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lux buffs edition

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xth for

lux more like slutx lol

xth for best waifu of resets

Xth for Leona

Thick eyebrows are CUTE!

>when you alpha strike all their stuns

Xth for Katarina
best girl

xth for being alone

Good op

So I'm downloading the client right now, how good/bad is this new patch?

Who's utter cancer in mid and jungle?
Are games still determined by skill, or by the ones who actually grab these insane jungle buffs first?

>playing aram on lv 19 smurf this moring
>7/10 players were obvious bots all starting banshees


Bronze and Silver together make up 70% of the entire playerbase and probably 70% of the posters here, remember this when you take their """advice""".

this new patch ruined skill based jungling and made basically every non-adc/ad assassins buildpaths change

fuck you nigger ad singed is op kappa

Don't forget though, unless you're challenger you're low elo!

when you realize your main is going to be remade into cancer and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it

Abuse ziggs and climb the ladder now, before he gets nerfed!

It's okay, Trick2G said I could get out of "elo hell" if I just suck his dick.

So why should i even pick ADC bot lane anymore now after this patch when every mage is cancer?


Shut the fuck up I'm only bronze I which I think is pretty good but I'm being held back by idiot teammates.

he didn't lie tho

yeah. they dont do jack shit about it even when people are reporting them. i guess people buying accounts then buying skins on them and etc makes them money, so why would they care

If you're not playing in the lcs you're shit

>Riven main is 0 7 1
>You're 2 2 5 although you're playing your secondary role and you're an OTP

This is how I know I deserve better, right?

By effective AP I meant going by his ratios, i.e., how much damage he gets out of a spell from mana and how much AP he'd need to get the equivalent.

thanks for those numbers those thats crazy.
For instance, Spell Flux hitting twice does 30% AP/3% maximum mana which with 3,076 mana gives 92 damage, the equivalent of ... 307 AP?

So his spell flux acts as if he has 679 AP. Does that sound right? If this is correct then Im a bit scared to think of how much effective AP he has on his Q...

doesn't that mean that their advice is relevant to 70% of players experience though?

I don't play ranked I only do placements and a few games to get gold


Top 10 Korea or you're a fucking boosted monkey.


Why don't people build iceborn on sona? it's pretty OP man

This is where I quit. They took the greatest thing for unviable junglers out of the game because of crybaby faggots.


So basically, it's awful?

How does it ruin skill-based jungling? I'm assuming that the majority of jungler champions out there are about to become useless and that only a handful of early snowballing junglers like Kindred will become useful instead.

Basically, if you rely on a level 6 skill for your ganks, your fucked and so is the rest of your team in return.

Unless its NA. Then you're in the challenged elo.

Anybody can have a bad game, even on their main champion

spider bro, fellow elise main here, what do these jungle changes mean exactly for us and how we should be playing.

fuck that elise bloodmoon particle change to cocoon looks so bad I don't know why they didn't just recolor it

New patch is pretty nice

They made it so mages can actually snowball now, and if you get a lead it's very very hard for the enemy to take it away

Also people are still under valuing dragons like mad. The fire dragon is disgustingly good.

I suppose if you want to remain shit then feel free to take the advice of a shitter.

>If you're not playing in the lcs you're shit
Reminder that this guy made it to the LCS

Statisitically speaking, I am gonna go right on ahead and throw your opinion away as silver and bronze garbage then

reminder to go fast and have fun


>item causing balancing issues up the ass for 3 seasons under several different names
>cause restrictions on champion balance outside of jungle as well as for people already in jungle
>constantly tweaked and causing other items to need reworks or nerfs due to existing
>greatest thing for unviable junglers

either good bait or gigantic retard, now that its gone they can buff the people who needed it to jungle so they can jungle without being absolutely fucking retarded.

ziggs a shit, dont lie.

how to build new vlad?

T-thanks Riot...


You all know if you arent Faker you suck at this game.

>mfw im 100lp master euw and someone calls RF legendary better than me

>try to test out some of the reworked champs in different roles in norms
>metacucks keep going fucking batshit over it


Cass is ridiculously better now

it's just a shame they kept fucking twin fang

Shitters are always wrong, it's a given. Hence you are wrong.


>remotely good at anything but unbalanced assassins
>having to play cancer to win every match ever for 3 years straight, as Le blanc.

