League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
She's a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream

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Fuck Lissandra.

>People talking about Worlds based off MSI performances when the meta is going to be radically different from 6.8

Absolutely pointless desu

>the first guy to get a dragon wins

I want to bully Riven

>get ocean drag
>never leave lane

you are right, let's talk about waifus instead

Xth for muh waifu needs better skins

>We know completely removing qss from the game will make zed broken, but we chose not to do anything against him this patch.
What did they mean by this

What happened to Swain holy shit, this guy was SO squishy. He used to be tanky as fuck.

>see enemy jungler take scuttle and walk into herald alone
>run all the way from base
>arrive just in time to kill the jungler and finish off herald for the buff

There is no better feeling in this video game

Fucking stop using your shitty ass waifu in the OP

Twitch nerfs when?

Tired of this "lane bully that scales into a monster"

They mean that they've given up trying to fix Zed.

Mine needs more.

They're already nerfing it in 6.10.

>People will actually fucking fight early game, laning will be meaningful instead of ebin lane swaps every single game to cover shit laners/champions
>This is a bad thing

Kat a qt


The less viable a champion, the more fun it is

Holy shit his new Q sucks so badly unless you play against bronzies who stand still, which was the case

>lolg is falling for the MSI meme

don't tell me you guys think CLG can reach the finals and SKT will not win it all?

But user, the mages got updated with last patch which means they are better! Riot knows what they are doing!

Make your bets

>Pick lategame scaling champion
>Lose because the enemy gets +24% ad/ap

I want to help my adc in anyway possible

I want to

do you earn more champion points in ranked?

Shadow Evelynn.

Either a Ward skin or a Shard for a skin you don't have.

want to what?

Major Assassin Update:

>Zed's Death Mark damage amplification and secondary proc removed
>While Marked for Death, Champions take True Damage from Zed for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds (scaling with Ult rank)

Would this count as a buff or nerf


I'm hype for terra

pls b a qt girl
pls b a qt girl

Thats like the point of an adc though, why would they nerf that? Just put him in his place early

Delete Riven from the game alongside with the other shitter honeypots like Yasuo and Zed.

>anything + secondary support = always support

fuck this gay game and the edgy teens playing nothing outside their anime main

Buff against tanks and nerf against squishies.

Hahaha, kill me.

galio shard

He already does pure damage :^)

yeah no thanks

I already get 100-0d by zed as a tank stacking armor, I don't want it to be even easier


What are all the ways you can get chests anyways?

>mfw watching the clg vs rng replay

goddamn those casters are fucking hilarious
whatsisname fucking lost it when kindred ulted dragon


>season 5
>be jungle+support main
>Get either in 98% of cases
>be happy

>season 6
>cannot get jungle reliably if queueing jungle+support
>have to queue mid secondary if I want to get jungle
>end up playing mid often and sucking at it badly
>be sad

good job riot

rito gives them
you buy them
you win them.

Well then. What were the odds of that happening?

Not in the good way. I mean fuck her up with a crowbar to the face and bleach down the throat.

A massive buff? He also never had a damage amp.
>instead of a proc that can be outhealed/shielded/zhonya'd
>let's give him F R E E true damage on a high burst AD Assassin.
>what could go wrong?

>CLG'S Midlaner
Somebody get that clown out of there.

getting high ranks after a match makes you eligbile for higher key fragment and chest drop rates


dota and overwatch supports are way more entertaining and active


>Games are basically guarenteed to last 40+ minutes now
>Still bitching about "Muh early game" and a niche situation that probably happens once every 50 games or something

Well yeah but how do you win them? Thought it was for getting an S rank once a week per character, but is it only once per char ever for an S or random?


Current meta supports are boring as fuck. I miss blowing up squishies with Leona and Annie.

>I mean fuck her up with a crowbar to the face and bleach down the throat
So you want my waifu to be Jinx?




>rework = nerf
your dumb

It would be a super massive buff, please remove all passives from his abilities.

Oh shit! I just got roasted by THE Lissandrafag! I'd like to thank all the little people for making this dream of mine come true. It's truly been an honor.

