Fighting Games General /fgg/

Other urls found in this thread:

What's the deepest/most complex fighting game and why?

Who has the deepest/most complex vagina in fighting games and why?

Cute squirrel!!!!!!!!

dive kick

what rank do you retire from sfv? i am almost super silver and think it may be time, although i do want gold

Apparently, janitors and mods are ok with both sniff ans nsfw today.

>the single most important hurdle to the Straw Hats didnt get in
>the first group of antagonists that they didn't just wait for Luffy to wake up/show up and completely powerbomb didn't get in
>Koala did
>Perona did
>like 9 different Luffys did

If anyone wants to play on the 6th when its released let me know.

when's ibuki tho


ayo hol up
so you tellin me
that not only do i have to go through 190 stages of survival per character
i also have to do it per costume?
and you also telling me that the ending point score is pointless?

Why do game companies bother releasing shit like this?

it's not even being that kitsch, but it's just ugly, they could have at least worked out the hub, it looks like some mspaint crap.

its made by one dude

get the fucking one round mod already

Ok, nevermind then.

Please wait for DLC. Don't forget that pic related got in before them.

you don't have to do hell/extreme, so it's "only" 90 stages playa


Today I played with Jeffry.

stay mad nerd

lmao is that the same retard from tinychat a few years back


Why didn't they just celshade this game? It would've looked so much better

>Wah why won't they include every single villain in every single game, fuck ever putting anyone new in.
>Why did these characters get in but not myyyyyyyy character.
Fucking Smash roster fag.

slatey is a legend fuck u

Who Cummy here?


kys rashid

Only thing I'm mad about is that it's not PTS Perona.




nobody from /soc/ is a legend even the camwhores abandoned the place

>that behind face

Is anyone getting Koihime Enbu when it comes to Steam? I hope it doesn't die too fast, it looks fun. Very footsie based instead of airdash combos like most anime fighters.


I probably will to tide me over till steam uniel

her boobs look like bumblebee butts

What street fighter girl should I jerk it to today?



does anyone wanna play p4u2?

who should i main in revelator? how broken is elphelt?

hakan's daughter

had to look it up because i was wondering why the game is getting hyped up now. apparently there was otome taisen that came out on pc way back and now enbu is an update for ps4/pc



Again and again.
Then you guys wonder why these garbage game don't work around here.

she's not broken, just high tier and retarded

I really like this image

>NLBC has 20 entrants

got me all up night
All I'm singing is love songs

i'll never understand people who enjoy the aesthetic of these games

like melty and fate fighting games is already almost crossing the line but this just takes it to the next level

to each their own i guess

So does ANYONE play Melty Blood on steam? I can maybe find 1 room at most, even in the middle of the day/early evening, and it's always the same person 5 times in a row in ranked.

So can we say that Boxer is next for SFV DLC?
Because I really am excited for yet another charge fighter.

some games are made to appeal to the fandom rather than the fans of the genre. if you bought any of the jojo games then you can understand why koihime fighting games exist maybe

melty looks ugly as hell to me, but that looks pretty good visually
that being said, neither game interests me

What? Dudley's not coming until season 2 at minimum. Next character is Balrog.

NLBC is dead most of the time unless there is no pot bonus because NYC niggas refuse to travel.

location isn't perfect and a weekly on wednesday does kinda suck if you have work. there is no excuse for weekend editions being as dead though.

getting offers for sponsorship. who cares as long as they pay me.

but my dreams of 4CH,user will die

yea, i get that. lolis screaming and jumping around just got old to me after a bit but it's all good, i'm not judging or anything.

yeah but 20? two zero?

Who is this?

What did you accomplish today in fighting games /fgg/? I started learning Pot 6k loops and I'm finally getting the hang of it.
I know you can do it!

who is this

probably ghodere

pr rog

Because everyone wants to sponsor the guy that never makes it out of pools lmao

You must be new here.

Why do people read one piece

yea my son?

really? i mean ghodere is a cool guy and a good player but he hasn't won shit yet.

is he part of the norcal illuminati to get a sponsorship so quick?

>MasterMike thinks Chun-Li isn't good.
Is he the Chun-shitter that posts here?

What kind of retarded nigger says Chunners isn't good?
He have MS or something and can't hold a charge?

that was pisss with his trip off

mastermike played rose in sf4 and thought he was good when he backdashed every wakeup

who else from /fgg/ even shows their face at tournies

>sfv is becoming esports for real
Not sure how to feel about this desu..

[citation needed]

SFV is ass dude what else are they gonna play

im sure there a more than a few anons who go to tournies

it was PISS without his trip shit posting, the mod eventually banned him though

most people who are good enough to entertain sponsorship offers would probably not name themselves here/associate their name with this site

more than you think. and quite a few get the same placings aka no placing

Neck yourself

playing fang obviously degenerates your grey matter

damn without spooky or art is nlbc fucked

I should have gotten the meatballs and cheese hot pocket instead desu ne

Ohio here. Anyone want to beat my bronze ass and tell me why I suck?

>eating processed food
Neck yourself

of course
they are the hardest working men in the FGC


FT5 I'm feeling great today, invite AllBlue

At what age should I start cooking my own meals?

she working at the pyramid tonight

don't tell me you're the sniffposter allblue

Invite sent.

i just realized i've never said i'm feeling great today in my entire life


no but he's the gaijin gary meme killer which still makes me upset to this day
