Welp didn't get a chance to link the thread in the now ded thread.
Easton Lewis
When will be get Mako back?
Brayden Gonzalez
weapon tunings >rare as fuck >bind on equip >not in collections Blunder of the century. And you just know the actual good effects like Unstable or those other unique lightsaber ones will be cartel market only, where as crafted ones will be shit like minor glow effects.
Blake Flores
>tfw my lightsaber is worth 50 million credits
Cameron Hill
>leveling characters on Bastion during double XP for easy CC rewards And people meme about Begeren Colony being dead.
Christian Evans
>people are selling weapon tunings for 30 million credits a pop >They do not get unlocked in Collections Jesus, they are almost a worse investment than Unstable Arbiter lightsaber
Brandon Lopez
>tfw I almost got the deathless eternal championship only to die to the final boss while he was on less than 5% hp twice
Elijah Green
>Be me, crafter of endgame junk >Endless supply of DMCs for cheap from a few sources >Always run out of exotic isotopes things >Mfw they become common af due to eternal championship
Adrian Myers
Ethan Martin
Who else here would put their dong in Lana?
Brody Allen
yes, many times
Julian Young
I know I would and I will
Jace Johnson
I wish I could passionately make out with Lana while crushing the Eternal Empire desu
Mason Hughes
>ywn be a qt twi'lek gril and make out with Lana
Jonathan Turner
>some one lists the endurance mint green crystal for 20k >all the other mint greens are selling for millions.
why would you even be so fucking retarded? Do you think 41 stats even fucking matters at high gear levels? Shit nigga that's like +10 damage to your top end or like .02% crit
Blake Howard
its 82 and yeah, at high end you're optimizing every single stat that you can for maximum output
Ayden King
a lot of this game's economy revolves around cosmetics, because the really high tier good gear is only obtainable through operations and shit, which was one of the better moves bioware made for this game
Isaac Foster
I legitimately can't figure out what to do at the end of that fight. I don't wanna look it up quite yet though.
But there comes a point after he gets back in his mech where he shoots that laser beam, and it's not interruptable and if i dont have saber reflect up for it I just die.
Joshua White
Your post confuses me.
Are you confused as to why people want to optimize their gear or as to why he's listing it so low?
Either way you sound like a poorfag, fuck off Enrique.
Ryan Williams
Well yeah but that's my point, the stats are irrelevant on your color crystal so it's purely for cosmetic if you ask me.
He could have gotten way more than 20k for that mint green despite the fact that it was an endurance one.
Connor Davis
If you've gotten a character to light 10, use Unity, and also use heroic moment as well. If you haven't gotten a character to light 10, just buy Unity in the global legacy unlocks. You will take much less damage and your companion will easily heal through it
Julian Green
>the stats are irrelevant on your color crystal so it's purely for cosmetic if you ask me. Nobody asked you, shitter.
I hope you don't go into Ops with that attitude.
Blake Bell
Color crystal stats are somewhat relevant, actually. I'd rather have 2 crit crystals than 2 endurance crystals as a carnage mara, or any other class for that matter (except tanking)
Elijah Sanders
I can't explain what is going on with the market right now. Perhaps it is the XP boost that people are too busy leveling alts to look for things, perhaps people are gunshy to buy things, or perhaps the market has dried up.
I have 3 bank alts across 3 servers. Up till the bans began I was easily making between 15 to 40 million a day.
Now I have sold on 3 servers a grand total of 3 items. I think I am going to take a break from the GTN for a while till things normalize.
Connor Wood
the amount of crit they add is so negligible you'd literally need to be in a 45 minute boss fight to notice the difference between crit crystals and no crystals.
If you want to min max hawkeye is the only one that matters.
Kayden Adams
Hey user I hate to beg but, could i have some money?
William Perry
It's a new pack week. Unless you're selling stuff from the latest pack (the tuning in particular) you ain't selling shit this week.
