League of Legends General - /lolg/

akali edition also the contest is up

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xth for best waifu of resets

Illaoi is cute.

>EU Scene

>Get in draft lobby
>Mid fp picks urgot smite/ghost
>lets us go through the entire pick ban
>last second dodges

He didn't even ask for a swap, he just sat there wasting all of our time. Why?

shit patch
shit game

Syndra is best girl and my gf

>shit waifu for the last season or so
Why live/post man?

get fukin trolled son

>i've beat it to this picture
Where did i go wrong in my life

it's not tarik on your pic?

Good edition


Xth for cuddling Vlad and caressing his silky hair
He all soft and warm

>Give up hope of playing Kindred jungle after two days of trying
Literally i either get secondary role on draft after 30 minutes queue, or get jungle and have enemy first pick instalock her/or have her banned.
Blind pick ends up with someone instalocking jungle before my championselect even loads.
Is there no hope?

That is Lucian in a wig.

Is that Jhin?

>Malz mains trying to justify Malz in his current state

He's getting hotfixed in a couple hours
Deal with it faggots he's op.

Reminder that mains on /lolg/ literally think a champion can be gutted to a garbage state and permaban state at the same time

she is 2strong with memerazor

What do I do against Zyra mid? General tips appreciated, I've been playing Veigar recently if that helps.

>tell you no cass buffs till you git gud at art
>you keep drawing shit art
>they nerf her

Why is Karthus so fucking bad?

>Regretting beating it to Jinx
Just how vanilla are you?

this patch is even worse ;-;

>karthus is ok
>riot nerfs him
>karthus is now shit
>completely forgets about him in the mage update

His passive is op. His jungling is op. His midlane is gutted.

Fite me.

good as long as kat has those resets she should never be viable.

The only people who like Kat in-game are shitters, it's that simple. I am beyond glad the noob queen got nerfed, next needs to be Yi.

>malz spent weeks on the pbe
>they only decide to fix him after he hits live

>Midlane is gutted

Ayy lmao love this fucking meme.

PBE doesn't have as many shitters, they probably didn't expect as many retards to stand in his W.

>high winrate
>literally the highest damage output champion in the game
>tear + catalyst changes are fucking ridiculous on tear stackers
>by the way here's an item with AP that gives you a dash and burst

>Riot is a competent company
If you haven't realized all their balancing is around one (1) champion.

I don't like the rework, can't do shit on mid anymore against cancer like zed or lb, well maybe zed if he sucks.

>if Karthus ults and gets killed mid casting his ultimate goes on full cooldown
>if Karthus mistimes the ultimate cast while in his passive his ultimate goes on full cooldown
>ultimate countered by one item that's core on quite a lot of midlaners
>wall nerfed to shit
>Q is the hardest skillshot to hit in the whole game
>has zero early and mid game
>his ultimate is countered by tons of meta cancerous champions with immunity ultimates or huge shields

zed and lee sin should just be deleted

no u

kat is fun

and actually one of the highest skill cap champions

but throw keyboard at wall meme Xddd

Source for that? All I heard was that they were hotfixing Cass and Swain due to them being hot garbage.

Well he IS the healthiest champion.

Zed isn't allowed to have any counters

Don't let his voidlings hit you. Congratulations on your free win.



>calling your inner MMD
>singlehandle win every teamfight because you keep stunning swain and you already made Graves irrelevant by solokilling him


Why did I forgot to take GA instead of Warmogs fug? GA> Warmogs right?

Zed was in a decent state until riot decided to increase the CD on Zhonyas so it couldn't be up every time his ult is and took away QSS's ability to remove the mark.

>3 button combo required
>lack of competitive use
>high skill ceiling
It's like saying Yi is a difficult champ to master. You can't master them, so you are right in that sense, but the skill ceiling is a floor compared to most champs


>Dude just pink the point and click ability XDDD

and give him two ults with that item

It's on the league boards. They have mentioned what they're hitting but the same thread you read about swain and Cass mentions malzahar

Voidlings aren't point and click.

and pinking the shroud was always a legit suggestion.

but what if im melee

It doesn't let him cast R anymore if there's not enough time left on passive.


any good LoL art that can use for fap ?

You waveclear with your shurikens and you engage on him after his passive is down and his voidlings are on CD.

