best skin edition
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May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
best skin edition
prev >Open Beta
May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
Worst hero edition
lucio junkrat and mercy need a buff ASAP
this game has nothing but ass
Friendly reminder to SHOOT glowing orange cowboy man of slow movement and steely eyes ASAP
again, stay shit. you are who you are. a living human being who can't "git gud" by simply thinking for himself.
you want more than "git gud"? you probably dont even know what it even means kid.
getting good is putting in work into something. doesn't have to be fucking video games. it can be literally anything, no one is born good. people pick things up faster but some people have to put in time to get better at things. they're open minded and willing to learn. they will pick themselves up when they fail and keep aiming to be better. meaning you probably have to, yes shocking, play the game. maybe even read up some wikis on damage health maps etc.
there you go, doubt you will improve at all. you probably wouldn't be able to apply this to any other video game from how dumb you are.
enjoy your friday faggot
Worst designed maps of any shooter I've ever played.
Have fun playing them forever because no custom maps or servers
>/owg/ player list
>You will never live with all the OWafius in a big house
>Most of them battle it out for your attention and try to be your girlfriend like some harem anime
>Zarya isn't actually after you. She just owns the place and takes care of it. She might boss you around to do chores and makes sure everything is going smoothly.
>D.Va constantly plays video games with you and insists on sitting in your lap. If she loses, she demands a rematch later. She probably lost on purpose. Has a mech and lets you ride in it.
>Tracer helps you get chores done quickly, but she always seems to bend over slowly and give you a good view of her butt. Always calls you "Love" and gives you a peck on the cheek. Tells you to call her and she will come running if you need something. Always walks away slowly even though she usually walks much faster.
>Mercy will heal up any injuries you get immediately, and likes to give massages after you come home. Also likes to cook for you. Often makes delicious meals for the two of you then likes to bring you out to the balcony to watch the sunset on the swing. Always rests her head on your shoulders and wraps your arm around her.
>Mei makes the most deliciously popsicles and only shares them with you. Brings you delicious refreshments when you are working outside during hot days. Also helps you fix things
>Widowmaker is always doing your laundry. Makes sure you always have clean sheets and bedding as well. Drinks a little excessively. Will often get up to go to the bathroom at night, but afterwards stumbles into your bed with you. Either rums her butt into your crotch or nuzzles her face into your chest. Puts up a fuss if you tell her she should go to her own room. Winds up staying in yours and throwing your arm over her to pull her close.
Yeah, buff his gun damage, but nerf the healing range.
every motherfucking time i hook that little faggot genji with roadhog he ends up behind me and then just double jumps and slashes away for free.
blizzard fucking pls
I like McCree
Holy shit when did Reddit toke it off the OP? Or was it discord fags?
>potg is a hanzo getting a double kill
every time...
Post Reaper edit of Cold steel the Hedgehog.
But that girls is a miqo'te from Final Fantasy online.
Also the race has the same facial markings as
mei x call of duty grandpa is best otp
I don't like the shield guys.
their shield is too big.
>search half the map to find health
>never do
>lose because I couldn't help team because I spent the entire match looking for health packs
great map design blizz
bastion is a good hero
no bullying bastion players
all of them are fine
>tfw no players in Asia
the characters in this game seem to be really well sexualised. some character designers seem to think that making a generically attractive bland character wear revealing clothes count as erotic. just look at tryndamere and miss fortune etc from league. it actually takes way more than that. it takes effort and passion and skill. it looks like this games concept artists and writers really know how to do this. im thoroughly impressed.
I want to watch Dva degrade herself on cam for her top subscribers
Hanemura is better than de_dust2. stay mad faggot
>junkrat grenades dont have increased inheritance while conc jumping
useless trying to jump and peek fire over ledges
Reinhardt hammer has a bigger swing than it looks
plus the lagcompensation, sometime its just not worth going after reinhardt as genji
>saying reddit took it off
player lists are a construct of reddit you cancerous faggot
My back is killing me from carrying my sweating retard teammates. I went Mercy since no one picked a support and these fuck ups could not even reach the first point, I finally switch to Tracer and the first 15 seconds of playing her I reach it and capture 3/4th of it causing the other team to come get me letting the rest of my team finally make it's way there. FUck.
>tfw want to get this
>tfw only have laptop
It's not even a gaming one. It's a Dell inspiron 5000 series. Should I get the game on PC, or not bother and get it on ps4?
>know I shouldn't care about card votes because they do nothing
>still a lil upset when I get 0 votes after putting in a ton of work
>2 friends only play
>they never go in close, try to snipe in mech
>refuse to listen to advice, refuse to boost suicide mech
jesus christ
post more Pharah
>comparing a deathmatch map to an objective match
/ovw/ fanbase everybody
>Watching Seagull and realizing I'll never be half as good as him
Shame I'll lose it.
