/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
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How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, May 7th:
351 – The Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus breaks out. After his arrival at Antioch, the Jews begin a rebellion in Palestine.
1429 – Joan of Arc ends the Siege of Orléans, pulling an arrow from her own shoulder and returning, wounded, to lead the final charge. The victory marks a turning point in the Hundred Years' War.
1794 – French Revolution: Robespierre introduces the Cult of the Supreme Being in the National Convention as the new state religion of the French First Republic.
1915 – World War I: German submarine U-20 sinks RMS Lusitania, killing 1,198 people including 128 Americans. Public reaction to the sinking turns many formerly pro-Germans in the United States against the German Empire

HoI4 DD54 - AI

EU4 DD April 28

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>EU4 - BDSM

>>[CK2 - 2.4.5] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 21/03/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

Old Thread boards.Veeky Forums.org/vg/thread/141308347#top

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Reminder to report and ignore the report and ignore autist.


was just about to create a thread, thanks bruh

thanks lad i cant swim

Starting to watch Arumba's Stellaris LP, what should I expect?

Fair enough

he plays it slow but it's ok so you can understand it better

FUCK YOU OP I could've gotten peace at last

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Continuing on from our 40k factions

Don't try to supplant him, he's gone :(

double kek you get here now

inb4 janny deletes 9 posts to make this the first reply

Post your empires

Who the hell spent his time doing the fancy species maker now that the game comes out in two days?

lads tell me what to do with all these angry twats
most of them will revolt with 40k to my 7k troops if i revoke
only a few will accept revocation and even fewer revocations are approved by the council
I would feel bad about consoling all the land and handing it out to proper republican vassals, but toughing it out isnt realistic at all


wtf is Despotic Hegemony


>This government is a materialistic form of autocracy, where citizens are viewed as little more than cogs in the state machinery. Efficiency and technological progress are valued above all things.


>It's another militarist/collectivist/materialist empire episode again

Also not autistic enough to create a history

I actually am but I'm saving it for when the game releases

So National Socialism :^)

You know what guys, forget about gommunism, but why can't you even make collectivist direct democracy hivemind?
Isn't hivemind like one of the big tropes of the sci-fi, like borgs or tyranids?
Why do we have to have our options limited because of paracucks liberal agenda.

r8 lads


this gov type seems to do just that senpai


The thing is, it seems like the more advanced version of a direct democracy, so it probably has the same "no collectivist" meme as a condition.
The wiki just doesn't tell you about it in conditions, but the species generator does.

I forgot a few categories in my last post

>Le ebun grossgermaniums

Wait, writing our own flavor text is a game feature? Please tell me it is.

im going to work on a HOI4-Stellaris converter so you can take your grossgermania all the way from CK2 to stellaris


pls rate

The whole governments idea seems pretty simple Tbh. There are three types, democracy, oligarchy and despostism, that then a have a main ideal, militarism, pacifism, religion, science or economy, which one advanced form for each. Still better than any other 4x space game that I know of though.

What's the meaning of life

How many of y'all are doing something like this for your first run? Got to get the human supremacy/purge them all run out of the way

this is the ultimate end game of all paradox games

at last i truly see

See pic

Is it good enough for a space crusader state?

You need xenophobe, militarist, and spiritualist, or just fanatic spiritualist and militarist.

What the fuck is there to convert a HoI game into Stellaris, anyways?

I imagine you could decide Earth's ethos and government based on the dominant forms of government at the time HoI4 ends, but even then it'd be very restricted. I doubt there's any government in HoI4 that even barely resembles a religious republic, for example.

At least it's not a 40k imperium or generic science empire.


>Catholic Crusaders



If you believe that fanatic militarism is the message or the outcome of LoGH, you have completely misunderstood the show, the characters, and you should generally reconsider your life.

>impyling Catholicism isn't a form of slavery in of itself

r8 my meme

liberals win = republican new world order
Fascists win = fascist new world order
Commies win = communist new world order

gonna try to see what i can do about the other ideologies but thats what i got so far

Since stellaris doesn't take place on earth i won't have to worry about province mapping so the converter will be super fucking easy to make.

Dankly memed my friend.

You can't have that many ethos points. The materialism misses the point of the blood and soil message. Aside from that, its accurate.

