Fighting Games General /fgg/
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I love animal ears
nigga im waiting in the ST lobby
>tfw you're 22 and you've grown out of video games
what does a gentleman like myself do now that i've outgrown gaming?
it just seems silly to put myself on the same level as the mindless idiots who get "hype" and "pop off" when they win at a fighting game. it also seems extremely childish to play mobas comeptitively.
Maybe you just suck lmao
Fuck fgg
1-4 SFV
5-9 KI
0 - 200 push ups
time to end it
tfw becoming a gay furry from browsing /trash/ so much
im about to buy a dragon dildo
Vega's JP voice is turning me memegay tbqh
Why do people consider Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown a good game again?
unreal tournament 4 alpha
I laughed but it hurt a little
people like to dickride it for being the most deep and complex game evar!!!1
they don't
odds: play fighting games
evens: kill self
Looks pretty. I don't really care for FPS tho. The only actual multiplayer FPS I've played was Day of Defeat
when did you realize all fighting games are shit and we're playing a meme genre?
I love Nanase's theme.
Too fucjing close to home
How the fuck do I use Urien's command normals even though he's a charge character?
Team Lau beat Team Akira in the beat tribe cup...
awful taste
>being a neet
Step kick is ass outside of unblockables, f+mp is a decent poke against alex and hugo and his command overhead is pretty much always used over uo
Venom and Archer are probably gay too
Is Goh a high-IQ character?
Her parents must be proud.......
Anyone play regularly between 5:30 and 6:30 am EST? Mornings before work is pretty much my only chance to put any SF5 time in. Weekends I can go a little later into the morning.
>early 20s
She was forced to dress like that against her will, you can see how embarassed she is.
Getting real tired of SFV lads
thanks bruh
gargos when?
Then stop playing it
play something else then
Play something else then.
Everything else is dead
who should I learn in xrd
I like offense and I can't block shit
Bad screenshot
>TFW the cool characters are top tier or viable
Finally a fighting game that does this right
Smash is still alive
>Inlike offense and I can't block shit
The whole roster
>ctrl+f Cummy
>zero results
What else do you want to play?
not a fighting game
>windows 10
Lol why is it always one extreme or the other with you shut ins?
Literally part of the problem. And if you really believe that, you are also dumb.
Go outside and get a new hobby
KI isnt a fighting game
Its a unga game where everyone is R.Mika
List some alive games then other than V
Something thats not dead and isnt sfV
Not really but w.e it's apparent you just want to whine instead of play
List some alive games other than V then buddy
Xrd, KI, Marvel, Tekken
Despite the memes there are other games out there with dedicated communities.
MKX is still going decently strong. Xrd and Blazblue have their online communities too, even if their tournament presence isn't as big as other games. Dengeki even has a dedicated following.
Depends on what you define as dead.
Xrd, Tekken, KI and plenty of games on fightcade.
windows 10
maybe not dead in japan yeah
40 people playing a game is pretty fucking dead
If I want to UNGA who should I pick?
hahaha wow senpai you must be really bad at the game
Yeah that's the typical response I expected from /fgg/.
Don't play anything then.
couldn't even find a lobby yesterday evening in Xrd, being yuro is suffering
why does cr.lp walk backward xx sonic boom work with Guile every single time
SFV is my first fighting game, and im maining Birdie after 2 months of ryu, tell me something /fgg/
1 - What's the point of using light and medium command grab? they all have the same frame data but the strong does more damage
2 - His medium chain does more damage than the light one, but the light suppose to be linkable into something, but i just cant figure what
3 - what's a good situation to use the "hold a button then release button"? I just can't figure how to use it in a good way
wanna play?
League of Legends might appeal to you then.
>most games have dedicated chats where you can easily ask for games
>refuse to use them
>complain the game is dead
taken 5 seconds ago
How do I not stomp with Alex when I want to do a jumpback normal from guarding downback?
On what hours? I usually get some games in after 6pm or so
Just finished
Maybe later
light and medium have way more range than hard, you'll be using the light version a lot
you cant link the chain into anything. getting them close to u gives you a mixup on their wakeup tho
that move is garbage. the EX version gives you 1 hit of armor which can be useful, don't bother outside of that. oh and its useful in some v-trigger combo
2bh? lol.
but makoto is honest??
Does Xrd have the best footsies in fighting games?
How + is Brad's PP string? Every block string is a guessing game because have to guess between throwing out a move to beat clinch where you can get blown the fuck up for 50% of your health, or throwing out a quick low to beat ducking where you can eat a move that low crushes.
I love this char.
>"Devs said special moves and combos are easier to do so now I can finally play those hard fighting games! :)"
this is what I imagine most of the steam community did after buying sfv or gg xrd for that matter.
Light command grab has the best reach. You can't combo into the light or medium chains, and you can only get heavy or ex chain off a cr.hp. Bull horn works as an anti air, can juggle into v trigger, and the ex one has armor from frame 1.
you're hitting the button too early while you're still on the ground
But if I press it late, the air normal may not come out in time
>posting an ancient SRK tier list for a 3D game Capcom players know next to nothing about
>implying it's valid
anyone sfv eu?