Overwatch General - /owg/

Shimada bros edition

>Open Beta
May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9

>Official Stuff

>Official Comics

>The Oversheet


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When does this game get good?

Reminder you are not allowed to complain about a new thread if you wont make it yourself

>tfw you get the play of the game every game but it shows someone elses vod at the end

Thanks blizzard.

Pachimari plushes when Blizzard?

I had people telling me hanzo hard counters her but I've yet to see that be true.

I always have to switch to Widowmaker if nobody else on my team can deal with her.

Wait what's this about bodyshots killing shit with widow? I always try to go for headshots so I always miss a lot, but are you telling me I can just one shot body shot nerds?

xth for tracer BLACKED

When they remove being able to have 2 of the same hero on a team
When heals don't stack
When shields build ult charge to stop people from constantly using shields when they don't need to
When solo queue is added to never get matched with a group of any size

Mcree should have lower stamina but keep the flashbang combo


nth for Bastion complainers need to learn to play Genji

>playing the fuck out of the open beta so maybe I can git gud
>worried I am going to get all the best skins for all the characters I like to play

Please based Metzen, save my luck for release

>shit that is super gay

>any aimbot ultimate

>le shield block man on both teams so nobody can have any fun

>anything that automatically aims for you


Why is Mei best girl?
Beach girl Mei when?

>Mexican level
>sombrero music starts playing

Can bodyshot lower stamina characters like zenyatta, but headshots are preferred since most will require a full charged shot + normal shot if you're bodyshotting.

But since this is a pubs and everyone is running around, you'll probably end up killing someone with body shot

Soon hopefully

I want the player icon

Her shots do a shit ton of damage even uncharged and are hitscan and she has a fairly high rate of fire. It's something like 4 rounds per second.

Fully charged shot does 150 damage

Like a fourth of the characters in the game have 150hp, headshots aren't worth it on Widowmaker. Except on Reinhardt and Roadhog. Even Winston is better to body shot since he is so big and doesn't have much HP as those two

What exactly is his gimmick anyways? Just started not too long ago and he seems pretty damn basic.

>Japanese level
>YOOOOOOOOOOOO doesn't play at the start
what the fuck blizzard

The only people who can die in one bodyshot are Tracer and Zenyatta

As a Zenyatta main it is infuriating


>as zenyatta
im reaching higher planes

These pub stomps sure are fun.


I'm level 23 and I haven't gotten a legendary yet

hopefully on release I get one of Mercy's legendaries

Do Mexicans even listen to mariachi shit? It's so annoying.

I'll stop leaving matches when I get the ability to select the game mode I want to play.

Fucking blizzard fuck you I don't want to play KOTH I want to play payload

>tfw never get 4 kills with Q

How do I run this on toaster? Any secret .ini settings?

it means n o t h i n g

you get XP slower, and XP is actually useless because all the rewards are cosmetic

If you're getting shitters who won't build teams or play right, there's no reason to not bail

Flashbang Fan kills anything not a tank
Roll Fan kills the tank

He just a decent ranged damage dealer and unstoppable close range killer. Its never a bad idea to have a good McCree on the team

Run around and get mid range so you can stun someone with your flashbang, then right click to instakill most of the cast.

High noon one or two people whenever it's up

He shits on anyone who comes within flashbang range. He's arguably the best flanker in the game because you can't really do anything about flashbang + fan

This is the world's worst mccree

>leave match during warmup after completing a match
>get this

Believe it.

Yeah. And they listen to Spanish-dubbed version of popular American pop/rap songs, its annoying as fuck.

Mexico is one of the countries that truly adheres to their stereotypes

>tfw balanced cowboy man uses his ult and I one shot him


that being said when does this game get good ?

>want to play floating monk robot
>every game has 1 or 2 widowmakers on enemy team


new comic is out

Mexicans are literally the worst race aside from brits and french

yes we saw this when you posted it last thread

I haven't even left any matches I've been DC'd from the last four I've played.

>tfw tracer all game every game

It would be nice if I could do damage ever besides hoping to get lucky with a plasma

Edited Widow butt.


>Main mercy
>Third chest has Imp skin
>Damage boost a bastion
>Be complimented like I'm a real gril

Man I love those two.
Kind of find it weird that Roadhog was mute in the comic seemingly. He talks a bit in game.