It's not about it being simple, it's about it being dumb and biased.
I feel like the first thing I do in stellaris is to mod out the retarded meme "collectivist/individualist" limitations which are based more on paracucks liberal agenda, than on giving you more balanced and/or fun options.
See no reason why I can't play my space commies, or hivemind or whatever else I want.

>not xenophobe

>slow learners
What is this meme?




So Warp or Wormwhole?



Let's discuss the mod possiblities for Stellaris, in ascending difficulty to accomplish:

>Increase trait point limit
>Unlock housefire-tier galaxy/game sizes.
>Custom preset factions with custom dialogue, flavor text, traits, govt. form. This includes factions based on existing media (40K, SW, your animus)
>Custom techs to increase game length/variety that may be balanced or not balanced
>Custom anomaly questlines
>Custom static galaxies based on existing media or completely original galaxies that are fun to play in.
>Custom ship components (needs to be modeled so maybe hard) or entirely new ship models
>Animations for custom races.

With anomaly quests I think there could even be a mod completely focused on a story, introducing RPG elements and such

I'd like a totally revamped trait system that would allow for a lot more detail personally.

>muh speshul form of socialism faggots on leddit mad at paradox for not having their special form of collectivism in stellaris

the only time meneth or /r/paradoxplaza don't kiss paradox's ass is when they do something against leftism. This is different from the forum where they just kiss pdox's ass all the time.

An increase in trait points would be great, along with a few more disavantages.

>going to reddit
Fuck off back to your general

Le feel when rebel faggs start shit when ur busy pillaging africa

How the fuck did you manage to get that high militancy in 1844

What are de jure Irish Africa borders?


By conquering Mongolians.

De Jure Coal Borders are best borders.

Will Stellaris be fun?

I think it sounds basically 1984

What's happening to France?

Dunno I just saved the pic a while ago


Will there be a mod that makes your human portrait of one race only?

>Intelligent robots aren't automatically happy and can suffer from ethics divergence
>best ways to deal with ethics divergence are tied to Spiritualism
>spiritualism hates robots, especially the intelligent variety
>your ethically divergent robots can get spiritualism and hate themselves
>most other ethos give food, which is useless to robots
>individualism boosts energy, which robots need, but makes ethical divergence even worse
Robots are a mess.

Can't wait for all the meme empires.

>despotic empire
>fanatic pacifist

Just typical kingz sheit


How far do you think my population is gonna drop?

The traits should be thrifty nomadic decadent (they are promised tons of goy servants) weak

>Inheriting Ireland
Irish are literally worse than niggers, so much so they consider it an upgrade to join the heart of darkness known as Nigeria

meant to reply to wew Tbh

40% maybe depending on how much of your nation is accepted culture

Do it and post after


>Qing and Taiping white peaced
What do?

Also, should I take any Asian colonies other than the Philippines?

I haven't watched them all yet. I'm in the stage where Lohengram is consolidating his power, and generally wanted a more military focused game than a Free Planet's Alliance civ would have provided.

It dropped by 8 million

Wish I got that same 32 million

>caring about dumb sentient toasters when you can pick spiritualist and be able to get psionics

Robots ain't gonna do shit if the other side can tear stuff apart with their minds

>Custom ship components (needs to be modeled so maybe hard) or entirely new ship models
>Animations for custom races.

I'm actually considering jumping on that bandwagon, since I've got the expirience for it. But I know for sure that most mods that actually need new models are gonna be le ebin star wars/star trek shit, and that's kinda boring.

It will be - after three years and 10000 DLCs :^)

Robots are the closest thing to a super-race in the game, they're just prone to going insane.

I wanted to reply to you with an ironic argument about being a paradox agenda cuck, but decadent bourgeous word filter thought my post was a spam, so here is a smug picture instead.

Getting pretty Turkish


>cuckchan file name
There is a 99.9% chance this meme was stolen from /pol/

Also fuck off meneth

Tbh I wish you annexed Greece so we could've seen a Turkish majority Athens
Not bad tho

If that's true it's pretty damn pathetic. The leftist bias in Stellaris is ridiculous.

I don't think you understand what this word means.

Infamy man

It's really putting a damper on my conquests

I wish for a damn Great War so I can annex like crazy again