>new patch is horrendous garbage
well at least I can play Overwatch

Mercy a cute :3

What about when he is lvl 18 with 6 sec passive CD and pretty much no CD on voidlings?

Can you take your wares elsewhere?

The insult writes itself.

I like what they did fiddle so its k.

You wait for 6.10 where they nerf his passive and you stop trying to 1v1 an anti assassin as an assassin late game.

i find illoi gr0ss desu muscle girls are fine sometimes but shes professional bodybuilder status

This is literally Lucian. Do we now have a transexual AND a transvestite in League?

You're in last game of promos when you see the enemy team has the following comp:
>heimer top
>malz jungle
>ziggs mid
>sivir bot
>lulu support
What do?

How is Veigar?

>Implying i'm the only one who comes to tumblr for art

post more variations on this meme

Make me, motherfucker.

>the axis will have never won WWII
>you will never marry mercy
>you will never have 12 children with her for the glory of the reich

>Team focus whichever rises to your prespawn bait
>Flame him when he dies
>Kill again
>Flame again
>Repeat until they tilt
Is as easy as that user, this is the meta role for support or top desu.

yes, we tumblr now
the best

You call in your jungler to give malz a double kill

>Flash foward to get an extra AA with runaan and ult as twitch to kill the fleeing ez
>Triple kill!
This champ feels like he deals the most AOE damage of the entire game, I can melt entire teams without noticing it.

Just woke up, how did SKT and CLG lose their game.

This is actually hotter now that I know he has a penis


Viktor's Q and E changes aren't bad, what fucking killed him is his totally useless ultimate, fucking piece of shit, the god damn Q does more than it's fucking damage

Fucking faggots, you can't even flash E+R at max range now because it just doesn't even work, the ult damage is fucking 450 at lvl18 with 600AP

RIP my main since S3, my other midlaner (Brand) is good since i know how to play him in lane and the nerfed damage from his other abilities it's in his bomb now, so people who can't land a full combo with him ain't gonna do shit in lane, but he's almost always banned now

Time to pick up Zyra and Azir again, maybe Ahri too

Thx for blogs


she's literally the worst looking girl in the game

What is everyones IGN?

I want to make some friends, I'm a lonely fuck.

SKT got tilted from the match with RNG
CLG always loses atleast once to a wildcard team, its tradition at this point

Unless you have a vagina that is not overflowing with yeast, swerve.

Tbh if he dies during his ult cast it should just carry over into his passive. That was the entire fucking point of his passive: getting revenge kills. Its so thematic idk why they didnt do it.

Why is Riot so racist to slavs?

First the Vlad hatred, then writing Noxus as generic cartoon villains, now Viktor too takes the antislav racist stick.

There needs to be some serious sjw outrage for this. Am tempted to write a boards post if I can take myself seriously.


>mfw the stinker rat is the counterpick to all the ezreal players in solo queue

feels good man

Blank fucked up a countergank and Faker got snowballed on hard

CLG went full retard and didn't ban Bard

>writing Noxus as generic cartoon villains
That was Noxus from the start. They have moved away from this, or have been trying to.

lol ur white can't be racist against whites

This was a super-fun game.

>enemy snuck a 20 min Baron
>we got 3 ocean Drags

In the end dragons win game it seems.

No, they've been saying they've been trying to.

Nexus still acts like le empire of evil in Taliyah lore.

I guess lyte just doesn't like watching them squat under tower while clearing a wave, something that around 80% of all the champs in the game can do and there's items that even help you to do that

Their buffs are definitely noticable and worth contestung depending on the team comps.
Except air.
Seriously all its good for in the early game is helping to make up for me not upgrading to t2 boots sometimes if I focus on other items first, and only when Im trying to get somewhere faster.

>great game
>26 to 48
>troll Zyra
>Velkoz farm
Jesus christ I can see my own reflection in this bronze


Use exhentai obviously

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

They've clearly been trying to, they just have yet to do anything substantial aside from individual champ releases. Because Shurima is just so fucking interesting apparently.

Why isn't Champion.gg updating for 6.9? It doesn't even say "come back in 3 days" or whatever.


Zyra wasn't a troll, she was up against a Zyra main.
You realize I was the support?

They've been trying to improve Viktor and Vlad too and look what happened.

Slav rights when?