League of Legends General - /lolg/
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Is annie hyper cancer? veigar?
Are tanks still playable after all the nerfs?
New patch is absolute garbage and new champ is LITERALLY rehash of other rehashes.
Annie is the exact same
is the new champ a boy?
Everyone stopped ban Kindred, r-right?
Now i can main them like 3-4 pathes before 6.8?
Tell me a secret
I'm on a four game win streak with hyper speed jihn. The secret is getting carried everytime :^)
xth for best girl of resets
And why is her mid game shit? Because Infinity Edge is a shit item to rush compared to Essence Reaver and old Rageblade
placem and watchem!
playing all changed mages atm
back off
Why does riot hate NA?
Annie is very slightly weaker in a vacuum, better overall because of the AP item buffs
Can we all take a moment and laugh at the last thread?
In which anons implied that blind picks have a mmr, when even draft pick lacks any hard evidence to suggest this.
A girl with a feminine penis you shitlord.
are you retarded?
it is well established that blind and draft normals have their own separate mmr
It does have mmr
>blind pick has no MMR
>draft pick has no MMR
what? are you retarded?
>And why is her mid game shit
Because it's literally intended to be
new yorick skin WHEN
you're a fucking idiot
there is proof. meteos literally can only play with diamond only players in norms because he has like 3000 norm games
[citation needed]
God bless whoever came up with that idea.
But that's not Tristana?
>[citation needed]
fuck lol
>claim some wild shit
>"you're wrong"
>p-prove it ;-;
>there are people that unironically enjoy draft normals
my citation is not being utterly retarded and knowing anything about how the game works
I fucked a guy from /d2g/
I wanna fuck other anons from different generals aswell
>EU and NA getting so buttrekt they have to resort to arguing on which one is less shit
Truly a sad and pathetic display
>I can claim a conspiracy
>I don't need proof
>A system definitely exists
>Riot always keeps features quiet
Do you have tinfoil hats too?
You are an absolute moron and it's funny that you think everyone else is stupid.
Do you mean beyond the fact Riot have said so themselves?
>Literally played a game with 3 fire dragons in a row
>The shear fucking FREE DPS just overwhelms the enemy team
I'm fine with the RNG.
If normals had no MMR they would literally be decided by who got the higher ranked players and every game would have someone plat+ going 30/0 raping shitters.
Post the proof then bro.
>play all for one jhin on PBE
>get 3 fire drags
>team gets 3 fire dragons
>our team gets 3 water dragons
>we just facetank their dps by outregenerating it
It's on their official support page
>Riot always keeps features quiet
like I just can't be bothered to go find any of the many many times they have talked about this because what you are claiming is so stupid
this is like claiming turrets don't exist and asking me to lower myself to linking you the wiki page on turrets
There are only two options under pvp "I'm a shitter" and "I'm not a shitter." I have not clicked the I'm a shitter button since I was below level 30 in 2009.
You not specifying blind pick was just you trollin. Furthermore I have no trouble getting an S as I'm not the shitter you originally started arguing with.
I only came to shut down your statement of "normals don't have good teams" which they regularly do. You meant to say "blind pick doesn't have good teams" which I wouldn't know about.
is she irrelevant now
Do you max Q or E second on Shyvana?
This is my experience in normals, me and gold friend join, both go S, normally 0 death.
Do people genuinely have other experiences?
I thought that was why Ranked exists? anyone who can play moves on unless they wanna try a new champ or rape the shitters?
Hit me up with one IE rusher with a good mid game
>Ezreal with Lux
>Not Garen with Lux
shit OTP 0/10
>new Malz
Holy shit this is fun
>bloodrazor shyvana deals 5.5% max HP hybrid damage on E marked targets
>11% if she uses Q
>16.5% with Q+Titty burst
Literally melee Vayne. Not even factoring in Rageblade or her other damage sources.