>Temple of Anubis on attack against a coordinated team
What the fuck where they thinking starting that fucking map with a single chokepoint...

Almost every Japanese and Chinese stereotype is true too

>Flank Hanzo
>He just turns around and headshots you because he has aim assist up the ass

Explain Genji to me

If only there were a part of enemies that did double damage...

youre just a shitty tracer

i go on 5+ kill sprees every life.

nope. it was never edited. see

I wonder if you can toss the mech so far that it explodes before landing.

>Playing shitlord roaming roll-flash-fan McCree
>Enemy Winston pops his primal rage on the point, right in front of my face
>he knocks me far back enough that he can't hit me while I watch the killshot timer tick down
>nobody is paying any attention to me
>longest six seconds of my life
>instakill the Winston through his primal rage health bar + the mercy healing him

A play on par with suicide charge reinhardt somehow worked flawlessly and I'll never be able to repeat it
I'm not even mad

the artists really likes to draw teeth

And here I was having trouble because I just aimed for the head. Good to know dudes, sorry.

yeah but japs are neo-america. They hate cultural appropriation and anybody that isnt yellow. They specifically make tourism shitty so people dont migrate there

>Enemy has tracer
>Pick roadhog and ruin her day

you think you're good? leme just grab hanzo or widowmaker right quick

< and see this
both from game currently

>Blizzard ripping off Taiko no Tatsujin and Metal Slug

why is it called overwatch if only a handful of characters were involved with the overwatch group?

I think the worst is attacking Gibraltar. The second checkpoint (the big blast door) is a nightmare

>Playing Reinhardt
>Enemy Bastion goes into tank mode
>Pin him against the wall and kill him right away
>My dash knocked a 76 down a hole
>Smack dead the Lucio that ran in
>Turn and fling fire at the Hanzo for another kill
>Back off and regroup with my team

>Play of the game is our Bastion sitting in a corner and picking off three people.

>Best play is a clip of you being killed


I've found that to go against a roadhog you stay at medium to close range with one dash at all times and then just wait for him to miss hook. Easy kill honestly because of how immobile he is.

Fuck you faggots with these unsearchable crops

>best play is a person on the enemy team with a 3k as dumbass gook bitch and you got a fucking 5k in a super clutch situation but no recognition


Well, that is if the roadhog is stupid enough to forget he has a medium range shot. And that he doesn't predict the dash.

Why is Tracer best girl?
Beach girl Tracer when?

>play any class based FPS ever
>every team has way more snipers than they should

>Autistic Widowmaker spammer in every thread

God fucking help us

report and ignore user

>Play of the game is a reaper hopping in and pressing Q

what do you do as mccree when the game is medium to long range and flanking just puts you in the middle of the whole team?

>Playing Tracer
>See Roadhog
>Blink back out of his view
>Get dragged around a corner and into him, getting a shotgun to the face.

Most annoying part about Roadhog is his hook gives no shits about obstacles. Yeah I know it's because he tossed it before I blinked but it only makes sense in programming not what the player sees.

Having three snipers, three spies, and no medics is such a great composition

>It's a "bastion sits in a corner for play of the game" episode

which offense hero is the biggest shitlord?

gotta be mcree right?

>Your team have way more snipers than it should
>And they all suck

Cmon user that's the easiest one

i play lucio
i heal a tonne
i use my ultimate at great times
and i sponge as much damage as i can without dying
but my heavily offensive team doesn't capitalise
i get 1 vote

thanks overwatch

p.s dont hack me


Use the left mouse button instead of the right

Well I mean it's pretty discombobulating to dash around. The medium range shot isn't the fastest firing thing and is kinda hard to hit IMO.

It's OC, a friend of mine did it for me.
No I won't post the rest.

Real tier list get incoming

>Top tier
>mid tier
>slightly worse than mid tier for the sake of having 3 tiers

Left out pink hair dyke because ive yet to see a decent one.

its so sad to me that blizzard is going to force this into an esport, its alright to play but holy shit its slow paced and can be boring as fuck.

>someone's battletag is the name of one of the heroes

Pick a different hero

I see this a lot, I feel like it's a lot of stacks/pubstars.

>only opposing member on the reddit board
>they got something mediocre like 1,600 damage blocked
>instant 4 votes

why does everyone in the Overwatch universe apparently have vampire teeth