>Bastion PotG (of course)
>it's just him healing himself in a corner for 4 seconds
Really don't understand what determines a PotG......
>feel like I'm total cancer
>read these threads
Guess I'm ok.
Reminder situational picks exist and you faggots will keep on saying everything the others say
>Blizzard makes reference kits for every character
Thats neat as heck. I now want to buy a white shirt with these two logos on the bottom left with the shoulder emblem. Get on it, Jinx.
>playing some vanilla tf2 after overwatch
Doesn't even compare.
>check russian overwatch thread
>guy posts time played as Angel and asks for rate
>immediately called a dirty slut
when did healer = slut start
I hate how some of the votes work out.
Stuff like playing Roadhog and getting the majority of the kills on the team and team damage, but only getting up there for most hooks. No one is going to vote for that shit, and no one knows who the guy who actually helped the most is.
Pharah is in a similar boat with direct rocket hits.
At least some like Reinhardt it's a lot easier to see from their card if they did a good job doing what they do.
>tfw my most used skin
>tfw shitposted my infidel purging clips all the time during dead thread in that skin
>tfw still cant get it in open beta
from what i see, if the enemy uses at least 2+ ultimates against you in a fight and you/teammate counters them with at least 3-4 kills (doesn't have to be ult) its a PotG
She was always a slut.
It's because people who play healers are typically sluts that crave cock
Literally the first MMOs
>Playing Zayra
>See my tracer is about to be pinned down and raped by Reinhardt
>Shield her so she absorbs the one-shot kill and gets away
Get cucked, CIS male scum
Which hero doesn't feel like shit when you are getting stomped?
>20 matches is a conclusive sample size
Yea i agree there are but your post doesnt prove jack
>YET ANOTHER fucking KOTH where we're ahead the entire entime until OOPS OVERTIME XD and we lose because they get one good defense
I swear the team who is behind wins KOTH like 80% of the time
Fuck this retarded OT mechanic just give them the fucking win when they're behind, I'd rather have that than this "Oh the game won't end until they win sorry for being ahead hehe"
>Reinhardt hammer has a bigger swing than it looks
It's ridiculous.
I tried playing D.VA once and he somehow killed me while my mech was still starting to blow up. I wasn't even getting out of the mech when it happened.
>Get put into a complete stomp
>Suicide rush the objective to contest it as long as I can for my team
>Killcam shows that we have 2 teammates standing RIGHT BESIDE the objective despite the fact that its a second away from being capped
>Get gold medal for objective time with 3 seconds
I don't think Trynd was meant to be seen as erotic.
What about people who play Self-Healers?
sauce pls
post full image pls
>Listening to scrubby ass friends complain about every other character.
This is infuriating
How do i genji?
What you should look at is the winrate
In the right situation she'll make you win
Nearly every game all of the votes are pity votes for the guy who played healer and the losing team all votes for the 1 guy that got on the board. Unless there was an impressive POTG at least.
I've seen people singlehandedly win a match but they didn't get shit because they weren't a healer or POTG.
The best kind of ass though
this may not be the best click, but I think I should have dodged that last swing with my jump
>de_dust2 is a deathmatch map
retards everybody
It's fun just holding down the triggers even at range with D. Va, until you realize she does shit for damage.
I've killed a few D. Va's at range as Mercy, not even bothering to dodge their fire because I knew I could kill them much faster than they could kill me, despite having only a fraction of their health pool.
Speaking of which
>everyone's face when a Mercy gets the best play reeel
>get 20 highlights and A LOT of skins
>shit fucking load of voice clips, sprays and whatever else
>lots of fucking gold
>"fuck, this game is so fun, I'm so glad I could get this awesome skin and this based highlight video"
>losing all of this on 24th
Look at me in all my fucking glory
Because of retarded memes.
play overwtach with me
And my point is 20 matchs isnt enough evidence of anything.
i don't care that you play widow i thinky you're cancer because you're a mainer
how are votes for a healer just for pity when they single handly win most games if they have half a brain even if they are not making lol epik reaper ult plays or some shit
I'm a one man apocalypse.
Shame he's got shit fucking skins.
Why are the women so sexualized in this game?
numero uno huehahuehahue
No you're not
Fucking babby mode sniper doing 150 damage bodyshots literally ever second
Because it's hot
Mercy isn't sexualized at all and she's the best girl
Think about it
because people like playing as pretty characters
>Having a fun, even game
>Someone switches Bastion
Because sexualizing women makes fucking bank.
Also, because all cartoon women are sexy. All the cartoon men are too, except for the ones that deliberately aren't. They're not going to put ugly or average looking people into a game unless that's integral to their character.
>tfw post this clips a few times
>tfw rewatch it
>tfw realised I missplayed
recording these and rewatch them can improve in the future I think
What's the most useless, least impactful hero?