OT: eyosongive.us
Five hours until suggestion phase is done. Did you send anything for your favorite girls, user?
OT: eyosongive.us
Five hours until suggestion phase is done. Did you send anything for your favorite girls, user?
first for rumble
Can someone tell me how Zed dudebros convinced everyone that Zed was a "playmaker"? Because in nearly every game, he's abused for his stupid safe laning phase and bounceback mechanics (double kill bot).
He plays like a complete pussy if the matchup is even remotely threatening until and sometimes after level 6. CSing from 600+ range from under turret. Then he roams the map only getting engages that are absolutely safe and never having to commit to any "assassination". His item builds give him stupid safe scaling and now he can have TWO ultimates. His "counters" were dumpstered.
And every game Zed is in is a passive shitfest that abuses his waveclearing more than his "flashiness". The only exception being literally 1 game where a fed Zed "outplayed" an underfed Zed. And with the changes to tournament formats that may likely never happen again.
How did Zed dudebros convince the world of the complete opposite of the truth?
Would /lolg/ vote for a yuri suggestion?
xth for if your champ is designed to "make plays" then their plays are the least impressive and no one cares if they require "skill" because they don't
that's gay
don't be gay mang
>Mage update
Lol more like Assassin update.
I love no risk high reward playstyles.
Why not? As long as it's hot
because getting kills = lcsbigplays. it doesn't matter how safe for zed it is or how unavoidable it is for the target.
This is too lewd
Your mindless reply is the only thing gay here
>Veigar becoming the new win lane lose game in solo queue because in league of assassins no one peels.
This game is worthless.
Why hasn't the PBE updated yet urgh
I want to see more nerfs to Kindred
did AP shaco get stronger?
teemo definitely got stronger right?
ripe rageblade trondimurk
Would Athene's be good on lux support?
The straw to break the camel's back
I literally stopped playing after I saw this
Xth for our boy Vlad
buff him pls
Teemo did not get stronger
Same sentiment.
>Its a "Zed splitpushes for 30 minutes and if the enemy team tries to 4 man baron/engage then he just kills who ever tries to stop them even if they have exhaust and Zhonyas since he'll just force them to burn both and kill them 30 seconds later." episode
>EU is just as good as korea
lmao literal wildcard region
>The past two games I thought I was just playing draft
>Turns out I was playing ranked
No wonder my teammates were extra salty and more retarded than normal
xth for rest in pieces malzahar
>mid lane
Just take him jungle for the meme strats
Prepare to see pic related rape your team every time.
Malz is the stupidest thing to hit live since the fucking juggernauts. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF THE PBE IF THIS SHIT IS GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH WEEKS OF TESTING.
b-but muh AP
I thought some of the new items were good for him
sure he did, those mana buffs were great
At least EU won worlds once
NA instead...
why did they do it though
zeds ult is now a literal free kill on any ad carry
they even said it themselves it was retarded
>qss meant a champions ult was useless (which isn't the case since none of the qssable ults have anywhere near 90s cd even at rank 1), so we removed it
>we know this will cause problems but we chose not to address them this patch.
He's still got the problem that everyone shits on him top
And they took away devourer
Haven't tried bloodrazor but I reckon hes still ok in the jungle
I doubt AP Teemo will ever be viable again
Playing support is the best.
Teemo will always be strong as long as he's strong in your heart.
>In an era where nobody knew what the fuck they were doing.
This is literally like Cowboys fans bragging about their 5 titles when they haven't done jack shit recently.
it's also a fiora buff
>people are still memeing about s1 like it mattered
>but I reckon hes still ok in the jungle
Teemo is garbage jungle, what the hell
no pressure, can't drake at all without 5 people, can't duel any champion at all, shit clean
the only things he's got for him are stealth and shrooms, both of which are unreliable and terrible
>they haven't done jack shit recently
made it out of groups at worlds
which is more than I can say for burgerland lmao
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
wait what
Trundle, the filthy lovable troll is now a sexy anime antagonist? I'm glad I stopped playing this garbage
The also increased the CD on Zhonya's so mages get fucked by him more too.
And what if the adc gets cucked by your jungler and he gets the double instead?
Does this make you even harder? Or less?
>s5 babbies
yeah, and trundle, and FUCKING MALZAHAR
it's a downright retarded change that isn't justifiable in any way.
>Run a ''can i run it'' on Overwatch
>''Your PC doesnt seem to run Overwatch''
well guess im stuck with LoL forever! :DDD
>soraka gutted
>they keep picking her
whats with people wanting to shit things to be good
I'm a terrible jungler just tell me how to play him mid
>And they took away devourer
This is not a factor in Teemo's viability. Jungle is not a thing that he can do.
