/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

(Looted) thread: →



PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/xQq8jLch
M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV

>Recommended new player's first mod:
DIPLOMACY vanilla or this one (adds upstab and more)
mediafire.com/download/7ex3306kg24jjd9/Diplomacy Modded.7z


user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

Module Recommendations:
>Swedish Mayonnaise
>Carribean! Blood and Gold (on Steam)

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for celebrating Cinco de Mayo by getting drunk and playing Warband

Deus Vult

You trip and fall +10 days until next Warsword release

I think I've made the sarranid sultanate too powerful
(they have dhirim and the surrounding areas)

5th for celebrating cinco de mayo by having a bad cold and being miserable

>when Warsword originally released a version there was a Warhammer drought
>now the year of Warhammer is upon us
>Warsword still hasn't come out
>it probably wont until Bannerlord is out
>and then it will probably be scrapped to switch engine

>old blog link
Well, it's not like there's anything worthwhile in latest one anyway.

I more and more think that Bannerlord will be unplayable garbage on release and will need a year to be good enough to enjoy.

Please help me recover my hype.

You have to go back.

Mexicans gave us an excuse to get drunk, who are we to say no to it?

You have to go back, Jose.

>thinking he can fool us if he talks about Mexicans in third person

/mbg/ stands for Mexican Barista General
It is you who has to go back, hombre!

M&B stands for Mexicans and British. If you aren't either then fuck off.

reminds me of the scam that was "Construction mod" for GTA IV

Listen Dustum. Your shitty Khanate ran on gavelkind succession, which meant you'd split the lands with your brother equally. A few years would pass, and next thing you know it one of you is pushing claims on the other, and poor Sanjar dies in a freak accident involving an inn and a few tonnes of manure, you're branded as a kinslayer, and some fucking uncle is Whogivesafuckistan is starting a faction to instate himself as the new ruler of the Khanate. Now you've got to have him murdered too, and then Swadia's calling a holy war and calling in allies, and the whole thing starts falling apart because you can't have anything but daughters and your empire is running on agnatic succession.

Is that what you want, Dustum? An collapsing empire built on mistrust and manure-based fratricide? Sanjar did you a favour, you fucking jelly cream donut.

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

why the hell is ther

because it's g

But why the fuck wou

What's happening t

Wow you guys are so clever, this is going on r

Fucking reddok, fuck o

Can we stop this shit alr

What a le funny Candlejack le me

PD gives the bonus up to 4 points after the requirement
so PD req of 5 allows for up to 9 points of PD requirement, 10 points of PD will still only give 126% bonus, not 140%
but the accuracy and time you can hold the bowstring keeps scaling with higher PD, it's just the damage that is limited

Bannerlord will have the option for marriages and children, but will it be possible to couple children up into incestuous relationships?

We can only hope user.

day one mod I would bet

Crusaderkings player I see?

I'm going to marry my oniichan

>will finally get to marry a yandere imouto and have her fighting beside me on the battlefield

I love how Crusader Kings basically demonstrates the Habsburgs had the right idea
Fuck marrying outside the family when you can couple Genius Strong Fair children together

Bannerlord can't come out soon enough

>start with zoroastrian with ruler designer + daughter
>play though game with atleast a dozen generations of absolute incest
>inbred trait everywhere in dynasty
>every other king is a inbred retard that collapses empire with awful negative opinion traits
it's the best way to play ck2

>only 1 daughter
Why not have 4 daughters, all of them your wives and concubines?

I use CK2+ with their dynasty attachment thingy and marry my brother. Since my starter always has 60 something stats all around it don't matter.
also Elective Gavelkind desu

spend it on fertility instead, first guy had 28 kids

are you lads watching this

>pat pat pat
Even Mountain Blade is more realistic, this is like fighting against looters with butcher knives with a full plate armor

for awhile, it was awful, at least half of the contestants just flail about, would be better if it was set up like fencing with one good hit means you win.

it isn't really realistic, it's full contact but they wear way more padding than was actually used irl (which is why they look so fat) and they can't stab at all
the czech vs latvian was bretty good since they got into it but a lot of the others were flailing shit

it is very apparent that the less western countries seem to try much harder then the ones from the first world.

Is anyone else getting constant diplomacy pop-ups in ACOK? I swear I get notifications about fickle fucking political changes in Essos several times an in-game day.

Sup lads, haven't visited this general or played mount and blade for quite some time.

What happened to L'3years? Is A Clash of Kings still "you trip and fall and lose 5 strength and break your lance and die" fiesta?

