>What is this? A mobile/tablet 3D beat-em-up where you collect and train Marvel heroes. Includes multiple game modes, levelling up and skills, and fairly frequent (monthly) updates.
>Is it free? Yes, the game is free to play with microtransactions.
>Alliances: >Alliance Name: # of inactive days before being kicked: Weekly alliance xp required to stay Mobile Muggas: 5: 5000xp Veeky Forums co: 5: 5000xp Symbiotic: 5: 5000xp
Apply and leave in game name in thread >REMINDER to please do Alliance Battle everyday! Just do the best you can and it will add up.
No it's ugly but if you don't care about looks then it's worth it for the +10%
Jaxon Edwards
Like I said, I'll return when they release the Stark uni, but if you do a sharon lewd I'll return right away. kidding
Lucas Cook
I like him
farming norns and guks
Samuel Diaz
What does defense penetration do?
Joseph Bennett
it penetrates defense
Isaiah Wood
literally no one knows and the devs refuse to reveal what it means because they think it's better for the players to figure out game mechanics also the devs think it's a good idea to put a cap on def pen but not give us any way at all to check how much def pen we have :^) keke~