>Latest news - Calling pets & updated deadmean death interface - DMM changes (death more forgiving, teleport instantly out of combat and unskulled) - Gem reward bag added to MLM shop - Catch implings barehanded and possible chance to receive clue scrolls from them - Bank placeholder update - Wearing ice gloves will automatically cool bars in the Blast Furnace
second for report the user "Come" for real world item trading.
Michael Turner
second this
Nathaniel Barnes
Landon Gomez
nth for hook is qt
Noah Sullivan
nth for wiki girl
Daniel Rogers
still looking for a wife
Isaiah Martinez
Literally me. I tried OSRS for a while, did all the quests, then did some skilling for a while. But the thing is with runescape its just doing the same things over and over again. I realized what the hell is the point of a game where you're just watching something else on the side? Why not just watch it by itself without playing some pointless game? Dropped it and haven't looked back since