Other urls found in this thread:
Xth for Vlad's midriff
>qss was broken because sometimes zed couldn't nuke you and THIS was the balance issue, not zed's ult
xth for sluts and actual women
xth for my buddy novacaine
xth also for my buddy vlad in the dumpster, rest in peacez you shitter
xth for the tank meta and poor oppressed marksmen
okay let's admit that riot was retarded for the qss change but still you complain too much
xth for Rumble
>Completely forgot about MSI being in Shanghai so completely missed it all
>Look up the results
Holy fucking shit G2 what the fuck
Xth for cute Jinx shitting on Giga Nigga in lane and in team fights
Weren't junglers supposed to be able to hit 6 sooner this patch?
Just reverse these jungle timers and the timing of the rift herald buff, please.
Half of the jungle roster is about to become obsolete because of it.
why didnt you get that hextech thing that gives you a dash??
>Stack health
>Bork Vayne kills you fast
xth for eating Lissandra on a hot summer day, then pissing her out.
what are the new jungle timers? is there a specific route i should be running now?
I want to pool my cum on her stomach
just pink her autos
Can someone explain the jungle changes to me? Now I see these ugly hourglass icons on an already cluttered mini map and I don't understand their purpose as I never jungle. And why is half the roster going to become obsolete now?
>noone picks a frontline champion
There are memes I just get disgusted from.
Don't worry Weld, if you're correct and he's indeed shit he's getting buffed.
i have a lot of female streamers in my region that are in diamond simply because of soraka
do they kill themselves now?
do i get to fug some dead qts?
What did he mean by this?
xth for Cute Vi
New Patch Edition
Basically if you don't pick a jungler who can gank early or counter-jungle early, then you've basically lost the game for your team.
The adjusted the base XP of jungle mobs.
It's not nearly as extreme as it was in that one Shyvana video.
Fuck just the jungle dude, the entire game is going to become league of early game because of how fucking important objectives are especially RH.
God forbid I don't wanna play mindless lanebully trash.
I didn't know we were buddies but thanks
I'm not used to have buddies
>Riot slaps health on every single tank item
>FH is nerfed and volibear doesn't need mana nor cdr
>thornmail is situational
all other tank items give health
you litterally cannot be a tank without health
even champs that supposedly want to stack resists such as rammus malph galio WILL get a fuckton of health anyway
which is why %hp damage is cancering this game
>Jungler is first pick
>Kindred is up
>They pick Kindred
>Last pick top picks Fiora instead of a tank
>warmog's gives CDR
>cleaver cheaper
>stronger regen on Visage
Are things looking good for Garenthis patch?
>Watching CLG vs. FW vod
>This hook actually fucking hits
What the fuck Riot
>tfw main jinx
>shit on lucian in lane
>pick lucian for fun
>shit on bad jinx
lel ez
>/lolg/ is mad that zed will finally balanced around his damage and movement and not an enemy buying an item
That's probably you were building your 4th consecutive health item as a tank against a team with Vayne with 0 (Zero) armor items in sight
What the fuck is up with first item banner of command Ziggs?
Why is everyone doing it and why do they always fail terribly?
Hey dudes!
I elected to have a last minute update pushed out on the list. You now have less than 8 hours to write ideas, so take a gander at what's been done already if you need inspiration!
Good luck everyone!
Why would you build warmogs on garen, he already has one. Build visage and it's basically already there.
What's the point on building warmogs on Garen? He already has his passive.
oh geeze.
>ctrl+f futa
>13 results
Jesus Christ, will you faggots fuck off already? If you like dicks so much, which clearly you fucking do, then just do everyone a favor and become a barafag and it will be easier for all of us.
vayne was completely unfed and their sololaners (azir kennen) were fed out of the ass
also silver bolts dealt 900 in 2 seconds armor won't change that
>Zed will finally balanced
What did he mean by this?
>qtpie queues up for fill so as to get shorter queue times
>always tries to force himself into a carry role, no matter what he gets
>if he gets support he trolls e v e r y single game and usually ruins the game for his team
>after that he shittalks them for "not giving him a carry role"
He just picked Galio sup. I mean I like the guy, but how he hasn't been banned yet is beyond me
xth for getting assblasted over a normal game
>want to write a freljord taliyah suggestion
>everything I write ends up feeling forced as fuck
send help, I wasn't born to be a writer
i hope so...
his charge gimmick mechanic is kinda neat and his lanephase is more bearable, but the charge shit is just inconsistant (and buggy too but im keeping that to myself heh) and is just clunky to keep track of now.
maybe it will come with more practice but he sure as shit feels unnatural to play now
nah theyll just migrate to janna since raka counters her and honestly janna is even easier to play
EVERYONE from here is my bud, but i got respect for your skills from your season4 challenger days
That's probably why after that happened instead of building armor you just build another giants belt instead.
