMC spinoff.
I got attached to the little fucker in the sneek peek (got two of their XYZ super and nearly every one else) that I keept them, sadly I realized that they where shit, they are still hanging out with the rest of the cards I keep for collection...
>Divine Comedy is a DMC spinoff
/dng/ sometimes
It predates Columbus discovering America
You guys have a Digital Bug petdeck? I've been digging their designs a fuckton even if they're shit.
This is what I built with what I had lying around IRL, no TwTw unfortunately though. Not sure on a side deck yet either.
Just stick the XYZ's into something worth playing.
This is either next gen shitposting or retardation.
xenophobic xyz
sort of, I still have everything needed to built it, but is't in pieces among the rest of my collection/disbanded main decks/disbanded petdecks/random cards I keep for myself
Their biggest problem seems to be that they NEED another bug to do anything, they can't do anything on their own.
All of their xyzs ask for light insects as mats, best you can do is splash brilliant+the butterfly into things.
dng i've been out too long, and I still don't know exactly how pendulums work but I heard you can special summon any amount of monsters with it right? Maybe that can help this old deck I used to really like.
Help me out here, what pendulums can make this deck faster? What other cards?
Please no delete deck
They all rank up so just summon Giga Brilliant with whatever good R3 engine you can squeeze in and then rank up. I'm sure though that some secret techs exist but I would first need to know what the win condition is before I looked.
Forcing things into def and raping them, that's their whole game plan.
haven't played since 2010
what the FUCK happened to yugioh
I want to mess around with statue stun, someone can give me a list
It got better.
Use the Empowered Warrior pendulums, they work well. You could also add in the ones that give bonuses to normal monsters, such as Lancephorhynchus and Dragon Horn Hunter. Decide if you are using equip cards for things like Evocator and Phoenix and then look into some like Fusion Sword Murasame Blade. The only Gemini specific support cards that are worthwhile at all are Herculean Power and Supervise. Might want to try double summon as well
Giving the XYZ Monsters effects through the Effect Monsters being materials then raping shit while it's in DEF mode.
>inb4 MUH 40 CARDS
There IS an Upstart you can take out.
>getting baited this hard
alright, looking the cards up as we speak so i can edit
thanks man
Upstart reduces the probability of drawing a monster off Card of Demise. You can set it to get the draw next turn.
No problem, hope it works out and post it here when you finish it. Might want to tech in some Monarch cards too like Stormforth. Look at some of the beta cards on YGOPro like Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight, Spell Strider, and Silent Swordsman.
That's a little too much lol, I'm just gonna make a gemini-empowered warrior deck, it seems the most optimal
wish i could find a way to abuse supervise tho
It's assuredly the former. There's no fucking way you could even namedrop the Divine Comedy without knowing how fucking old it is.
Ive only been to locals.
But is it true that I can get DQed from Regionals from telling the opponent to clean himself up/put on some deoderant ??
This one morbidly obese guy won't fucking pull up his pants and practically quarter mooned me when he was walking up the stairs, holy shit he has a long ass toenail that's black af
post lightsworn decks
>is it true that I can get DQed from an official Konami event by making other players feel unwelcome?
Yes, you can. I'm in agreement with you, a lot of these people are fucking disgusting. But it isn't your place to tell them that. Wait until the event is over.
What is this dragon?!
>A shitty commercial for a childrens card game of a dragon made from 3DS MAX program
>Wanting to know what it is
Grow up.
But what if it ends up being as good or even better than The Lightning?
>open THREE (3) Tenki
Just equip armades with moon and mirror shield.