Ice bitch edition
>Open Beta
May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
Ice bitch edition
>Open Beta
May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
>be level 30
>get put in game with a level 1 guy
I almost 1v11 the fucking server. I was 41% of the team's total damage, everybody was dying against fucking bastions blindly and I was killing them with off angles and junkrat, got triple kills with tires, and yet I couldnt win because the rest of my team was fucking retarded
I mean, I guess I had fun because I was wrecking shit also I was the only one pushing the fucking payload...
>dude is roleplaying reinhardt
>would usually mute but he is going all out with german accent
Overwatch is _____.
>he thinks 41% damage as Junkrat is impressive
Tell us more
What is "a game"?
Just got into it.
Please tell me this Loot Box thing on the main menu isn't your typical TF2/CSGO/PAYDAY/DOTA chest/key system
Flank... a lot...
>Friend gets a super rare Reinhardt skin
>All i get are sprays and a common skin for Tracer
Loot boxes aint fair
It is, but you can open them for free and they only drop cosmetic shit.
That's a-okay then. Good to know, thanks.
Bastion is my fave.
>Play Reinhardt because we have no tank.
>Now we have no healer.
>Ask for a healer.
>No responces.
>Someone plays zenyatta on def.
>Heals for shit.
>Ask him if he can switch off to mercy.
>No responce.
you literally flashbang then alt fire and kill everyone
When retards are focused on doing their own thing you should just switch to your favorite man and practice him for a bit.
Is this game biased towards giving hanzo the play of the game or something?
I wiped the entire enemy team off the point with roadhog's ult, which allowed us to capture it and win but the play of the game is hanzo killing two people through a wall with his stupid ass wallhack ult
i fucking hate hanzo
this game is so fucking boring
my favorite is Dv.a.
And you all know i cant do shit without a healer or a Reinhardt tank buddy to push with.
I have no problems playing a tank or a support but i can't play both at the same time.
I like to let people have fun so i just say nothing 90% of the time and play Reinhardt streetpig or Dv.a.
Please for the love of god stop playing zenyatta on def PLEASE
>first pick Mei
>team keeps arguing because all of them picked offense and they are trying to get 2 other people to go tank and support
>while they are arguing, I start carrying our team
>staying silent the entire game besides communicating ult sync ideas with Genji, Tracer and Reaper
>potg with 58% of our team's damage
>Genji and Tracer start felating me
>both Pharrahs are still arguing over who's the better Pharrah and who really carried the game
Overwatch has an interesting community.
Jesus christ I cannot into Reinhardt for some reason
>One game where there were angry players
Why do so many people say this?
Every single video game has salty players. Why do you blame the entire playerbase for their ass blastedness?
Put shield up and stand on objective
Charge squishes to literally one shot them
I never said that it was a bad thing. I had a good laugh at how they were yelling at one another and how fast things changed when I got 3 other people to work as a team by using compliments. You seem to be awfully defensive friend, is something the manner?
His ultra feels like shit, I must be using it wrong.
How does Symmetra's E work? I can't seem to be able to refresh it to someone unless they die.
>play Bastion
>salt reserves for days
If they don't want me to play Bastion then why do they keep encouraging me?
you don't, it auto recharges and lasts through their life.
Oh my bad i just jumped to conclusions.
A ton of people pointlessly shitpost ITT and i had no idea you were genuine.
If i seemed like an ass i'm sorry
Holy shit and I thought /fgg/ was thirsty
Holy shit the mouse acceleration is awful in this game.
Why isn't there a raw mouse input like CS:GO?
>team is losing on defense
>switch to bastion
>team is no longer losing on defense
once people learn to play reaper, though, that's going to be a non-issue
his gatling gun needs a laser sight so you can tell where he's covering. Engie in TF2 isn't as broken as turrets in this game because his sentry makes a noise when it autotargets and has an identifiable beam when he's aiming manually.
>it's another game with nothing but objective or king of the hill mode
>no TDM for containing KDfags
>end up being the only one pushing and playing the objective again
I wish I had friends.
This same shit happened in Battlefield, TF2 and Dirty Bomb.
It didn't happen in ET though because that shit is from the golden era of PC gaming.
this. symmertra's shields don't need to be reapplied.
you'll die of boredom because of this. her sentries aren't good for anything other than protecting her teleporter and tricking idiots into siderooms.
they literally have 1hp.
Holy shit, if you guys thought PC open beta was bad, PS4 is about 100% worse. Just tried it out and it's insane how fucking terrible everyone is
Good to know it wasn't just me.
Compared to Roadhog she doesn't feel like she can function well without support. I wasn't sure at first if D.Va was just a lot worse than she was in stress test or what. I haven't tried butchtank yet but she seems alright from what I've seen.
Who do you guys think are the overall strongest picks for each role?
I always liked using the ult to set up for a big 3-4 man charge. It would probably also work well to set up for a Reaper ult too.
Just dropped this. Nice.
What's the deal with robotic left arms?
I want to have brutal sex with Mei
Is it common to get these drops at low levels?
I want to be D.VA and get blacked by Lucio.
This is not shit. I've gotten team wipes with Junkrat, and play of the game is Hanzo killing 2 people.
>all this phoneposting
does dva just do no damage?
It feels like I should be doing so much more samage at close range on the account I have shotguns
I do as much damage close range as a mercy does close range
You are a first person that said anything about ET on 4chin and I read it.
ET was literally the best shooter in like universe, too bad its kill...
It was at this point I realised that a significant section of /owg/ only know about guns from Hollywood and Activision.