>check the Estonian team info
>only about 5 have actual Estonian last names
>there's a guy with a cyrillic alphabet name

Is there a good GoT mod?
Is there a GoT mod with lance recruitment?

There are only 2, clash of (you trip and fall), and A world of ice and fire

>all that padding and under armor
fucking LARPers cant handle getting a scratch even with a shitty blunt edged sword

Anybody else here hyped for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3?

good? no

looks alot better now, is it men now?

This looks nothing like M&B combat! Where's the upstab!??

i wasn't watching before, was it women before?

few hours ago they had woman rounds and it was awful, just 100% flailing around like a fight between 10 year olds, The men rounds seem alot better and more deliberate with movements.

>Yandere imouto
>No onee-san


>not having both competing for you

I'm going to be the oneechan

jesus, glad i didn't see that
>The men rounds seem alot better and more deliberate with movements.
especially on the longsword round

shit looked like rebels flailing at each other with the shittiest ai possible

Warwolf for Bonerlord when

>Not marrying both.
>Not seeing them compete with each other to see who can collect more ears in battle for their brother.

Mein negger.

women's sports in general are pretty terrible
>this danish guy
holy shit he's huge


This man has impeccable taste
It was bad enough I turned it off for three hours, the chat for this is getting filled we wuz knigghts.

>reading the chat

I need some recommendations.

I found myself bored with playing normally again so I tried something new in Bellum Imperii.

I've cheated all non-STR/AGI/Leadership/Healer skills (because I wanted to feel SOME progress, but without need to use companions) to the max, got some money, RtR etc. and built lair (I would get castle if there are no lairs in module).
Then I recruited few hundred Pretorians, took as many as I can with me, rest I left at lair and begin to roam around the world supporting Roman Empire as some sort of crusading force that helps to fight their enemies, even if heavily outnumbered. I got money from plundering and shit like that. It was glorious feel to defend castle that had only 40 soldiers in it with my ~120 pretorians against insane hordes of barbarians only to see them defeated by last 3 surviving defenders.

Are there any other modules where I can recreate that feel? With really OP unit, preferably infantry/something capable of both field and siege battles, where I can lead them as kind of space marine chapter (?) devoted to one of kingdoms in that module?

The more interesing/unique the module is, the better, especially when it comes to enemy variety, because Bellum Imperii really have some issues with it.

The shorter one has an incredible ass


>found myself bored
gee I wonder why?

>reading comprehension

I got bored before. Used cheat to set up this army and I'm having a blast with it, now I'm looking for other modules where this might work. I've already done everything I could normally in shitton of modules.

>giving a shit about what people do with their single player game

Sword of Damocles: Warlords has a kingdom that specializes in 2-hander swordsmen with plate armour, and their lords are called paladins.
PooP has knighthood orders you can turn into walking murdermachines.

Thanks, I'll check SoD, since I've never played it, also I already have savefile with poop knighthood order so I might check that one out after.

G-guys! I finally managed to marry Lady Isolla of Suno!


Your wife's a whore

Not gonna lie, I always eat the salted butter on planes without the bread biscuit that you're supposed to put it on. I mean I eat the biscuit later but

spot the shitter

Thanks Harlaus.

>he says, while posting perhaps the greatest retard in ASOIAF
It's you

Viserys did nothing wrong

its just a reaction image lad, not saying I don't agree with him sexing his bitch sister though

twg fag here, whats the best warhammer overhaul these days? I remember playing warsword beta years ago

Rage of the Dark gods for Medieval 2

He did literally everything wrong
>get kicked out of your country
>instead of stirring unrest which already exists you go to Attila "Temujin the Lame" the Mongol Hun
>who don't even have boats
>who would be shit-tier fighting his former kingdom anyway since there's forests and mountains literally everywhere
>half of who probably die trying to cross the fucking narrow sea
>while insulting your sister and her husband Attila the Mongol Hun
His bitch sister is literally nothing but a cocksleeve and as of Nigger Venice seems to have fully settled into her role in life.

My bad, I meant for mount and blade warband

come back in two weeks for a new update! :DDDD

There's only Warsword and Grim Age, and Warsword is the one that's more finished.

Are there any mods that /mbg/ actually likes?

i've been out for a couple months, what did i miss other than memesword conqueso never?


The ones that are already dead


Just remembered we haven't had any gsanders images in the thread yet

He was clearly born in the wrong generation. I think he'd make a great king in the middle ages.

>needed some time to kill




Had a pretty cool tournament round end ingame.

>those death animations