At least Jinx doesn't take it up the butt from trolls.


Just have the champ take 50% bonus damage from all sources for 1.5-3 seconds scaling, done.

both of you have autism

You can get 4 chests per month, you win them by gaining -S or better with a champion you own, once per month, you can check what champions you have won a chest with in your profile under champions, any champion with a frame like in picture is on cooldown for one month.

That would be literally stronger than it's now
Literally AYYY tier

This is why I HATE DUOING.

>grab a duo, supposed diamond 3 player on a smurf
>he picks Twitch jungle randomly
>when I told him to pick Graves and Kindred cause they are up
>refuses, I destroy my top lane alone but he and the others fed like no tomorrow

I don't get it. It is so hard to pick fucking meta picks, even when you are a smurf?
>but he is D3

>that feel when you drink so much alcohol the world is interesting again
feels good, man..

>At least Jinx doesn't take it up the butt from trolls.
Lissandra doesn't either, she hates trolls

So I've been told.


Ah ok, makes sense now. Thought the cooldown was a week and was miffed I didnt get one yesterday. Need more essence so I can unlock the maokai from my first chest I got.

Maybe just change it to:
R - Kill enemy champion

Nah it will go like
>Ryze rework that makes him even more broken and braindead than he currently is
>nothing for a year
>another Ryze rework
>nothing for months
>Ashe and MF reworks because they're still not picked competitively
>another Ryze rework
And then MAYBE they'll rework Yorick.

why are both of their heads up and to the left

Thats why I just full team queue.

>the city of eu

>Not dodging on the jungle Twitch

Any champ under 4800 you can grind for yourself. so focus on champs that cost that or more, sometimes re-rolling is better then disenchanting.

That works too

Can someone please tell a complete shitter like me the reasons why Cass, Swain and Vlad were gutted by their "reworks"?

Tomoka, me carreas?

More like this.

Gotta have more ebin plays by Yasuo and Zed

That reminds me, didn't Bokunopicofan 69 get BANT?

>that feel when you need to drink alcohol to have fun playing this game

G2 wouldn't even finish Top 4 in NA t b h. CLG IMT TSM and C9 would all fucking smash them. TL too possibly

He was my duo. And I had another duo early this morning that went Rengar jungle and both were completely irrelevant when I told them not to pick off meta shit. Yes, I'm a shitter too by picking meta and cancerpicks, but that's because I want to climb, not to stay on the shit.
I FB'd the Teemo, and then he came to "help" and gave a kill to Teemo instead. And yes, this twitch is supposedly to be a DIAMOND 3 PLAYER.

>crush lane
>proceed how everything goes wrong because if I go full split, enemy will destroy the entire base, and if I help, I'll probably die with no damage coming from others


W is just weird, e higher cd is clunky, absurd mana costs, no damage


No idea


He is no longer actually a draintank, his health costs are very high and he doesn't heal enough to keep up. He will slowly kill himself if he's freehitting on a tank

that's my feeling bro
unfortunately drinking drops my skill from plat to silver

Yeah I've been focusing on 3150 and under so far to build up a roster even if I'm only decent with 1 as is. Liked maokai enough on the trial though hes worth unlocking when I can. Guess I'll try and s rank ashe or somebody later


Just dodge and remove the guy

Xth for best waifu of resets

Possibly, Last match was an ARAM 2 months ago.

Post the one where she's enjoying pp.

Or link to it.

Pues a mi, idiota.



>spellvamp is kill so he no longer has reliable sustain
>damage is lower and harder to pull out

>gutted damage to compensate for dumbed down gameplay
>lost a good passive for a FREE item slot you'll probably never fill because you'll be 0/15/0

>lost a ton of sustain
>can't poke anymore because E's damage got gutted
>Q is supposed to make up for his lack of pre-6 waveclear but it deals pathetic damage

Plant Pussy

xth for Vlad is hidden OP and you guys just don't understand a cc-less, low range, low base damage mage is the PERFECT recipient for a tank build