I don't think my gear is better than his. He's going for DG set, while I'm going for MV set since it looks more fun. I beat him in terms of MUH TOWN ATTACK,though.
/dfog/ - Dungeon Fighter Online General [It Ain't Me Edition]
MV is better than DG.
>tfw at least 2/5 on every other 80-85 armor set as mgrap
>0/5 still on MV
I just wanted to get out of long CD hell
>be an EB
>fmages won't approach me
Explain this
Ya know, I think you're right. Mmage isn't as dependent on his shadow spells, so stacking shadow damage resistance isn't going to benefit him as much. So, maybe I am better geared. But I also know he has a pretty good swap game goin on from a vid he posted. Only thing I got is a 300m staff EMPHomura keeps bulling me about.
One thing is for certain though, I definitely look cooler than he does.
>be an fmage
>no male males will approach me
not having full dg is tough...
But do you have an fmage gf?
>not having a sader bf
Enjoy not getting into Antonios butthole
Im glad i quit my M.Mage
most cancer class and players on dfog