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[PS4 NA and EU] message PSN: kibukj. There is also an ESOG PSN community.
Shall we make a steam group for PC?

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Any tips or tricks for leveling up skills quickly?

Well, which skills?

Class skills and weapons skills I guess. I know the more you have on your bar the quicker they level, I am just wondering if there are tips or tricks I am not aware of to make it easier.

Anyone else excited for new brotherhood DLC?

Not at all, I have no interest in any DLC

i'm excited, but I just bought the game so I don't really know what's going on yet

For the places to travel and some of the new base game additions, yes

For the actual new DB quest line, not so much, I still haven't even done the TG stuff.


No, there won't probably be an option to be guard etc. No new dungeon, no new trial, no PvP arena. And the new DK sucks. And poisons give buffs to YOU.



Depends on what the rewards for the DB quests are. TG basically just gave gold, and not a particularly large amount to justify doing them. Glad they're changing the quests to have a chance of dropping motifs as well.

Update when!?

Dragon Knight vs Templar which does everyone think more fun and why?

dps wise, dks are a lot more involved, lots of bar swapping and keeping track of all the dots and buffs, both magicka and stamina.

magplars drop a couple dots, swap, sweeps, only swap to reapply dots, then jesus beam. stamplar pales in comparison to the dps output that just sweeps has.

When DB drops as I recall.

For PvE which DK do you find more fun, Stamina or Magika?

I understand some of those words, like "the" and "that".


Tamriel Foundry has datamined Vvardenfell content. More world bosses, delves and dungeons, instanced player housing, continuation of the storyline... I'm excited.

how about those costumes?

Even though I have just started playing, that sounds really good. I'm hype.

By the Three, yes! I've been waiting for this since the beta. I can's wait to see what it's like. I was oleased with the feel of Stonefalls.

And that is?

This is really interesting. We've already been shown demo footage from the Clockwork city. From the Q&A from PAX we know that their engineers are fiddling with player permission related to housing. It also makes sense that they don't talk too much about other stuff since there's little more than a month left to E3 and they're gonna show something like this there.

As long as we get Mirklure. I really want some more Argonian-centred stuff.

31 may on PC, shortly after on consoles.


i've both characters as dps. currently finding more fun with stam dk, it's just so responsive, every hit feels like it counts. i'm biased in saying this- i may just be bored of magdk after 2~ years on it l.


I killed a daedra tree

>turn on Hide Helmet
>don't receive a hide helmet


Fucking vote


Not gonna lie, I'd do it.


Still remember seeing these guys for the first time and being scared.

I just did my first dungeon today (banished cells) at level 17 and while it didn't go so well we ended up finally beating it after a little over an hour. I queued as a healer and damage dealer, it picked me as a healer though and I'm not sure if I played it right.

I'm playing a sorcerer with my focus on summons, but I have 2 points into regen/mutagen and a point into blessing of protection. I slotted my 2 summons, crystal shard, 2 healing spells and summon storm atronach ultimate with a restoration staff. I just kind of tried to line up blessing of protection to hit the tank and someone else while casting mutagen every once in a while between heavy attacks, any time someone would get low I'd try to spam both heals at them.

The tank almost never seemed to die or get low, but the 2 other sorcerers were constantly dying. The tank was a templar veteran rank 2 or 3 and the other sorcerers were 12 and 25 if that made a difference, I don't know if it's normal for people to die so much. The absolute worst was that final boss, you apparently have to kill the little orbs that fly to him or else he never dies and since I'm on PS4 you can't actually communicate with anyone. Eventually we figured it out and won, but man it took like 30 minutes to get coordinated enough to beat him.

Is there anything I should be doing different for future dungeon healing?

Nor really, it can be fairly hard at lower levels with a sorcerer, I'm a sorc as well, v16.

At your level, and if you have the skills, I'd recommend:

> Mutagen
> Crystal Fragment
> Healing Ward
> Volatile Familiar
> Twilight Matriarch

I typical use Mutagen twice before a fight so people have it "just in case" something happens. Healing Ward is great for when those oh shit moments happens. Crystal fragment should be cast when procced. Volatile Familiar isn't very popular but the fact it stuns the enemies after doing damage is pretty handy. Twilight Matriarch is your main heal.

The Twilight Matriarch will heal itself and two other friendly targets. This heal is so strong that I sometimes run veteran dungeons as a healer with nothing slotted but the Twilight, and have two destruction staffs I switch between for single-target and AoE damage to speed things up.

meant as a reply to And ultimate is more a matter of taste than anything else. The Storm Atronarch is great.

>And the new DK sucks.
>DK bitching considering what they're doing to Sorcerers
wew lad

How do the DB poisons work now? I don't have PTS.

This thread is sorely lacking in screenshots. Add screenshots when you post. It will liven up this thread.

Fresh from the pts

You make poisons the same way you make potions, except using oils instead of water as a solvent.

And then you apply them in the new slot for poisons right next to your weapon. The poison will drain one unit whenever it procs.

Poisons seem broken af.

Spell crafting when?

Huh, I had no idea the matriarch could heal, I only have it level 3 right now.

And I went for the crystal shards level up that made it do aoe damage, it's been my main way of dealing with groups solo. Is it a big deal if I don't have the instant cast skill instead of the aoe skill?


yes hello sir quite a good evening we are having yes

Yes, every sorc gets crystal frags (insta cast morph). You will eventually get an aoe ability from your destro skill tree 'impulse' which will be your main aoe ability.