And now your best team is currently getting dicked at MSI after talking mad shit about how the east isn't that great and LITERALLY ADMITTED THEY DIDN'T PRACTICE FOR AN EVENT THAT HAS WORLDS IMPLICATIONS.
EU better pray G2 can take tonight's game off of CLG because if they lose they're almost a lock for 5th at that point.
Be usefull and answer this question aswell
Best skill order for mid Malz is probably RQEW, maybe REQW. Build is Rylais, Liandrys, with rest being situational, although you probably want to hit full CDR at some point so early Morellos is good. Your level 6 burst went way down but is still high enough for free kills every time your jungler is mid.
>bragging about s5 worlds when s4 worlds is sticking out like a sore thumb
just play the open beta tomorrow and actually find out if it can dipshit
How is the new voidling spell for Malz? It sounds like they're pretty useless somewhat.
I can run it, but I probably won't play it
I hate FPS but I love TPS
And uruguay won two world cups, retard.
your problem is that you expect people to read patchnote
they dont
there is a reason fotm champ are because of what pro play, people cant think for themself
>projecting this hard
I main Vlad
His new kit is not better or worse imo
Old Vlad was about spamming Q and E, landing good ulti. his lane phase was very weak until you get hex tech revolver.
New Vlad is much more reliable and has a good sustain from the start, but farming is a bit harder has E is harder to correctly land and Q is weaker.
Still he is almost unkillable in late.
Go 45% crd and every go
Uruguay is legit strong even to this day tho, better than all asian shit and half euro shit that gets in nowadays.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA RESULTS
Another one is up!
>SYNDRA, wearing a tiny bikini top and cutoff jean shorts, spiking a volleyball hard over a net into an unprepared Irelia's face.
>higher elo player tells lower elo how it is
>"yea but.."
>gives another example on why its not
>"yea but.."
the fuck
>His new kit is not better or worse imo
then you're retarded
it's FAR better in terms of damage outputs
he'll certainly get nerfed next patch
I don't know why everyone is memeing about Malzahar being OP now? His damage on tanks maybe went up a little but other than that it's not what it used to be. I do way worse on him now due to his W being kinda bad.
do you play normals or ranked? where can i find cute sluts like you two?
>teamate picks vlad
>constantly presses e rather than holding it down so it does nothing
>buys first item hextec protobelt
>uses it randomly
Yeah, great stuff.
Sigh . ..
>The ekko tank meme is still alive
thanks riot
Is ROA first for every mage right now?
But what do I do when MUH TEAM FEEDS
Needs buffing on the heals
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 5 slots left
password is vidya
weird, I can't finde the sexy demon cait skin, was it limited
If the jungler gest the double then it's his turn to use my boypussy, and the ADC will likely bully me for being a retarded support in the meantime.
>tfw can't use rageblade to clear waves anymore
Harder, duh. Now I have two big carry dicks to suck.
A support supports everyone.
>got an enemy vlad who did the same
>played like a retard and ended 3/14
>highets damage in the game
>sona wearing jeans
>tfw Eune is still dead
Whatever fuck league.
Post lewd.
Whatever you're going to do, just don't stop now.
Worlds 1 means shit
There were no Koreans, and fnatic went 1-2 on the group stage, winning only against fucking Philippines
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
You can't tell blind people what you have seen.
It's not that they won't beleave you
It is that they won't beleave that you learned to see.
After playing a few matches I can definitely say that early game champions in general are going to dominate even harder than they already do.
>If an important dragon spawns early (I.E Water or Fire) then it's imperative your Mid lane/Jungle/Bot is strong enough to fight for it, Junglers who can take early drags easily are going to be extremely popular
>A Rift Herald buff on a snowballing top laner splistpusher/duelist literally gives you complete and utter control of the topside of the map for 20 minutes
>Buffs are extremely fucking strong, like 2 dragon stacks of fire strong, and with timers being announced globally if your jungler can't fight the enemy jungler then you're SOL and going to get snowballed on even harder than before.
>Baron lasts even longer and with the dawn of earth dragons is fucking piss easy to take with very little risks
>Tfw so few qt sluts in lol/g/
More like, sweater puppies Sona when?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 4 slots left
password is vidya[/spoiler
He actually got direct buffs. Mana costs mostly but also 4/3/2 seconds faster charges on ult (which is now 75 mana at all ranks rather than 125 mana at max)
QSS still removes Suspension and Suppression as theyre movement-impairment debuffs
go to /soc/
So what's absolute cancer in 6.9? I want to write r63 suggestions
wait, that mothfag was actually a girl?
explains the autism atleast