>hawkeye crystals >after 4.0 L M A O
Chase Mitchell
how about selling items that the majority of F2P can afford? Then you can make money. You are too greedy and nobody can buy your overpriced items.
Christopher Rogers
>f2ps/preferred actually believe this Just buy a subscription, a prepaid one is only 30 bucks
Cooper Peterson
Stick around. I may be quitting this game and if I do I will follow the example of the other anons that gave shit away. I am seriously debating this now with some friends.
Jackson Wood
Zachary Cooper
oh gosh I was just about to go to bed.
i guess it wouldn't matter any ways since I play on the bastion.
Luke Davis
>shlomo shekelstein doesn't want to pay 30 dollars for a worthwhile experience Sucks to be you, my Israeli friend
Leo Torres
More like Millennial McEntitlement doesn't pay for videogames.
Jason James
how can you not afford 15 dollars a month?
Oliver Green
why should I have to pay for a game that is already made and paid for? They already made their money back on this. Anything else is pure greed.
Chase Fisher
>2016 >giving Bioware your money also I don't see how 1 hour of killing skytroopers every month is a ''worthwhile experience''
Easton Wright
nah m8 after all the non-tank mods got shifted to power, crit is better on your crystal due to DRs
Ryan Reyes
Daily reminder you must be over 18 to browse Veeky Forums
Caleb Baker
>it's a "singleplayer faggot thinks he matters" episode
Evan Gutierrez
>he doesn't run operations >he doesn't run dailies >HE'S MISSING OUT ON THE ETERNAL CHAMPIONSHIP you can't make this shit up
Jaxon Myers
>he hasn't ran all the operations already in the past >he needs to do authorization dailies to get his money in 4.0 >he cares about lel no rewards arena fighting
Brody Rodriguez
>he needs to do authorization dailies to get his money in 4.0 The fuck are you even talking about, ERP shitter?
Justin Ramirez
t. only runs karagga's palace and eternity vault
Kevin Flores
>implying pug faggots can organize heals for the falls in EV EL OH EL
Ryder Lopez
Slut here
Need a million or two user?
Wyatt Martinez
i've never understood how people could possibly be actually shit at EV, even HM. Nobody in this game bothers to learn their class anymore
Cameron Diaz
I consider myself mediocre at the game and even my old guild cleared EV multiple times back in the 1.2 days.
We actually got it down to a pretty fucking quick run for that time too.
Sebastian Diaz
the fuck are YOU talking about, senpai? what dailies do freepers not get access to which subs do?
well I'm glad you are doing at least something with your life, Anonymous
Colton Perry
welcome to the state of todays video game. Where everything must be handed to him and if it is the slightest bit difficult they uninstall it and attack it online. So they make sure everything is easy as can be.
Dylan Cook
Healing in EV HM can be performed by a monkey, what are you talking about?
Gabriel Lopez
Section X, Oricon (I think), Makeb, Rishi
I remember one time I pugged EV SM (SM not HM) and I'm not 100% sure what the faggots I was running with were doing but they managed to actually hit the Gharj enrage (I was tanking, I think most of them got killed by lava).
Justin Cook
>Gharj enrage I didn't even know that was a thing.
Lincoln Davis
The falls in the Soa fight are a straight % of your health, so if the healers aren't up to scratch people will die from the falls.
I need to know where you get your healing monkeys from so I can ditch some dead weight.
Matthew Rodriguez
Sec X is the only one of those actually gated behind an active sub/authorization
Sebastian Young
Yeah my bad, wasn't 100% sure on what was and what wasn't
Dominic Hill
>there are people in this very thread who still run dailies for the credits Kek.
Angel Russell
>there are people in this very thread who refuse to sub but continue to play the game in f2p wew
Benjamin Johnson
Calm your tits, I'm a subscriber. I just know that running a 4-man group for heroics is a much better money:time ratio and have multiple alts so I can do it as often as I want.