It's afaik one of the strongest heals in the game.

And there's nothing wrong with crystal shard, it's just that crystal fragment is so much better since once it proc, it will do more damage for less magicka and casted instantly.

If you want a way to deal with blobs of enemies when playing solo I'd recommend morph Daedric Curse into Velocious Curse. After 3.5 secounds it will do an AoE blast that stuns enemies. You also have Shattering Prison that can be morphed from Encase, first immobilizing enemies before exploding.


I have bought the game 1 year ago, but it is so clunky and laggy sometimes. I still want to play with it tho. Which class combination is good for leveling and also fun?

I play it on different computers, one being a Surface Pro 2, and never had any lag...

>bought this game when it went b2p
>played it for 20 minutes

when did this game get a general? trying to make a general for this game in the past would get you laughed at and /esg/ used to shit on this game relentlessly

is it good now or something?

>implying I give a fuck what some waifu loving shitters think

Game is good.

The generals from when the game got released died out quickly because people would advertise and spam pictures of Wildstar and Archeage in it and the mods would do fuck all about it, meaning people would simply go to other places but Veeky Forums to talk about it.

Some time ago someone made a general and people have been posting in it since.

>>/esg/ used to shit on this game relentlessly
You can't mod futa porn into it of course they'll hate it

It's on the backburner. They're interested and it will happen at some point but right now they're focusing on whatever they're gonna show at E3.

Posting fixed?

made my first webm, testing

Housing... HOUSING??? Is there more about this matter?


I got hooked when I first started playing it in beta. Then it got released and I stopped playing due to financial problems and my PC couldn't really handle it anyway. Months after I returned and played until I got to VR ranks (16mil exp grind after you reach lvl 50). Then I quit as I hate grinding. Now I got back few months ago and, again, I'm absolutely loving it and there's so much content being added. To make it simple, this game is probably the best MMO I've ever played.

I signed up for the beta but didn't download it. Still got the monkey. :)

We know that the engineering team is building the editor and working on the permission system but that's about it, it's far enough into the future that there's little reason to speak about it.

> Continuation of the story
Considering the impacts of the ending in Orsinium, I bet any story taking place in Vvardenfell will shake up the Ebonheart pact quiet a bit.

I'm playing it mostly solo and exploring and it takes a while to complete every quest.

It appeared in the Vvardenfell data

bump :)

fuck i was just making my character and disconnect

lost all the progress of course so that's great :)

Take your time. I don't even want to take any screenshot of my character until the barbershop comes out.


Why don't glyphs stack???

What's that supposed to mean? It's one glyph per armor/weapon/jewellery piece.

I think he means in your inventory, like to Superb Glyphs of Whatever will stack instead of being separate items


Are blacksmithing writs good for anything? I accidentally started one, can I just abandon it without consequences?

Yes, yes.

Can you explain what they're good for, thanks, by the way.

The writs are good for getting the gold legendary upgrade materials, which are highly sought after. You also occasionally get treasure maps which lead to concentrated raw material nodes.

If you don't have the crafting skill maxed they're good for leveling them as well.

Ok, now I'm questing, so I guess I'll just abandon the writ and take it back later, right?

Armor and weapon trait materials too.

If you leave it on until the next day, you'll be able to do two of the same writ.

That's good to know, but for another day.



Are negative effects potions worth money?

No, they're an unfinished feature. Poisons are coming with DB.

ayylmao is it worth it now to get into the game?

comparable to which MMOs?

is it fun__________

So I can't even sell them? pff

You can sell them to vendors of course.

That's what I asked.

Wondering this too.

How many people even play ESO now?

Is there some have decent pvp?

I cant remember is it going free to play or what? yada yada

Are DB poisons affected at all by poison resistance? Like in Argonians?

I dunno, If you can bother to do it, it's on the PTS right now so you can see how it works currently.

It's fun. I loved Skyrim, and always wanted to play an mmo, so picked this one.

Hard for me to compare it to other other mmos. I've only played wow and only to get to lvl 20 for the hearthstone portrait. Didn't enjoy it too much, graphically and design-wise I preferred eso. Thought now I finally understand part of why people want to rush to the endgame in wow, and consider it the real game (because the levelling experience is pretty bad).

I'd recommend eso if you like the elder scrolls universe and like mmos. If you play it like a single player game just for the story and ignore the multiplayer stuff, it's probably worth it for $20, but I wouldn't pay more than that.

I don't see it dying anytime soon.

PVP is decent. When I first played it I thought it was cool, sieging keeps, mass battles and stuff.

It's buy to play for $19.


Hmm, hope that link works with Steam activation.

You think it will stay buy to play?

Do not buy it on steam. The eso launcher doesn't work well with it, and pretty sure zenimax has dropped steam support. Pretty sure the way they are going forward is linking it with the bethesda launcher in the future, like battlenet.

It will definitely 100% stay buy to play. I don't see that changing.

Don't get it on Steam...

Why the hell is there a PS4 guild, but no PC guild?

I think /tgesg/ has a guild, but I'm not a member. I'm part of bigger guilds.

If you're on the PC NA server, I'm @abyssalwarder. EP characters only so far.