Alright shitlords, I'll lay down my CORE Jakiro build for you mongoloids:
The core aspect of CORE Jakiro is that you're basically going to push so HARD that the enemies shit will end up going up their own asses.
So take in mind that once the T1 towers are down it's time to 5 MAN DOTA the rest of the entire fucking game.
Go Safelane.
You start off with a ring of protection, two branches, some tangoes, a mana pot and you can even buy a ward.
Build a basi ring ASAP and get the fuckin' magic wand.
Rush some motherfuckin' mana boots and start to push down the safelane T1. DON'T STOP THE PUSH.
Get the fuckin' tower and rotate top. PUSH AGAIN and get that fucking tower. You should be able to purchase a Point Booster now.
Go fuckin' MID next with everyone and PUSH and fuckin' tower down as well. That will give you enough money for the Vitality Booster.
Dissemble your Mana boots and build that Core Booster now.
Farm for a bit now your Phase boots by using the Macropyre to kill the creep waves and keep them pushed.
Once you're like with 1k gold into your Mystic staff, get your fucking team together and PUSH AS 5 ONE LANE.
It doesn't matter which lane, just fucking PUSH and get a T2.
As soon as this is done, rotate immediately to the next T2. Getting these two T2's added with some fights along the way should get you your Octarine Core.
Once you have it, go Roshan with your team, secure that fuckin' Aegis and get the last T2. That should be a FREE Barracks as well.
Start building your motherfuckin' aghanism if you think the game will go longer or just rush a Aether Lens if you think it will finish fast.
After you get any of those done, the game should be over shortly.
If by some chance it isn't due to split-push shenanigans or whatever the FUK, just go Shiva's and KILL THE FUCKING GAME.
1st point into Dual Breath, max Liquid Fire, max Ice Path, finish Dual Breath on last. Always max the Ultimate.
Good luck, shitters.