And the worst bit is I'm a fucking Britbong and even I know this is retarded.
whenever anything does this, the left robot arm, its because a majority of people are right handed so they decide to make the character unoriginal
Dvas tough without a healer. You have to use your boost to get the hell out and time your shield right.
I do way better with her when she's out of her mech, desu. In the mech, she can't tank and plays more like a hit-and-run character especially with the ult.
This is actually really reasonable
This fucking guy, so fun to play.
>enemy tanks melt
>literally counters every aoe damage ult
How is giving a sniper incredible mobility, good close-range defense, and 200 health considered fair and balanced?
>play lucio
>77% of the game on fire
>healed 60% of our teams damage
>lose because I had the gold medal for eliminations
Can't wait to get even more mad when the game actually releases and this shit happens in ranked
bitch, meet hook and a shotgun to the face :^)
What is ET? I keep reading about it but fuckers always use the acronym.
You're talking about Hanzo, right?
I agree he's fucking dumb, both of his abilities need a rework and his arrows need to do less damage. Especially his scatter arrow. He's easily the least fun hero to play against.
>spend $60 on the game
>blizzard didn't even bother to hire level designers for an FPS game
Who else regrets their purchase?
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
Only the BEST fps game EVER?!
How do you play him? Where does excel?
I want to reach enlightenment with the nice robo monk.
Isn't she one of the stronkest characters too?
Saw like two on each team in some esports stream.
Goddamn he is valuable once you get the hang of him
>esports stream overwatch
game just NOW became open beta
She's the hard counter to every character in the game besides tracer
what are you supposed to do as him? I just use heal aura and try and hide near my teammates and press E every now and then.
spam E, spam shift, follow sniper playsttle, go melee when ult ready
>no auto walk
>45 minute run backs
I predict that this game is going to have a lot of afkers and people raging because of that
How so? Or do most people just suck with her (like they do with everyone)?
Pretty sure they were talking about Widowmaker. I can wreck Hanzo with many classes up close, but Widow will give you a run for your money.
Tracer is a pain in the ass to play.
Read your own post for a second
Do you genuinely want me to explain why shes the counter to each individual character in the game?
thats pretty much his main function, but there also is:
>Speedboosting tanks and slow defense to the point
>temporary shield boost in a wide range for all teammates with his ult
>use his alt fire to seperate supports from heavies
>or just use it to push a motherfucker off a cliff or into a well
also wallriding is fun and he's basically a jetset radio character
Uh don't think you know what hard counter really means.
>have a symmetra
>walking problem solved
but yeah, some secondary spawns for defense would be nice
It's almost like there should be supports that can get you to the front line faster.... oh wait
What the fuck is up with the respawns 15 miles away?
I've just never had issues with one as long as I've been able to flank or otherwise LoS them. Then again, most Widowmakers are dumb enough that you can just direct hit rocket them with Pharah, so I just might not have encountered a good one yet.
I also don't really understand how she'd have a place on offense outside of taking out high-value targets before they reach the pushing members of her team.
why the fuck cant anybody dodge a ult
You could hide behind a blade of grass and avoid damage from it
This is actually deserving of 'One man Apocolypse'.
Well done!
In what way would Mercy be better on def than Zenyatta?
the range on that is fuckhueg
there isn't always cover
How often does dva throw an ult where there isnt cover
migrate since autists feel like their picture needs to be op
>need to get ult to make a teleporter
>teleporter dies in 1 shot
Having a match as trolborn testing out the casual filter.
>acually place turret effectively, even though were defending the second point now.
>team manages to stay within defence area and we are cleaning up the players that attempt to enter.
>enemy team DVA. getting buttmad and wasting her ulti just to destroy turret.
>Molten core immediately afterwards and build turret and then kill her.
>repeat this 6 or 7 times.
>Win with 26 kills.
>"You should blame your DVA for feeding me rofl"
Although, still he is counterable and pretty much a lower bastion but it was still fun.
Who the fuck is going to play support?
It's surprising enough that there are people willing to play a fucking wall.
Playing Mercy solo is so damn frustrating, people are so busy running around doing their own thing, which is usually suciding in shitty places and making it impossible to heal them without being death trapped
>Constant quicker heals.
>Damage boost that doesn't require me to even look at an enemy.
Though i will say the discord orb is fairly strong.
If squad gets wiped you can bring them all back up like it was nothing.
>More health plus escapes if you have a buddy around.
Now i'm not saying zen is bad over all, just on def i feel like he does nothing at all.
It's your turn to talk shit about mercy now.
>German accent
Forcing a meme without even being accurate
it's all random
>Boy, Is sure do love farming PLAYTIME, and scores no one will ever see..
Said fucking no one ever.
>farming PLAYTIME
you mean, playing the game
all random, got pharahs mecha suit skin, when I was like 6 or 7
im not quite sure i follow.
Every support except maybe Mercy can be played aggressively, you're just a shitter if you think they're "walls".
>what is lucio
people that want to win faggot
What does it feel Bastion fucking oneshots you?
I don't know, I've played both for maybe 5 matches so far and found I'm still healing 2/3 of what a Mercy can heal with Zenyatta WHILE debuffing and actually doing some damage myself and not just holding up a staff all the time.
I understand Mercy can output heals faster, but it's still not enough if your teammates are idiots and run into fire headon. Overall, I've had way more fun with Zenyatta, but I see his overall squishyness and lack of movement options as a huge downside.
>playing zenyatta
>mercy who healed less and took less team damage got 4 commends while I got none
What am I doing wrong lads? Also is it virtually impossible to get play of the game with a support role if there are bastions, mccrees or reapers in the same game?