>play Ryze top
>enemy Singed doesn't come to lane
>get 4 levels above him
>still can't kill him because he keeps running away
>he can't come anywhere near the creep because I'll run him over
>he has 12 cs at 20 minutes
>can't kill him because he keeps running away like a bot
>enemy team surrenders while I'm 0/0/0 160 CS
This is the top lane experience
>tfw Elise's ideas are all so poorly written that no one will vote for them
Patch 5.13 was the most balanced patch ever
Also Zed was only played by people that actually knew what they were doing
If I try have an actual argument will you just go "ayy lmao bait/ed" or will you actually try to prove a point.?
>le just a norbal
if ur a cunt in all chat of course they'll get mad
xth for yordle!
>just turn turbo gay instead
thats not how futa works, here is your (You) though
>play gragas support
>enemy adc literally cannot come to lane because i'll shove a barrel up his ass
>he starts whining in all chat
>kill him some more
>20 mins in, their botlane is collectively 0/15 and hasn't even reached lvl 6
why aren't you playing gragas supp?
What is with the sound quality at MSI? Did they hire the same people DOTA hired for their shanghai major?
>5/50 position amongst midlaners
>huge as fuck buff removing one of his biggest counters without any nerf
>he has 12 cs at 20 minutes
How? What the fuck did he do then?
Actually, kha'zix started the shittalking in /all, i just picked on him whenever he tried to kill me
Any idea of the artists you are going to use this time around? The last contest pics were all S+ tier, both Eve pics and Soraka's
Not everyone is bronze m8.
If only he went faster/it lasted longer it wouldn't be so shit.
There's a gay brown kid on the boards, he's very polite and intelligent and also massively in love with Vlad. Rioters love him because he writes good threads.
Basically if he whines they won't let him down, they reply to all his posts.
>change your sexuality to suit my norms
That some serious fucking oppresion you cis-queered fuck.
Im being serious. It could really be the case that Zed will be amazing now and riot will finally look at his numbers
>dying to a guy with 1337speak in his name
>complaining about one of the worst ad carries
>using 1600x900 when your laptop admittedly runs like shit instead of using a worse resolution for better FPS
>portraits on top of minimap instead of on the left side of screen
you disgust me
>likes dicks
>not turbo gay
Futafags, everyone.
this was high plat
He is RIOT's pet boy, he gives them like 4k viewers every day.
He wouldn't come anywhere near the creep and it would push under his tower while he failed to CS under tower.
That on top of me constantly harassing him
Keep it simple then mang. Simple ideas can create great pictures
>MSI, 6.9 and contest going on at the same time
I never thought I would consider having energy drinks before
>tfw everyone I've ever seen complain about this never actually picks frontliners themselves
Watching a support or jungle say it is maximum cringe. I understand mids and adcs but no one else has an excuse.
Where were you when EUNE was kill?
>enemy gets every dragon
>you still win
Is there no greater feeling?
nice nice is he good at vlad?
im half tempted to contact him if possible but i wanna put in more time on the hemomancer first to see how i feel on him so far
So I've been out for a bit.
Census on mage changes, good, bad, between?
How's the new champion looking? Decent?
We're in a carry jungle tank top meta, you shouldn't have to have me explain to you exactly why you're crippling your team if you pick carry top
Big girls A BEST
So you just spam barrels? What about accidentally hitting your own ADC's cs? Build order?
>ziggs support lets you take towers 5 minutes into the game
jesus fucking christ
>chubby chaser
worse than futa
soraka unban when
I'm a shitter who doesn't know how to function without mana regen items on AP champs, how do I build Ahri with the new patch?
>enemy camps at dragon
>you get baron instead
Getting baron is much easier now because of retards pressed for dragon
Thank you for the heads up, going to try this in my game now.
Figure out who she makes sense with and submit an idea user
She's been allowed to be paired with Lamb before despite being banned
Why are mana regen seals no longer meta?
I love Lissandra!
>be le me
>adc main
>some silver surfer faggot memer picks gragas support
>he tries to bodyslam me in lane but misses
>support peels him off
>condemn him into wall/put chompers under him
>kill him
>he does this over and over again until I'm 2 items ahead of their ADC
ok then
Wtf is this mage update
Is their cost reduction on items just an excuse to nerf lategame mages?
>dat feel when Galio was so unpopular that they literally had to do a huge ap update just to make him noticable again
sauce me, dude
no s feelsbadman :^(
Google research confirmed that futa is not gay
get off the library computer tyrone
last time i played vs gragas support he got slammed by a double poke lane and i got promoted
keep doing gods work i appreciate you
How do I become a futafag? Can't beat them so may as well join them. Do I have to be sexually molested or something to develop such a kink?
Don't blame the fat fetishists, blame the fat people for being fat and creating those faggots.
Chubby futa NTR? Now we are talking business.