HEROES NEVER DIE, for a price Edition
>Open Beta
May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>Competitive Info
>The Oversheet
HEROES NEVER DIE, for a price Edition
>Open Beta
May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>Competitive Info
>The Oversheet
They should make a class that has an ability to refresh the abilities of nearby classes and an ult to instantly fill the ult vial of nearby classes.
You get to add one hero to the game. What are their roles / abilities?
Third for D.Va is best girl
does anybody make overwatch girl figurines or dolls? i'd love to build up a collection of naughty looking heroes for my battlestation. preferably something easy to clean
Tracer is cute
>Friend literally refuses to switch from Widowmaker
This is triggering me pretty hard.
yeah no way that's too strong
I'm of the controversial opinion that Overwatch is well-balanced. I think all heroes are useful in some way altough sometimes it depends on the map or the game mode. I don't think any character should be buffed or nerfed.
Is McCree's flashbang range stupidly big or is it just me, I feel like I get caught by it in a decently big radius
Widowmaker can eat a dick.
Also, she needs a nerf to firing rate or charge rate, along with Hanzo.
>Off by one
even D va?
They all could use with tweaks, but generally not as bad of a balance nightmare as other games are desu
>"off by one"
>is off by 7
here is the (you) that (you) wanted
>tfw I wanna get good with Genji but I always end up switching back to Bastion by the end of the match.
You realize if you pick two of them you get team-wide infinite ults?
>Playing Torbjorn
>We're defending on the last point in overtime
>Junkrat wipes out our entire team with an ult
>The only one left standing
>Manage to hold them off on my own and even kill the Junkrat until our Mei is backup and freezes them all with her ult and we win
I fucking love Torbjorn.
>start game as mei
>faggot picks mei 15 seconds after me
>hanzo whines that there are two meis, saying we need to "learn to play the game"
>faggot won't change so i go support
>nobody goes tank
>hanzo spends the entire game miles away from the payload, even when nobody is pushing it and there are no enemies around
>everyone votes him up because he got the most kills
fucking pisses me off
>not just walling him off constantly
recommend me some good overwatch streamer that is live right now
So what level are you guys?
I am level 20
I think D.Va's fine but she shouldn't count as a Tank.
>9500 - 9499 = 7
>have to Lucio every game or other game because no one wants to support
I only get reprise when the OTHER Lucio player wants to play Lucio
Seriously, healing aura is broken and his speed is insane for getting slow fucks back from spawn.
Symmetra needs a buff, her ult is too useless since she ha to place it in melee range AND its only really good for the first point on defense since the run back is forever. She can't attack, she is useless on defense when they are at your gates.
Mercy is fine.
Zenyatta should get a health buff
-Remove Scatter Arrow and replace it with something not broken
-Increase charge time
-Remove Infra-Sight and replace it with something not broken
-Reduce rate of fire
-Increase charge time
-Reduce ammo capacity from 6 to 4
Reduce fire rate
-Concussion mine now deals 25% of its damage to Junkrat
-Remove Martydom
-Remove Flashbang and replace it with something not broken
-Increase accuracy penalty on Fan The Hammer
There, I just fixed every frustrating element of this game.
>It's a Bastion camping again.
seriously nerf this retarded hero already.
>TFW dunking lolgen boys with Torbjorn
Those tower buffs helped.
Bastion is shit as fuck, git gud.
I find the supports so one dimensional and boring. I rather lose than play a support.
>play Zarya
>she's a better Junkrat than Junkrat
That is why I play Lucio, you don't need to concentrate on healing. You just jump around and shoot thing and wallrun
I don't think Junkrat is broken. I agree that flashbang is dumb, but I feel like McCree would need something to compensate; I feel like he'd be underpowered without it.
lolno. Bastion is easy to deal with.
>-Reduce ammo capacity from 6 to 4
Agreed, all the fucking Demoman mains from when the game launched are playing him and decimating the entire enemy team.
dirty bomb trash
cant believe i read that much of the post
STOP giving your attack boost to Reinhardt, especially when he's shielding. He's not the fucking Heavy.
Yes camping in one spot unable to move and totally defenseless. It's super broken.
>kill Hanzo/Junkrat even more
>nerf the worst characters in the game even more
Why do you want to kill the game bro?
where are you getting those numbers?
the difference between 6,782 and 6,789 is 7
what's broken about scatter arrow? I've never seen it do anything good
Flashbang is retarded though, needs an explosion radius nerf
I'd say junkrat just needs his grenades to not do so much god damn damage once theyve been rolling around
why is mercy so fucking useless, her heal is so fucking slow and damage boost aint shit. they should ket the bitch shoot her pistol with the beam on
>dirty bomb trash
Actually I called it Martydom because that's what it was called in Call of Duty 4 nine years ago.
>Fire Scatter Arrow around general foot area of enemy
>Kill them with a 300 damage burst without even headshotting them
It's retarded OP and doesn't even require aiming.
Except for the 360 degree mini gun that kills anything instantly?
reminder that every hero is decent and can be a credit to the team
>mfw reading up on the lore of Overwatch.
None of this shit makes sense. Let alone how it ties in to the game universe and why Overwatch members would fight each other.
Nah. Junkrat has mobility, traps, good damage on shift and his ult isn't a waste if you only get 1-2 people
>you have to aim at just before the target's feet
>you dont have to aim
which is it?
hes talking about leveling up you fucking retard, not some arbitrary number count
>good lore
yeah no
>kills anything instantly
Maybe if you stand in one place like a retard
>Around general foot area
That's literally just pointing somewhere at the fucking ground.
It requires as much aim as splash from a rocket launcher in TF2.
why do all of the accents sound like racist immitations?
they are just one step away from something like mei saying "ching chongs, i eat ding dongs"
They made it up as they went, that's why there's a cowboy and a dwarf.
