/krog/ Kronos General

Only /krog/ guilds in the OP edition 2.0

/krog/ guilds:
Kronos 1:
OG nost refugee server, minimal queue, pretty dead. 1x RATES
- Horde
- Alliance

Kronos 2:
Brand new server, 1x rates. 60min queue, most people are around level 20-30 right now.
- Alliance
- Horde

- Finalcuck
- swedish /int/ guild
K2 Website: www.kronos-wow.com/
K2 Discord: discord.gg/0yF5bOJRjQEZdZ8G

Questions to avoid asking:
>What class should I play?
>Is Nostalrius coming back?
>What is the best class for PvP/PvE?
>Why don't we roll on X server?
>Is Kronos pay2win?
>What class does X guild need?

FAQ: pastebin.com/YbPhHZ7j
ADDONS: pastebin.com/pvfNSeN0
Client Download and Connection Guide: pastebin.com/3vpxc0jG

BiS Lists: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j81TgG0p_HrYKajiUiQfYIoSUx1culzy2u_Fc4wtiS8
Leveling Specs: imgur.com/a/aNm8V
Leveling Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1-Z2vplxWZACKmCpw1B8vexKQ2vwjRqFRjcJhHjAxx
Vanilla WoW Head: db.vanillagaming.org/

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks for this. Please delete other thread.

no problem, hopefully the mods will do something about the swedes shitting up the thread

Would it be possible for me as horde to just ignore or wave alliance passerbys or will i get ganked because "all hordes are violent"?

5th for losers

is A or H more active?

xth for qts

/greet always helps I found

more effective when they are low hp attacking a mob.

Posting in the correct thread.

normalfags please leave

Seems like more players from the alliance guilds post shit and do fun activities :^)

Guilds or general population?

Ally for Veeky Forums, Horde over all is more active

Is there a tmorph that works with the 1.12 client?

>Seems like more players from the alliance guilds attention whore and stir up drama

>getting upset over someone enjoying a video game

sounds like /v/ alright

Aside from a few autists the alliance guild has been pretty calm. When you are a Veeky Forums guild, you are bound to have one or two degenerates.

Next thread update the god damn Vanilla WoW head with the real one.

This one has the drop rates for KRONOS. You're linking to the db for vanillagaming's private servers...


I want to be a shaman but I refuse to associate with filthy horde scum

>ally k2
Filled with people and constantly shit posting on krog vs bigguy

>horde k2
>Damage Control
literally nothing

WTB legit horde nig guild

fuck off orc

fix the levelling guide url, this is the proper one:


Can anyone else not log into twinstar.cz account management?

fuck off molly you fat cunt

s-sorry ;_;

if i remember next time will you be my gf

nice key logger

runtime error

i'll be your healslut if you fix it plz :3

It's been like that all day. Any idea when they're gonna fix it or if its mentioned anywhere?

>arisen and pawn weren't taken


who /shinobi-druid/ here?
>tfw scriptking
>tfw l33t haxx
>mfw you'll never catch me

>Indi is in Nihilum now

we raiding confirmed now

enjoy your vac ban kiddo

>literally no queue
dead server

>using grenades and tidal charm
Can you pvp without your crutches ever?

What's your IGN I can invite you to mine. 200+ members & no memelords

Hunters go from being awesome as hell in the 20's to complete and utter dogshit in the 30's

holy fuck... I HATE this class already

>pvping as a pleb
wew laddy

>tfw still get killed by 30s hunters

count your blessings

fuck my life why didn't I just play it safe and roll rogue or warrior

>manage to finally agree on a server and everyone plays on it
>still fucking autistic enough to have thread wars

Then re-roll?

Is STV safe now?

blame the swedes