Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding. The game is out in South Korea with International Early Access beginning March 29th. F2P starts on May 10th.

>Can I play the game now?
International servers open for Early Access on March 29th, 02:00 AM (EST) if you have a Founders Pack, and open for F2P users on May 10th. You can also play on the Korean Servers now if you have a verified Nexon Korea account, which requires a Korean Mobile Phone number.

>Early Access Info:
Server Schedule:
Early Access FAQ #1:
Early Access FAQ #2:

>English patch for kTOS

- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS: Early Access begins March 29th, 02:00 AM (EST) with purchase of Founder Pack, April 28th for F2P users

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>Field Boss/F.O.E Timers
- kTOS Timer:
- iTOS Timer:

>/tosg/ Guilds info

Most /tosg/ members play on Klaipeda(US) server. There are /tosg/ branches on both Fedimian(EU) and Telsiai(SEA).

Other urls found in this thread:



Can I use leftover points from another class in my new one?

3rd for build baiting.

Hey, look what I got! I know damage is x2 lower than it could've been but I don't want to reroll. Holy damage just suits it perfectly and I am afraid I won't roll anything better.

Only if it's the same class. You can save Archer C1 points to use on Archer C2 and/or C3. But you cannot use Archer leftover points on Ranger or QS skills.

Where do you even get the white angel wings?

Hm. Gotta do something about these wizard points, then. Thank you.

What NPC would you rather have seat on your face

Wizard points go into Sleep. Always max it.


I want warlock master to sit smugly on my face tbqh family

Also, why does the Linker submaster from Orsha have a cyan outfit? I want that.

I have a thing for this cutie.


It's a NPC technically

Where is Capyba.... ;~;

Why is Hoplite always missing from these lists?

What's an actually good build for someone who wants to only use muskets?




because spear lunge isn't a class

How the fuck do I aim rapid fire on my qs? Nigger is loading up his shit then just spraying it on the floor, like what the fuck where is my aiming circle or something.


try musketeer

>aim rapid fire
Good one senpai

A2 > Sapper3 > Scout > Musketeer
Don't skill any bow skills.

>wife divorces you
>expects you to continue fatherly duties


I-I mean, what should I choose on the ranks 1 to 6 if I plan to only use musket.

I heard musketeer's pretty good for that

what drove IMC to have these uglyass character arts? in game low poly models look better. hell run of the mill animay characters would look better

It fires into whatever direction you're facing. That is, up, down, left, right, and the diagonals.

People shit on this skill a lot, but it's half decent. Just make sure to never try and hit something diagonally, unless it's at point blank range. The chance you'll miss firing sideways is negligible compared to the chance you'll misalign diagonally.

That was too real too fast

No seriously how the fuck does this shit hit anything?

shut up

What exactly do you consider good character art?

I think they are quite interesting and unique

Oh thanks lad, that does make sense, thought it would be something like that.

I'm going Archer2 Ranger1 Scout3 Musk

eveything xept soapy eyes is just fine.

nothing in particular but like I said these just look ugly and way too stylized. its like they tried too hard to make them stand out
I guess but they are ugly regardless as if everything was blended together. no hard lines or contours

Where i can find some ToS porn?
I can't believe a game full of semen demons doesn't have TBs of porn

Alternative Wiz3 build that doesn't involve Elememe?

that is what is called ART STYLE, there's no correct way to do it, everyone has it's own and they all are different

Build of Kangz

There's no reason to go WizC3 if you are not going Elememe

A lot of people have trouble with skills like that. They get too fixed on the Archer targetting system, and forget that skills could just fly or target general directions.

Another example of this is Rush Dog(or all Hunter skills, in general). They target something using the Archer lock-on and use the skill, and then complain that the pet didn't target whatever they intended to target. What the AI does, in fact, is target whatever monster your character is facing, not what you are currently targetting.

Kino3 and Pyro3 for alternate sources of damage. People like Magic Missile + Links, too.

You could try Wiz3 with Thauma for maximum damage amplification, and hope that further circles up the ladder have good DPS.

