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>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>FE Mobile Announcement
>Map Pack 2 Announced
>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>FE Mobile Announcement
>Map Pack 2 Announced
Everyone use this thread, it's the first one still up and there are no vandalized links.
Caning the maids!
Azura is ________
Today I will remind them.
Azura is shit
Did you check every link?
Did I do it right?
>4 threads
Worst girl
Someone's mad they LOST and got BTFO. Just give up. Walk away from the screen. Take a chill pill. Ophelia's getting bored. She's going to give Hisame a call.
Cousin~ on Mamui thread it is then.
the shittiest girl in the game
literal shit
Muh-m--Midori is _______....
What are the best skills overall? What about by category? Offense/defense/support/utility? What synergizes well? Could we possibly do a tier list of them all? What about personal skills? Do any of them stand out?
Please don't associate my wife your shitty water retard.
Who the fuck is at the window?
This poll is still tied.
I think that's Jakob.
me ;(
Insecure much?
"Cute and Mysterious"
Trample, Warp, Point Blank.
I firmly believe Rend Heaven is the best offensive activation skill physically speaking simply because most enemies are going to be physical and because of how goddamn easy it is to activate. It adds on just enough damage to make it work.
Alternatively, Point Blank because it gets rid of the one weakness of bows.
Also, anyone here named Nathan?
A nicely-designed character appearance-wise but is screwed up by bad writing in terms of characterization.
Also she apparently enjoys being ambushed and assassinate by mercs hired by the Hoshidan royals.
I like Hana
nohr trust
point blank
shrek strike (death blow), certain blow, vantage+awakening optional
So she likes to give blowjobs?
Thanks for taking the burden again watercucks
I almost thought it was gonna be Ophelia shitposting hour for a second. I was about to lose it.
No one cares about your shitty poll, fuck off.
it's still ophelia shitposting hour, the shitposting is simply not aimed at ophelia
Why is she so ugly?
>""Fixed thread"" is the one that has the most shitposting in it
nice thread nerds, this wouldnt have happened if it were vandalized from the start
>how she's blushing
Damn, this makes me wanna marry her.
I get more motivation to keep going the more idiots think they can stop me.
4 threads without help
anyone got a castle for midori with aptitude?
Why are you so insecure?
Offensive proc skill: Rend Heaven
Defense: Dragonward
Support: Rally Def/Spd/Str/Res
Utility: Warp
Of course.
Very nice and wet ones are her specialty.
>Shitzura threads
>Ever good
he said best
>best boy losing to worst boy
I knew you faggots had shit taste.
Pretty sure all Water shitposting can be resolved by posting the #improved version of her.
It's like Rinkah without the fire, and higher STR.
>Defense: Dragonward
You mean Pavise
Nice headcanon.
Kill yourself.
DO you guys think ophelia farts really hard and loud at times pretending she is expelling evil from her body
Huh, haven't seen that particular cousin~ before. I can certainly say I like it.
Need advice, guys. I maxed out Sniper Mozu and I was reconsidering reclassing to one of the following 3 options: Merchant, Weapons Master or Sniper(again). I haven't married her to anyone yet (kinda fucked up there), so maybe a partner seal wouldn't be a bad choice depending on who she marries. So, what do I reclass her into?
>>>short hair
There are Honkerfags that actually believe this.
What an ugly edit. Fuck off.
#G O T T E M
>Sniper (again)
>Not getting the "mysterious" joke from last thread
>Or the joke about "Water" giving wet blowjobs
You seem really angry user, maybe you should just walk away from the screen.
I'm picking up where the guy who did it before left off.
>Azama vs Elise
>Flora vs Kagero
>Leo vs Peri
>Setsuna vs Xander
Going down on Cousin!
Who has the best tittties, Camilla, Charlotte, Orochi, or Kagerou?
Well I'm thinking in terms of helping my comrade take damage. My MU is already strong enough and Dragonward lets them help out other units in battle.
For the unit themself then yeah Pavise would be the best.
How can she even do chores with that long hair? Any art of hers with her hair tied up or something?
Everyone farts, user.
Even your waifu.
Rancid, deathly farts are her specialty, I'm sure.
Opheliafags sure are off the wall right now. Did that support really get to them? Or are they like Lucinafags were they just get really bizarrely petty when you don't use *their* threads?
Don't forget Peri. She canonically has big tits as well.
As for the best? I can't decide. They're all pretty great.
The only joke here is Azura.
kill yourself
>Perifags still believe this
inb4 they try to use game models as proof
they should use headcanon instead like oborofags did
Don't worry /b/ro even if they do prove they're big, we all know they're for Laslow anyway.
But why?
But why? (2)
I want to cael her doris.
She says it in her original amie dialogue bucko
Felicia is the cutest! She makes me the happiest person alive! I`ll always be there for her no matter what! I`ll be there to support her with whatever she needs! I could never want anything more! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
Who cares about models? Headcanons like Oboro having a big ass are more canon.
>she says it herself in the game, several times
>only one of five girls to actually use the big-titty model as well
I mean, if you want to ignore the game itself be my guest but at that point you might as well shop huge tits on every girl which is fine by me
Fuck off already
See You just guaranteed this will go on till the end, buddy.
>Mozu is a good unit
My favourite /feg/ meme, what's your's?
Bored, so I'm taking drawing requests. No lewds.
Hello Mr.england, what do you think of Jakob???
All other threads purged just now.
We're good to go until 600 posts from now we're the shit starts all over again
Can we get a writefag to do a smut involving this?
Felicia with a butt that just barely fits in her dress.
>11 votes
>The others have 8 or less
Looks like Perifag's still votestuffing.
You aren't going to draw this, but Ophelia hugging Male Corrin. Doesn't even have to be that detailed. Godspeed, user.
Sure thing.
Which one???
Multiple Annas doing pelvic thrusts
Mamui playing with baby Kana.
>Big titty model
So everyone on this list uses Kagero's ninja model instead of the normal one, right? Or is it that their model "jiggles" at times?
What even is the list?
Camilla, Kegaero, Orochi, Charlotte, and Peri?
You do Hinata and Reina were winning handedly in theirs until the other votes started ""mysteriously"" shooting up right?
Weren't you here a week ago?
Ophelia won #1 girl on /feg/
Get with it, my pal