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daily reminder junkrat counters bastion, stay safe from the cheese

Why do all the Tracer skins suck?

Why do all the Hanzo skins suck?

Why are the Pharah skins so good? Should I git gud with her?

xth for biggest disappointment of 2015

>There are people that play this game, and they dont play tracer.


Reminder that Jukner D.Va is fucking shit and any skin that makes her hair short is automatically shit no matter how good the mech is


Reminder that Hanzo, Widowmaker, Tracer, Reaper, Genji and Winston (with a team behind him) all counter Bastion as well.

Reminder that Bastion is absolute dogshit tier, one of the worst heroes in the game.

>junkrat counters bastion
So does Pharah, Hanzo, Widow and McCree

These are not all the skins there clearly gonna give characters more skins
Just be patient
And Reinhardt has best skins

This game has the same problem is countless other games

Most games are stomps, its either you stomp or the enemy team does

which isn't a problem with the game itself I guess, more the playerbase and the matchmaking

I'm pretty sure your parents consider you their biggest disappointment, stupid fucking weaboo trash

Reminder that Tracer is the protagonist of Overwatch

You forgot Pharah

Remember to look out for your monkbot. He appreciates any protection you might offer him.

Tracer pretty broken. Get out of free jail card, impossible to mess up grenade, and the best mobility in the game.

How can you mess up with this character?

Threadly reminder that this will be fixed once the MMR system is updated and implemented. Also: Competitive Mode.

I've had some pretty close games and then my fucking internet disconnected which made it look like I ragequit

>POTG is somebody roll the whole enemy team
>Catch a glimpse right at the end of Mercy ulting everybody back up

not my fault the game sucks

Didn't they nerf her ass because of metzens daughter or some shit? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe

I'd personally prefer to have black musicman or german angel lady instead of monkbot, but yes sir.

holy shit why is toblerone so good
>unbox gold skin and taunt
>its chopper toblerone
awww yisss

by having terrible reaction times and positional awareness. her tiny health pool punishes mistakes harshly.

Maybe if she has ult, otherwise no.
Only if Bastion is picking his nose, isn't against a wall, and Reaper manages to slip by unseen.
Only if Bastion is a moron and keeps firing when Genji's 'reflect with an obvious tell' is active. Then Bastion murders Genji in 1 second. Otherwise Genji needs another person to kill Bastion for him.

no you fucking /v/ retard

>Get against premade with reindhart, mercy, mccree, bastion, and dva
>Stomp their shit with Junkrat
>13k damage
>They lose despite trying super hard

Why are pub players such faggots?

OK fags

Should I play with everything on low at 60fps or limit to 30 with everything in ultra?

I tried playing at 30fps once and it felt horrible.

t. 2k gulag


This pretty much. It took me all day to finally get a PoTG as tracer over the fucking bastions that just gun down 5 retards.

When I first played her I was getting into dumb situations and not skirmishing or doing unpredictable blinks and I died a lot.


Why is the defender spawn LITERALLY on top of the last point for capture maps?

Why does it take LITERALLY one enemy player to contest the point even when my whole team is capturing?

why is this hero allowed to exist?

how can you only manage 60 on low but 30 on ultra is the question

If you're stuck with fps that low, go with low because the difference between 30 and 60 will make major differences in how well you play

Couple of hours of this game, and I'm feeling Anubis is impossible to attack.

this game needs higher tick rate and I would buy it

Because he's fun as fuck.

I don't really care that much for graphics, as long as I am able to clearly see everything I need to see in order to play the game, then I'd just go with the 60 fps on low. The game will look like runescape, but at least you have a nice smooth framerate you can play with.

Australia exists and everyday people ask themselves the same question about that man-hating hellhole

Just do it user.

>Play with friends
>Five man Reinhardt with a sixth doing whatever they want
>Alternating walls and spamming fire hammers
This is stupid.
Pic related.

Not impossible just requires coordination and a strong push

Pharah is only an annoyance to Bastion
>Be bastion
>Pharah starts corner poking me
>Instantly pop into sentry mode and slide into the cover that any Bastion should always have nearby

>join game late
>get against premade 2x Reinhardt, Bastion, Lucio, Hanzo, Mercy
>they're between second and last cap with 6 minutes left on the board
>pick Zarya
>blow them off payload with M2
>Shift for max damage
>Team gets above them during this and just wrecks their shit while they're disorganized and confused
>tfw they never recover from this blunder
>tfw potg goes to a fucking tjorbjorn 2k when I set up the steamroll

I lowkey think this guy is the most broken character in the game

tfw no friends to play reinhardts in testudo formation with

Suddenly 6 tracers running circles around you faggots and nuking you with ults.

Yeah, game looks like shit but anything below 60fps is choppy and unplayable. The audio cracks a lot too and hurts my ears if the fps starts jumping below 50fps.

I could limit myself to 30 because I know it's going to stay at 30 no matter how much shit is going on screen. I really wanted the game to look good but it's worthless if I can't play.

>you pop into sentry mode
>enemy now has the perfect moment to push
>you have a rape ape on your ass before you finish moving 2 steps, with the rest of his team close behind ready to molest your point
Bastion is only good against low level, uncoordinated pubs. In a higher match making game, or better yet an coordinated one, any hero that forces Bastion to move out of turret modo (half the fucking roster) effectively completely nullify the hero.

