Even with a different name on a different team, he will always be
>The Trash
Camden Long
>/wg/ and /gif/ are going to stay in the babbies tybg
Gavin Sanchez
>/a/ still believes in fucking names yeah lmao see ya in the fetus
Jace Martin
>he doesn't Did you just miss the Flush being the Flush again
Benjamin Long
Will have quotes from a number of managers today, will post on twatter for ow and post on here later tonight
Chase Johnson
How are those two Accelerators working for you?
Jordan Kelly
>pes isn't self-aware of course this doesn't change the fact /a/ are going to the fetus
Charles Young
What happened to the Flash?
Tyler Gray
He got flushed into /gif/ apparently
Jason Gomez
Chase Brooks
I'm betting those votes came from /sp/
Nicholas Young
Gabriel Morales
The Flash took on the burden of choking so nobody else would choke.
>With the Flash, he choked a lot but little choking was done elsewhere in the /co/ team >Without the Flash /co/ can't even qualify for a babby #BringBackBarry
Austin Cooper
GG /h/, we both played well and I cant be too upset about this loss. Sorry for all the /gif/ fans out there but hopefully our next games will go better...
Also what the fuck, Aesthetic Council? I never asked for a Flashing blender because I knew he would get a >The Flush blender and some shit like that would happen
Chase Russell
Any webm of the trash being trash?
Cameron Lee
>even the aesthetics council rigs it these are dark times
Andrew Perry
I guess I protected that smile and he blessed me. KAIHOUUUUUU and good game /gif/
Man this group is fucked up.
Landon Bell
You have a traitor in your midst
Brayden Jackson
>/gif/ fans
We can't even meme about lifelong, you're just that shit.
Nathaniel Torres
you didnt bribe the /merit/ ponyfuckers enough riggy diggy doo
Ian Watson
At this rate today will go till the middle of the night
Carter Bell
Kayden Morgan
What's /e/'s theme? It's pretty good.
Thomas Sanders
Fuck forgot my trip.
Good game man
>I never asked for a Flashing blender
Oh wow they fucked you over
Jason Jenkins
what does Lain Iwakura have to do with /soc/?
Bentley Rivera
that s(h)ex maniac blender is great
Hudson Morgan
If you're saying that judging on her perfomances then sure, I mean for all I care she shouldn't be on any team. But her blender references a very well known doujin and that's why she's been chosen to be the player we'd give to /h/.
The first one fucked up, but was very much a victim of a retarded formation. Haven't seen Accel Spammer play yet, so I can't judge.
Them and Reifags. And I mean very autistic Reifags, Asuka remains a shit but she can score.
Grayson Evans
body body or whatever it's called from the Queen's Blade soundtrack
Christian Garcia
I added it in when I was replacing the Placeholders on your team with actual faces Sorry for having fun
Cameron James
I don't see a trip lad.
Parker James
Christian Davis
nice tripcode fag
Hunter Young
>her blender references a very well known doujin They got rid of the black skin a while ago. Actually, that was when her performance started to drop.
Ayden Walker
lel I didn't put the password in and the title instead.
Ryan Edwards
Here's your (you) lads
Sebastian Myers
Luke Sanders
Mason Cook
Ah here we go. Man almost forgot the password.
James Ramirez
You're sure about that? Fairly sure that she was black yesterday.
Dominic Perry
Michael Cruz
she's still black dude
Ian Walker
Delete /soc/ desu.
Lincoln Campbell
Best girl.
Angel Long
>/soc/ manager, a giant normie, is better at managerial autism than the majority around here >he probably doesn't even try and only does less than 50 tests
Brandon Wood
>frontline conservative literally throwing the game
Lucas Ramirez
He actually doesn't test. He is just a version of mauled that owns pes and sets his shit up.
Tyler Thomas
>>/soc/ manager, a giant normie, is better at managerial autism than the majority around here >in a babby
Ryder Morris
He was clearly memeing and barely even trying in Winter. Go watch all of Winter 16 /soc/ matches. They had meme tactics and the Spartan did everything he could to annoy Boris. When he does actually "try", he can run over a lot of teams
Brandon Carter
I want Germanbro and Ken back
the commentary for this cup so far has been horrible