This was on /b/ a while ago, Thoughts?
Also, sorry for the shit resolution.
Half Life 3
My thoughts are that it came from b
Hm... It looks like it's from /b/
i already fucking said it was from /b/ learn how to read
im posting this to discuss that this might be a legitimate hl3 thing
Are we definitely sure it's /b/?
Nothing in the OP actually proves this was from /b/, only that it came from a nsfw board.
Would you care to provide further evidence?
I think we're on to something.
i hope you guys know that i was on the thread, took a screenshot of it, and posted it here to discuss
the post count is very obvious
and why the fuck is everyone complaining about what board it came from? what nsfw board other than b would something like this be posted on?
Any nsfw board.
fuck im never posting here again, all of you are autists
Do you even know what this board is? We've just been having a piss with you because you clearly don't know.
Do you even know where you are? Veeky Forums is not the place for these threads. Go to /v/, newfriend.
isnt this Veeky Forums? "video game generals"?
im fucking posting this here because half life 3 = a video game (not yet maybe) and im actually trying to do something fucking nice
Video game generals are for released games with threads about specific games or franchises.
Gaming news is for /v/.
You are not doing something nice even if you are trying.
Just go into any general here and you'll realize just how lost you are.
Well for one you need to be over 18 to post here.
Wait, so was the board /b/?
You still haven't proven this, OP.
this obviously goes deeper than i ever dreamed
We need answers.
The truth is out there.
Half-Life general go?
I've not been paying attention. Did they add Xen to Black Mesa Source yet?
This is the half-life 3 general.
Never, esports making too much dough.
probably imminent considering how long pieces of source2 have been out now