>Think the water dragon will be complete shit
>My Udyr sneaks one really early
>Sustain is isane
>Able to take maddman trades
>Percent missing hp regen
Oh baby this is some fine shit
If the teams are so good how do you constantly S?
Just realise that normal is full of shitters, blind and otherwise, and while a handful or premades etc are pretty good, often tbey are terrible
thats incest user
you only play against golds because you're not good at the game otherwise you wouldn't have such a shit normal mmr
I'm diamond v and like 90% of people I play with in normals have diamond or plat borders. If there was no MMR that number would be
>get two (2) DOS T W O earth dragons
>can duo the baron at 20 minutes in
>getting rageblade on junglers
>on patch 6.9
Nah it ain't, I have been looking for a few hours now.
>le I can't be bothered mehmeh
Wow this is some /b/-tier arguing my friend
best OTP coming through
Thats why I'm not factoring it in.
Im new whats titty burst?
It's not like duoing baron at 20 was unheard of before.
t. Anthrax picker
You can get S and still lose for one. For two it's not every game that has full teams of good players. For three you're arguing on the side of someone who plays blind fucking pick and you'd do well to not oust yourself as a shitter.
He had a very specific claim that normals never have good teams. This is fucking false and that's all I wanted to say. I hate you lolg. Stop being so stupid.
dumb bunny poster
>literally on the first page of google results
I'm sad for you
I want my ADC to stop telling me to pick another champion.
I'm not a midlaner darnit.
>Literally melee Vayne
so vayne but worse? Why would I bother then?
>not Garen with Ezreal
fucking pleb
>I have been looking for a few hours now.
Confirmed retard
Other than being a complete fucking retard
titty hydra active
er and vayne is ranged nasus
so shyvana is melee nasus?
New Zyra is some next level cancer
Why does Riot have such a hard on for these champs that do shitloads of damage without any interaction whatsoever?
drawfag here, taking requests. Aatrox bullies need not apply
>not banning Kindred in 6.9
Id only do that because Im busy banning Brand,Vlad, and Morde "40% CDR with a warmogs and Zhonyas" kaiser
>giving a shitposter what he wants
Honestly senpai as both a supp and adc player for 99% of the games I play I don't give a shit what the other person plays. Yesterday I had a fucking Caitlyn support as Jhin and she rushed Frozen Hammer allowing me to get 9 kills early on. Goes to show not to judge a supp by the champ they play.
>tfw was planning to climb today
>Mage update
As a Malz main, should I expect him to be pick/banned every game?
>support lulu
She is an ebin solo laner now, a shitpick designed to lose you games :^)
>asked this so many times, PLEASE
ahri trying to get on or off a train but her tails get caught in the door
How is Vayne "ranged nasus", what meme is this?
nasus is melee veigar
Yo senpai can you hook my up with jax and pantheon playing tennis?
I also support the ahri tail train option
Fiddlesticks wearing roller-skates and shouting "THE END IS NEAR".
we need more people playing teemo
fun as fuck right now
>roll support
>build morellos
>shit out mushrooms
its glorious
>playing draft
>Primary set to Top, Secondary set to Jungle
>get roled as support
what the flipping fuck?
>the same breath that says ELO hell doesn't exist
Okay lads, it's been a gold one
this was really fun and yet we still threw hardcore later on
shen was the talkative type
>New Malz W
Wow this is OP as fuck
You have 48-56 hours before 75%+ of the player base catches on bro
swain and lb having a villain tea party
Seconding this.
>Play Teemo support
>Be useless because no range
>Get your adc killed because you're useless
>Shrooms do literally 0 damage because you have no gold
why people call this pic "riven gym"? i always assumed that she had just woken up and she was stretching.
Talon whining about how all modern women are degenerate because they won't date him
Draw Tristana eating a doughnut.
>people at Riot thought this splash art was good enough to release
>Riot cocksuckers will defend this
>Looking at the notes for 6.9
>We added some cool stuff!
>Every mage they touched seems to be extensively nerfed in every other regard.
Bonus points if Fiddle's wearing heelies