>her ult is too useless since she ha to place it in melee range
This isn't an issue in any way. Just walk back to safety and place it somewhere.
>its only really good for the first point on defense since the run back is forever.
So you switch character if you lose the first point
>She can't attack
Yes she can, her ball is slow but goes through Reinhardt's shield and similar protection and the slowness of it actually works well for zoning since for the opponent it marks an entire corridor as "don't go there right now", her beam is short-range but very useful in a close fight, especially if you have turrets around.
>she is useless on defense when they are at your gates.
Again, switch character.
literally pick pharah shoot a couple rockets way outside bastions fucking range while moving around and laugh at that shit hero
btw. How many character levels are there?
If it stops somehow, do you still get chests?
Someone fiery. Flamethrower/flame dart weapon like Mei but not shit for both ranges, enemies burn instead of freeze for a DoT effect. Ability 1 is a dash leaving a lava trail that causes burning if someone touches it. Ability 2 consumes a burning effect to heal you.
Ultimate marks an area that erupts into a spreading ring of magma, dealing damage to anyone it hits as it flows out.
I kinda feel like it's too similar to Mei in many ways but I want cool fire shit.
it doesn't stop
is the OB 2 hours away?
>blizzard will never allow the community to run their own servers
>overwatch will never have a server browser
>overwatch will never have custom huds/crosshairs
>blizzard will never accept community-created skins in any official capacity
>you will never be able to have hidden/transparent viewmodels in overwatch
>overwatch will never have serious mods like dm or more light-hearted mods like 10x
>blizzard will never allow you to install community-created skins on your own
>you will never be able to increase fov beyond 103
>overwatch will never allow you to change viewmodel fov
>Have gtx 970
>auto goes into ultra
>game stutters
fuck I'll put it on high
>game still stutters
>stuck playing medium because can't figure out what the fuck is wrong
Also why does it start up windowed everytime I close the darn game?
pretty sure they datamined like, 9,999 levels
I meant she can't play on Attack, you get spawns further up each time.
>switch character
>switch character
You shouldn't design and be okay with a hero that is good part of the time.
You really like Cirno, yes?
a character focused on putting dots on the enemy teamw ould be cool
>widow/hanzo snipe from afar
>deflect as genji and laugh at him
>rein shield + mate behind you shooting him
>junkrat grenade spam
Shit nigger why did I reply to this bait
the big guns come out when a bastion is in a good spot with a reinhardt shielding him with a pocket mercy
this is what you get for having a meme video card
enjoy your 3,5 GB of VRAM :^)
>Cuckbjorn on Hanamura
>build turret next to chinkrock
>hide behind chinkrock because the muslims have cut off my shins as a result of not joining them in their weekend rape of all the white women in town
>win the game through left clicking, turret power, and armor packs
>still get fucked by a pack of african niggers afterwards
>rein shield
Bastion eats that fucking thing up
same card but i play on all low anyway for max fps
It's comically tiny, you've basically gotta be within melee range for it to so anything
I think Overwatch's inherent issue lies in the fact that some heroes have a significantly higher skill ceiling than others and this starts to bleed into the balance too heavily.
Characters like Junkrat and Widowmaker in the hands of the average pubby will get a few kills here and there but won't stand out as anything too egregious. But as soon as you stick somebody really good behind them you're going to be demolished repeatedly regardless of what direct counter you pick and it becomes really frustrating.
Reinhardt in my eyes is the perfect type of character that Blizzard needs to shoot for with every creation. There are very subtle differences between a good and bad Reinhardt, and I don't think anybody has ever called bullshit when the guy gets a multikill because quite frankly if they did that they deserved it.
>overwatch site has high rez reference kits and t pose models for all the characters.
>the big guns come out when a bastion is in a good spot with a reinhardt shielding him with a pocket mercy
My group played against a team that tried this. It worked pretty well for them at first, but there's one massive counter to it: Pharah's concussive blast.
Shoot the concussive blast behind the shield (not hard), and they get split up easily. Coordinated with a push, and bastion will get fucked in no time.
I want to enjoy this game but it fucking rubberbands me all over the place in matches.
>tfw main widowmaker but think dva is the cutest
don't read blizzard lore dingus have you read recent WoW lore
>I meant she can't play on Attack, you get spawns further up each time.
That's fair, but I don't think that's a problem, other heroes are also better in certain maps/modes than other modes.
>You shouldn't design and be okay with a hero that is good part of the time.
Why not? Character-switching is part of the game, and it makes sense to adjust your team to what is going on.
Should be 40min
What would it take to get someone to draw a picture of genji reflecting a widowmaker shot back into her head and saying "Stop hitting yourself"
Can I play Reinhardt without ever having to shield others or is that a nono?
I bet you play widowmaker on attack you faggot.
what the fuck were they thinking
150 hp and i'll call him balanced
What does Roadhogs RMB do? More range on the shot?
Also, why the fuck do I sometimes shoot an enemy right after hooking only for him to take pretty much no damage at all
>can i play a hero and ignore one of his most powerful functions
sure go for it
He's a big guy and ends up being rather squishy when you charge head first into their team and start swinging away.
Can you play widowmaker without using her scope?
Fuck no.
>he unironically likes tracer
You are better then this
i shoots a delayed scatter shot
WoW at lest makes sense.
>Can I play a Tank without tanking?
yeah this happens to me too sometimes
sometimes they blow up
something tehy dont get hurt at all
and where the fuck in this piece of shit sheet are there supposed to be players
im running out of fucking salt playing pubs
tfw never got play of the game yet
What is the most pleb class?
>Evenly balanced
>Evenly balanced
>Evenly balanced
sure, she's basically a soldier 76/genji hybrid without sniping