It seems like it, but not really.
Assuming you use buffs, which in single player you should, Virus beats Vaccine pretty easily.
If the enemy has decent defense it already wins by default too, since Shine's damage takes a huge hit. Actually, Bancho might be better than Shine if you use buffs.
Data has the most diversity around, they're all freaking good if you know what to do.
Mirage has that annoying passive, decent attack and good speed, as well as 255% hit-rate signature.
Sakuya is fucking amazing as support and at INT attacks, and boosts your party INT too.
Plesio is a great INT tank and has party wide water pierce that puts shit to sleep.
Kuzuha nulls panic and has really high INT.
MirageBM is a Sakuya that dies faster and takes the whole party with it, but it can still be good.
Duft is fast as fuck, can wipe rows of enemies with his sig and cuts SP cost which is great for online, at the cost of having low HP.
Exa is one of the 3 digis in the game with Knockdown, party-wide at that, and has nice stats too.
Gankoo has the highest HP in the game, lots of attack and that passive prevents team-wipes.
Jes becomes ridiculously annoying if you safety guard it because of that passive, plus his attack and sig are really good, and he's fast.
RoseBM is Cherubi but better.
Diana has a signature with default 100% sleep rate and amazing stats, despite lower HP than a rookie, which is easy to fix.
Bolt nulls stun and has a lot of attack and HP, the sig is good too.
Lotus is like Diana without her sig and lower defense, but with equip slots to make up for it.
MetalMame is one of the best Ultimates in the game because of the 3 equips and that passive.
Mame and Pumpkin are also great to fill that last slot online, as long as you go for overspecialization.
Even Gabumon can be useful due to the passive alone.
PrinceMame can be a tank maybe idk, and Rose sucks.
I'm tired of thinking