It's probably some F2P faggot who thinks 350k is a lot of credits who still does dailies anyway.
Owen Johnson
holy fuck there are people that fail to heal through that damage? i solo healed that fight on my 216 geared operative without much issue.
Adrian Morgan
>>there are people in this very thread
Jacob Anderson
That, and running HMs constantly on many alts to get DMCs are fairly decent sources of money But the heroics are a lot more consistent
Jason Hernandez
>Update >the
William Cruz
>join guild with good rep on my server >really nice people, looking forward to doing Ops with a regular group again >first night is EV and KP, orientation for me and a few others who recently joined >nostalgia tripping through EV >get to Soa >we wipe on the fall because the healers are fingering their buttholes >twice more >/leave >/gquit Why are there no pleasant people who are also competent at this game jesus fuck?
Ian Sullivan
>there are people who dont run heroics solo itt >there are people itt who bitch about players stealing their bosses
Joseph Smith
>doing heroics solo How does it feel being poor?
Daniel Cox
What server are you playing on? I play on Shadowlands and guilds notorious of that are guilds like X-Raided, Unchained Wrath, Your Companion, etc
Bentley Lopez
how does it feel being a bish
Connor Flores
Burger Colony.
And inb4 >hurr RP server The old guild I did this fine with years ago was on an RP server too.
Owen Ross
>doing the same content faster and for greater profit makes me a bitch I bet you're voting for Bernie.
Leo Sullivan
>he thinks soloing heroics is an accomplishment
Matthew Parker
>he solos heroics and gets a whopping 1/4 of the money he could potentially be earning
Wyatt Thompson
>not doing it by yourself and running through the heroics >relying upon someone else
get necked
Gabriel Young
I don't know if you know this or not but if you do heroics with other people, you get an extra 18k credits or whatever the bonus reward is for every person that completes a bonus mission It's good money
Ayden Adams
>He doesn't maximize Shekels by doing Tatooine heroics with a full group netting one million credits per person within an hour
Noah Howard
its 18k if they're 65, a lot less if they're lower
Charles Bailey
>he doesn't just use the Force to get credits
Connor Lewis
>he associates with people who aren't level 65 God, it's like you want to catch something from the F2Peasants.
Kevin Thomas
Whats even the point of amassing credits in this game? I've been sitting at around 120million for about 8 months and have nothing to spend it on.
Mason Jackson
send me some bru
Juan Harris
new shit
Sebastian Brown
>what are alts
Eli Martinez
I suppose. I used to collect mounts until I hit 250 in total and kinda just stopped.
Jason Flores
What did everyone think of the new chapter?
Adrian Butler
It was ok
Matthew Walker
I'll tell you after double XP is finished.
>mfw two class stories completed already on a new server, a third almost done I need a life.
Austin King
Better than the other ones
>melting down a mint into an ocean of liquid happiness
I want to kiss whoever wrote that line
Owen Williams
It's worse being a retired nim raider looking to get back into it. in my case its either group cant kill shit, or being a sub for a decent group that occasionally is missing a member.
Asher Martinez
what guild?
Jeremiah Price
Best dialogue of all chapters but again way too short.
Henry Anderson
>tfw you'll never again start from scratch and create a guild from randoms on the fleet and work your way to doing relevant content
Cameron Davis
Grayson Green
Well, at least the prices are dropping rapidly.
Bentley Foster
>lets get stuff into the game that players might like >lets make it extremely rare behind a paywall
Hudson Davis
new shitter who kept dying as sorc here. i figured out why turns out i had no armor on but had an outfit set up on another note, smark user, what server are you on? it's so lonely out here and every guild i've been invited too has been full of cringe worthy weirdos
Jacob Morgan
wonder what the prices will stabilize at, and if it will be worth picking up 2 because bioware decided to fuck over dual wielders.
Evan Gomez
>he thinks there's enough subscribers to keep the lights on It's this or death.