Spray and pray

seriously this game is shit and if i havent payed over 100$ i would have already uninstalled this fckin shit , just waiting for GvG before uninstalling

garbage game that will work like 10 years ago and those who stick around to play it are weaboo faggots

In addition, it's a lot easier to bait whatever you need to kill into your firing range than pray they'll stay in the multihit circle.
In addition, it's best if you move away from your enemy for a little of the charging time, so that they follow you, THEN attack, to make sure you're on the same axis.
When I first started learning, I'd miss >90% of my shots because they were just barely off my axis

Stop trying to trap people with shit builds

How are this persons shop spells above the max level?

Ahhh fair enough, just gotta get used to it then, thanks again.

Kino3 is actually so legit with the Gravity Pole buff.

Jewish sorcery.

>Use divine might
>Open shop

Im not defying that but they couldve done it some othey way

are you all actually having fun in this game

Lucky! 1.5 level.

Is this legit?
Kind of want to go Wiz3 Linker2.

There's one guy here that's rerolling to archer because his kino3 does shit damage.

Wizard version when?

Why are you killing things above your level?

yes, but is overwatch time, see you next week.

This is a legit korea build, though I would go Feather as r7 instead since skeletons are dumb and die fast. FF profits a lot from wiz3 and linker.

You basically have flesh cannon and FF nukes.

Buyer's remorse fun is the best fun.
I feel like one of those facial abuse models, only I'm the one paying this time.

Skeleton are at 0 there
10 FleshCannon and the meatshield are two nukes on everything, disinter makes you less dependent on necro master jars.
If you have to go necro it's better necro2 or nothing


Never because even taking 1 Circle of different things in any Rank is more usefull than all of the Swordmemes ranks together

>it's better necro2

Wrong. necro2 brings nothing worthwhile. What you achieve with necro2, you can achieve with 1.

Disinter is useless. Just buy the jars.

For FF is better link3 or 2 is already fine?

>Necro2 brings nothing worthwhile
t. theory crafter who doesn't even play the game

People who played Necro keep saying to ignore Desinter and just buy the corpses.

I'd still take Necro2 though. Who knows What Necro3 has in store. It might be something good, or it could be Squire3 levels of bad.

necro2 gives you 10 in cannon and hoop, making them incredibly hard hitting low cooldown spells. either you don't play the game or you've never seen necro2.

link 2 gives you 8 links linker 3 gives you 10 links.
Unless you have a specific group and you can make use of lifeline I don't think linker3 is worth it.

t. necro2 who wants to draw as many people into his misfortune as possible


Swordsmen or Wizard?

wizard hands down
unless you enjoy being a useless """"""tank"""""

or you can take 5 cannon and hoop and get 2 additional ff nukes.

And a cute outfit.

Shut up squire 3 is best class

Have fun with your tumblrina character.

Considering how Lovecraftian horror based is the Necro here we might to summon something more terrifying than the Shoggoth at rank3

Wizard if you want to play a bland cookie cutter class.
Swordsman if you want to actually have fun playing.

t. bitter swordie

>Swordsman if you want to actually have fun playing.
this is the biggest misinfo ever posted in these threads
i am amazed

shoggoth is my favourite falafel-shaped monster

What went wrong with the Shoggoth?

>No damage
>No defense
>Gets melted by magic and physica damage
>Never block
>Never hold aggro
>Have to repair armor and weapon every 5 minutes
>Never have money
>Never get boss cubes

Yeah, sure thing champ.

Wizard if you want to be in the slightest bit useful
Swordsman if you want to be "just fuck my shit up" the class

You're only a c1 necro when you summon it, obviously when you master the class you'll be able to summon mind-breaking beings
Or maybe Shoggoth beyond 10 turns to a monstrosity.

Shoggoth is maxed at 5, thread only senpai.


For now.

Thinking about changing up my playstyle for this game and picking a cleric instead of a wizard.

Am I going to have to deal with people whining for heals?

