/indie/ Indie Games General

Spooky Edition

>What in the fuck is this
/indie/ is the general for all indie games, such as LISA, Yume Nikki, OFF, Middens, Bastion, Machinarium, Braid, Limbo, Axiom Verge, Guacamelee, The Desolate Hope, Sonic Dreams Collection, Dorito Galaxy, etc.

Mobile or consoles, flash or unity, freeware or early access. This place is a home for the indie game community and indie games that don't have a home. So be free to talk and share all your hidden gems, forgotten games and starving devs here. Remember to tell just some user and other namefags that use names when they're not needed to fuck off!

>Can I talk about games that already have a general?
We mostly discuss games that are not popular enough for their own threads (since they have no other home in Veeky Forums), however, all indie games are allowed. So talk about them if you want, but don't overdo it since you already have other generals for that.

>How can I contribute?
All we need right now is people to talk about their loved indies, so don't be afraid to post, bump and reply your fellow anons. Also we're looking for anons to make new pastebins/wikis/images and update the ones already made. Besides that, don't forget to play our !!!!GAME OF THE WEEK!!!!* and other indie games to have lots of joy and to make more discussions to our general. And please give lots of feel, love, kind and nice to everyone, except for namefags.
* - not a thing right now because we're on life support, also because that user is gone now



>Steam Group

Other urls found in this thread:


Keep the thread alive this time, fuckers


So where did all the posters from a couple
of days ago go?

>no last thread
kill yourself OP

It 404ed

are you retarded? it's just archived

Are you guys going to post the sauce on OP or what?

Hey look, I was in a podcast about rpgmaker.

my mistake, start it from the beggining

Do you guys know any good indie turn base RPG on steam?
Beside LISA and undertale

So how many people were there last thread?
Also why did welp appear and then disappear out of nowhere again?


that said the only two bigguns off the top of my head I can think of are Dankest Dungeon and Sword of the Stars: The Pit

Both of them are bad rpg tho

Its the only one that i could think of

Are you going to fuck my dog or something


I wonder how many people actually got this reference.

I forgot how fucking awful undermeme's graphics were

hi /v/

>if you have standards you're from /v/
wew lad
this is MS paint-tier pixelart, at least the overworld sprites


You gotta be honest, the graphics are not really good

speaking of which, any dlc/news for the spooky house of jumpscare?

>Not knowing what a meme really is

What's the reference?


you can have your opinion, but is that necessary to overreact?

>Taking the bait

>opinion that I don't agree with is bait
nice thinking lad

God, now that I think of it, Toby should have commissioned someone else to make the graphics for undertale.


>Implying that the post wasn't written in a bait like style to bait people because it's really bait
Maybe try actually try not typing things up like you're trying to annoy people, or at least explain why you think the way you do without resorting to puking reaction images.

They are ok for what it is.
I see OST dlc which is 10 bucks. Otherwise the game is finished from what I know. Should be easy exapndable or moddable with new floors.

so people just like this for the fandom culture or whatever right, people aren't actually pretending this is a quality game

Yes and [yxour favourite game] is the best art of all time.
Now leave and play with your friends because we are all underfurries here.

It's definitely a shitty and overrated game.
The only well designed character was a retarded cat with a shirt, the music was nice though.

wasn't feeling that either
toby can't seem to write a full song to save his life, at best it ambles on long enough you don't notice it's just the same shit over and over

i want to fuck that stupid shit

me too, friend
imgur.com/a/l2JM4 me too



By far the best of those I saw till now.



This games translation was so bad it had to be on purpose, turning it into parodic art. I laughed my ass off at all the 4kids shit. The most absurd was the miko on the mountain shrine claiming the shrine was moved from japan to america.

>tfw dead

the absolute madman!

midson here I hate taitoki and I hope she kill he self and the rest of the fucking scum that's supports him

Stop RPing as me, Jedd.


>implying that wasn't you same faging



>Implying that you're not me right now.
Go home Midson you're drunk.

I be whoever I want to be fake ass nigga

clovis pls go

Cherry Tree High Comedy Club
Technically not indie because it got published by capcom in the west(wut).
Also it ends on a sort of cliffhager and the sequel is just reading instead of a persona without dungeons.

Let me talk about IJI.

Iji is a game made by a lone swede, daniel remar after 4 years of dev on gamemaker. metroid like gameplay, with xp and allocation of point a la system shock.

It has a very decent gameplay, but shine because of his story, characterisation. The problem is that those fucking dialogues break the actions, thing that isn't important on a rpg like off or undertale, but when it's a action/platformer, it can be frustrating.

Also, big number of logs can bore people.

Main interest is that choices are made by action, not questions, and thus anything said by any character is maybe not mere chatter. Graphism look like Another world, so quite ugly polygon, but well animated.

A concise description I gave to /utg/ was "it's like undertale, but good".

You can get either end on your first run, as you don't need very a precise set of condition to get one. The effect of your actions are subtle and most on their first run don't see that the game isn't linear as fuck.

The pitch is : alien are invading, scientist hide in a cave and try to reverse tech their shit on a comatose subject : You. Now you wake up, go save what 's left of the world. somehow. Or make it worse.

That doesn't mean it's not indie though. To say that would mean that the original Shantea's not indie. Plus I think other games like rick of rain and stardew valley are published by other companies as well.

I usually stick to old definitions, at least as long as it is possible. Indie means to me selfpublished. It is indie though in the newage sense of "not the newest AAA mass market title".

can we all agree that midson is the worst vonjungle?

Fuck yeah man midson is worst then those child fuckers

midson is confirmed transgender sexual

What have I done to deserve this?

Midson pls go.

Oh yeah and "Cindy" is pure sex.

She is pure shit
Only cucks would like her.



It because you called my family's home country
A fucking meme

Huh, wait, does c.ucks really become keks? cucks?

Say that to my wife's son

This is funny to me because he already looked like a hotline miami character irl

Cuck only becomes KEK if it's in all caps.

What exactly is the origins of this less than handsome individual?


huh, guess thats that

Well... That was pretty.

Does anyone else find Dedan's dialogue in the room disturbing?
Theres something really unsettling
to me about not being able to tell how many days or time has past.

I believe it's trying to convey that the world they live in has gone belly-up and now the world has ended along with any means to tell time and any reason to bother keeping track of it.

I know that, I just think its a disturbing concept
> it's been that day for a while now, I dont like that one bit
Even Dedan wasnt conttent with it

Fair enough. And it does seem unnerving to be honest. Time doesn't seem to go by but it's some long that you are positive it isn't today anymore. Just a sort of feeling in the pit of your gut that makes things feel ever so off.

How bad will it be?

If you mean the delays then it's starting to look like Legends 3 more and more.

I am so goddamn relieved I didn't back that kickstarter

Larry Sports




Better than Re-Dash probably

I never really thought about it. Are there any calendar puzzles outside the room and zone 1?

>there's a calendar puzzle in dedan's house and just before the entrance to dedan's hideout
how did I not notice this before

> Dedan is bit by a cow
> One of the main functions of his zone is to slaughter cows in massive ammounts

what are some indie games with plants waifu?
all i know is Starbound and the original PvZ

terraria has plantera
also RIP Veeky Forums again

what are you talking about?

I was sleeping at that time kek

Less delays than la mulana 2. People just jumped on the hate train once they saw the community manager during gg.
It will be jumpnshoot.

don't die on me.


I didn't like Iji because the tone didn't stick

how hard is it to make a Mega Man game?