It's a good thing she can't do anything when pinned.

>wanted to main McCree
>he sucks

He's rubbish since his nerfs unfortunately. Blizz should really revert them, he wasn't OP before.



>it's a "newfag hasn't gotten gud and is talking shit about heroes" episode

>he wasn't OP before
Discord orb was the most bullshit thing ever before. I agree that he needs buffed, but not to where he was before.

Like 6 hours ago

Sprays are fun

It's been open for six hours now, dummy.

because he is the best character

git really gud or uninstall. Literally the strongest hero so far.

d.va needs a damage buff or at least let her retain her movement speed while firing

McCree is the hardest pub stomper in the game as well as being one of the most viable competitive picks in the game.

You need to git gud I think.

Fuck you don't even need to git gud with McCree providing you have decent map awareness, just get close and lmao stun unload for instagibs on literally any hero.

Neither of those will help her desu. They need to let her shoot while her shield is up. It's short enough that it wouldn't be OP and it'd help cut down on her melting like a snowball in Phoenix.

How the fuck do I fix this?

Overwatch is open in my processes taking up all of maybe 10MB of RAM. never actually opens.

I've tried running as admin, closing almost every background process (DXtory and Malwarebytes), and even shit like KancolleViewer getting closed to try. Nothing fucking works.

Blizzard is just sitting there with their hand up my ass telling me I'm playing the game but I'm just staring at the launcher.

I'm on W10 64bit if it helps. Please help.


thats easy to explain

Australia hates humans because the Abos hunted one way and one way only: setting fire to a forest and killing anything that ran out, this is why 90% of Australia is desert

All flora and fauna in Australia evolved to be poisonous or super strong and sharp just to protect themselves from Abos

after playing since pre-beta, here are my thoughts

Genjis reflect cooldown increased
Mcrees flashbang is actually a flashbang, rather than a stun grenade
Soldier 76 heal can only take him to 75% hp max
Widowmaker sniper rifle reduced to bolt-action rate
Reinhardt shield regenerates slower
Roadhog HP consume cooldown increased
Zarya ultimate length decreased
Zenyatta basic attack rate slowed
Mei removed from game (Increase time to freeze by a lot)

/dsg/ is a virus.

baka desu senpai and people who think bastion ISNT broken

turret form will out duel ANY "counter", and then you simply heal back to full for free

also WHY does switching between forms reload. fucking oath blizzard

god, I've lost so many fucking capture maps as attackers just because the cart's stopped 1m before the last point and the enemy just spawns right on top of it while we have to run the whole map before inevitably dying to a fucking sniper or some shit

>Perfect world situation where the entire enemy team plans around pushing Bastion off the point he's camping on
Any not shit Bastion isn't going to stay in the same place for more then a few seconds anyways, even defending on the last point of that japanese temple map. He changes forms very fast, why people don't move around to throw people off is beyond me.

Also sentry mode is still very good. the smg does tons of damage, except Bastion can now move around and avoid fire.

>when you pass into the Iris just right

Its funny how few people how hard Junkrat counters tracer desu

>ancient memes

where's the 9gag watermark?

>Playing with Veeky Forums


Why is Mccree a better close range character than Reaper while also having a mid range weapon?

i want to join the /vg gruop ):

is there already a good tracer

With some careful positioning and support, he can really prove to be a nuisance for the enemy team.

Orb of Discord was a touch too 'Fire and Forget' to exist in its unnerfed state. Like says, he could use some fine tuning, but a total revert would be too much.
Personally, I'd like some small QoL changes. The prompts on enemies and allies for his orbs are quite cluttery. An option for some minimalistic icons and no button prompts would be fantastic.

How the fuck do you counter the dyke heavy with the bubble shield?

>doing things with people from Veeky Forums

When has this ever worked out

Reaper is better at dealing with multiple targets where McCree kind of blows his load after flashbang unless you're playing against bads

>All trash opinions but Mei

Mei shitters should not be allowed to play.

Don't shoot her when her shield is up

>counters bird-watching turret robot
>counters dwarf of aardvark beyzoff
>counters spunky girl of wibbly wobbly timey wimey
>counters cyborg ninja of many throwing stars

Why aren't YOU playing Junkrat?

No taste

This game is so much fun.

Junkrat sucks.

>have to wait like 5 minutes for players to join a match

Already dead.

Regen is fine but the overall health could be lowered, imo. If you nerf Roadhog's heal he's gonna be really bad.

I play him the most lel

thanks for the insight and shitty pokemon picture fag

which characters are bad and i should stay away from

>stop shooting for 2 seconds
>resume shooting

Torgue, please leave

So, anybody ever seen meme matches with teams with a lot of one hero?

Recently got 3 D'Vas on Offense Route 66 and the enemy team got stomped hard

Maining him. Pretty fun actually.

>doing things with people from Veeky Forums
still better than playing alone

>Mercy camps on Hanzo all game as he peeks corners
>Impossible to kill her because she's hiding behind a wall and because her hitbox is small even when she peeks out for a split second it doesn't matter
>Your snipers can't do shit

I dunno if your being sarcastic but last time I checked dota matches take 10 minutes or more to start

i was gonna say that, but 3-4 direct rockets can kill piggu. I think nerfing overall health would just cripple a lot of heroes
