/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #250
Cutest Thunder Edition
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/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #250
Cutest Thunder Edition
iOS: itunes.apple.com
Friend list: ofo.jp
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good taste, OP
Got littre from GK match.Hell yeah
good question, who IS OUR GUY now? someone make a poll
I like these new threads
Lukafags disgust me.
>not liking cute girls like pic related instead
Never forget
post moar cute reasons, do it now
>luka thread again
Fucking aussies
Get out and vote!
Stupid memer
Why is shoe listed twice?
Average thunder slut.
Cause I'm retarded, choose the first shoe, obviously.
>he unironically likes luka
>cute reasons
>doesn't even post the only two good reasons, Frederica and Rudy
user, what the fuck.
Luka is cute and I will defend her from bullies!
I wanna murder Luka
Why would you want to murder such a nice girl?
Delete this.
>ywn rape Luka with anons
I want to rape Luka until she tells me to stop! and then keep raping her anyway
Average Milky Way
Delete yourself
she is nice, y-you're the one who's not nice!
>implying she would tell you to stop
When are patch notes?
>still no preview of EEs or new players
They are too busy with upcoming JP release.
hopefully they'll close down global so they can focus on jp
Black Ivy EE when?
Why would they close down the server they use to test their patches?
>tfw no Silla
>tfw no asakura
>one trillion scouts and not a single useful goalkeeper
>he spends gold on scout
>scout superb for Luka
>Metatron appears
Um. Think I can get another 1400 GP in the time remaining? I didn't really want to open my wallet but this chance is never gonna come again...
1400 is doable if you've played the game for a while and have a lot of ST saved up, otherwise you'll have to drop a few dollarydoos for it but it's worth it
>not locking players
Just draw with all your fp, crystals, sell all of your 4* or below. And if that isn't enough, drop a couple of $$$ since a legend is worth $900 anyway.
Grats btw.
I just sold all of my spare 4* and all of my 3* because I wanted to watch my world burn and have almost enough for that. Just do that, user.
New dual element units when?
>throwing your gold away
user pls.
I have no goalkeeper, you fucks. My goalkeeper is Leonard. Do you have any idea how horrendous it is to play a game where "lose if ball reaches defense line" is a condition for every single game?
I'm desperate for an actual goalie.
Why do reasonfags exist? I don't get it.
>not drawing cutest tortoise
I don't get it. His art is fugly as hell
>tfw you will never hold Uriel in your arms
suffering. ;_;
>tfw need to ST so many units
Man this game keeps you so busy. Been playing for 13-14 months and it seems to always be more things to do... So time consuming.
>tfw you'll never scout a legend
Kill me
>tfw you'll never scout a Silla
>tfw you'll never draw Vitos daughter
Just completed tutorial and here what I have:Ravian, Sirius, Neraizel, Blue King, Z225 Ramia, Sofia.
Are they good, or I should do a reroll?
>tfw finished +160
>tfw not enough littres
Soon my dear deer, soon...
You got smuggest dragon and drama queen striker. Pretty good.
>use estella forever
>get Lucian one day
>"great! now I can use a real goa-"
>draw isillia
>draw kei
>draw ronald
>draw kei
Pedo GK for life
I take ages to +160 a unit, but I quickly get them to 5/5, please lets trade
Reroll for a legend, preferably s2 legend
I have a fetish for ugly girls that people despise.
Remember to buy a nice gift as usual on Mother's day!
Go clear 46 CoT famalam
Is it because you think you are ugly so it only makes sense that you only go for ugly girls to level the playing field? iktf fellow robot ;_;
I have her and she is adorable, but I am not convinced she is an upgrade over beatrice yet.
For countering lucian I was already working on a vitos.
Give based reindeer her EE already!
Unless your Bea can crit reliably on her normal shots, Shanti is a big upgrade over her.
And let's be honest, even Vitos is dealing more damage to Raklets than Bea.
There is literally no reason to use old granny Bea other than waifufagging.
Should I change anytging?
>not just wanting to defend innocent girls from bullies
dont worry about comp till you're higher level, just make sure to have a strong striker to finish games for you and a way to get the ball to her. Also be on the lookout for a good goalie
Which SS character is the most autistic, /ssg/?
Wait until you get your legendary and we'll see
C-can I see your Sh-Shantis, A-Anons?
No, base Shanti, best Shanti.
rerolling is a hassle and you already have a striker-passer combo, you're good to go.
If you're a mobage minmaxing autist you reroll for a legendary. Are you one such person?
Show me your Shanti!
Post ingame stats. People who say Beatrice is shit are usually building her wrong.
Easily this fag.
>so autistic he put his real body into stasis to be an internet ghost
He's legit.
I don't know what you're expecting, user.
I already took her to Galaxy twice now.
looks fine to me
you'll still have a better time with that beatrice than with most other strikers.
>And let's be honest, even Vitos is dealing more damage to Raklets than Bea.
Well Nerua does offset the elemental advantage, and nerua is on 100% of Raklet lines. But I hear what you are saying.
I am only hitting the Raklet for about 3.2k on an active shot which is not enough to kill her anymore. Beatrice used to be a very easy OHKO on Raklet before they changed Penetration/Defense in the big update but not anymore.
post frontline pls
Just switch Vitos and Bea.
They both can have 30% innate pen and can use a dark pen stone, so any line is switchable.
You're running her with pen stone and Luka-Neraizel front?
>tfw running a WW back, thunder mid, and dark front
Reminder that the only balanced elements are:
Silent Cold Veronica and IC Luka?
thunder is balanced too
Nice try, lightfag.
When you combine spirit stones is it RNG on which of the 4 that you can get or is it set to the one that you put in the middle?
Yes. I would have tried EBM on Luka instead but I don't have EBM ;_;
Fully rng.
Ah alright.
Got lucky and got the one I needed, thanks user.
>checking for update content 98%
What do, I cleared cache 3 times and force closed multiple times
Why is Ivy hiding 2 melon pieces under her bra?
I never noticed she had a tail holy shit Black Ivy's cute.