/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous >[Fate/0 Collab]
- April 27 to May 18
- Event Details: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/quest_event_20160427.php
- Servants giving extra drops: Gilgamesh, Arturia, Waver, Lancelot, Ko-Gil, both Gilles, Alexander, Diarmuid, both Hassan, Kiritsugu, Iskandar
- Servants listed above give extra medal drop on classes they are strong against
- Event CEs give extra medal drop according to the class of the servant it's equipped to. Shielder to all, Avenger to Cavalry and Ruler to Knight
- Complete missions for reward and to unlock more stages
- Trade medals for ascension mats and the 5* CE Final Destination
- 5* CE Final Destination - All Medal drop +2
- Drop rates are not 100%
- 0* Angra Mainyu added to FP gacha
- Caster Iri welfare, gives bonus

>[Fate/0 Collab Gacha]
Rate up in the Event gacha for the following:
- 5* Iskandar
- 5* Waver
- 4* Kiritsugu (Assassin)
- 3* Hundred-Faced Hassan
- 5* CE Pre-Awakening - [Servant's Class] Medal drop +3
- 5* CE Volumen Hydragyrum - [Servant's Class] Medal drop +3
- 4* CE Miss Loveless - [Servant's Class] Medal drop +2
- 3* CE Self Geass Scroll - [Servant's Class] Medal drop +1

>[Maximum Bond Increased]
- Level 10 bond released. You'll get a special CE after you're done bonding with them.
- Servants: Arturia, Vlad, Waver, Jeanne, Artoria Alter, Emiya, Heracles, CasCu, Kiyohime, Mata Hari
- Bond CE Gallery imgur.com/a/5zIbA

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes:
- 10 quartz if you login during Grand Party 2016 5/3 4:00JST - 5/6 JST3:59



>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


Other urls found in this thread:


xth for best swimsuit

Can people in /fgog/ cook?

Ruler George soon

Xth for please be free

Xth for the return of the smuggest assassin

>discussion of a fucking mobage
>constructive in any way

best daughteru

Yes, my dream is to cook up my waifu something to eat

Which of the 5 main heroines did Shiki love the most?