>master euw
Git gud, scrub. get to Master on a real server

pls no bully

>play ADC xin Zhao in normals
>randoms throw a shit fit until my bot lane is 3 kills in and turning 4 man ganks into triple kills
people really underestimate the power of surprise.

>initial D music


>open imaqtpie stream
>he's in queue
>go take a huge shit
>come back 15mins later
>still in queue
>he's apparently been in queue for 50 minutes

ayy lmao

Its sad user, I know.
Just remember the Second Golden Rule of LoL.

So what are your findings anyway?

>Ekko has been in the game for 1 year this month
Lads... where does the fucking time go?

is riot trying to kill ARAM by adding mana to items and removing the regen?

Best thing I've seen today.

>tfw you get THREE water dragons

Ekko keeps taking it

His last game was a fucking shitfest too you could literally get a monkey on a keyboard and it would have out performed the retard that played his support.

How is Garen doing with the item changes?

Backwards if youre ulting

Xth for Mage update will finally kill league of legends.

It's been a fun ride buddies, but I don't see the game surviving another season with these idiotic changes.

Ekko screwing with time 'n shit.
Relevant image.

>tfw this means ive been playing for a year now
>im still shit

to be fair this is the first RTS/MOBA i've played beyond fucking around in DoW with friends

The client is fucked again. When will the ride fucking STOP?!

New vik is fucking garbage

He was already an immobile fragile mage with no range but they had to add 1s delay to his laser and 2s delay to his R to add "counterplay" just incase he still had burst

Honestly so fucking mad right now

Am I the only one who plays Graves adc still? Who here /freelo/?

Seriously xerath gets nerfed to fuck for no reason? This is such bullshit because he wasnt that great to begin with. Now his ult is so shitty and hard to hit, q's width is less and the stun blows too. Champ is now urgot tier.

This guy also made it to the LCS

I wonder if this build is viable in the new meta.

Just play Malzahar, enjoy ur free wins.

how to build xin with item changes in the jungle? Do you even get rageblade still?

get that gay shit out of my face faggot

get fucked

Why are some champ reveals hyped up for weeks and others are just sort of shitted out? Like Illaoi for example. I don't recall any teasers about her other than the bilgewater lore but one day she was just randomly revealed. Same with Taliyah, a couple days after her story. But Kindred or Jhin for example, were teased for weeks and weeks with trailers and even in-game easter egg.

>News Ziggs

Fuck off my towers you stupid shit, 20-35% execution? Fuck you Riot.

I'd be ok with the damage nerf since you have more shots to play with, but the 0.8 delay is the real cancer. Went from borderline unplayable to straight up unplayable.

Malzahar honestly seems like a gigantic sack of shit or maybe this guy was just fuckawful

Also what's even the point on playing this game if they have Janna
I don't think there is a more unfun champion in the entire game, I ban that fucking whore every single chance I have. Botlane was much nicer when she was garbage and nobody played her

Literally buy a Rylais and watch as you shit out far more DPS than you did before

God bless girls.

I like girls.

There are some champs even the design teams hate, they just have to fill the new SJW quotas.

>It's an "Everyone on the enemy team is spamming laugh nonstop" episode.

Don't play Xin anymore, removal of Devourer destroyed his viability.

Just play a broken piece of shit like Volibear or Hecarim.

Illaoi was fine but riot made the brilliant decision of revealing poppy on the day of her release

she was forgotten INSTANTLY

>tfw girl fetish
you have a weird as fuck fetish m8


m8 volibear is literally the most useless piece of shit jungler in the game

>Aurelion Sol
>Soon to be Taliyah

Basically the only success story for this year so far has been Jhin. And that only happened after they buffed him.

But I would say Aurelion Sol takes the cake on account of him being hyped for years as Ao Shin.

Or could just be female you fucking fedoralord

i bet u kiss girls fagot

>playing against Lulu/Lux
>she spams laugh the whole game

100% pick ban tier

what changes buffed lux? I'll assume it was items or something to do with the turret nerfs

also who's the best non cancerous streamer to watch?

Viktor is way better than before. his ult is scary now.

Where the fuck are the skins, did Riot cancel them?

Maybe if you suck. Volibear is fucking broken if you are any good.

>but muh win rates
Mean nothing, win rates are for fucking morons who do not understand the meta. Voli is broken as fuck right now.