Evolutionary Hypotheses

What made us human? Violence? Drugs? The water?

Receding forests and predators. Fire and cooked food.


One vote for violence.

The big brain story may have begun in the trees. Arboreal primates that search over wide areas for food in the canopy.All this requires a working memory, a mental map of where to go and what to look for

Brains are what biologists call expensive items: the human brain at rest consumes 20% of the daily calorific intake.So a large, greedy brain becomes valuable only if it helps to deliver even more food and greater security.

Then the human story begins at some point with climate change: in a cooler and more arid continent, once-arboreal creatures had to start exploiting the woodland and savannah. It would clearly be an advantage to stand up and walk on two feet, to see further.As you are starting to hunt animals, you have to out-think them, and that is driving the growth of more processing power and bigger memory. So I think the social brain and meat-eating was the key to that.

>Receding forests and predators.
I'd say this is it. Bipedal locomotion (was less expensive) plus vertical stance (facilitated spotting predators) freed up hands to specialize in tool use.

The question is, what would an ancestral human (australopithecus, homo erectus, etc) do if he spotted you?

Try to approach curiously?

Just plainly murder you and rip your balls out as chimps do?

curiosity, op. and, ironically, stupidity. keep playing with fire even though it burns and eventually you'll learn something. humans apply this mindset to everything from rocks to religion to space.

The Annunaki.

i like to think agriculture began due to alcohol. somehow someone made wine from foraged grapes and decided to grow them.

I would bet they would either observe from a distance or GTFO.


Altruism, empathy, sympathy?

>Just plainly murder you and rip your balls out as chimps do?
I'd think they'd just chuck some stones at you if they were aggressive. They know better than to pick on something much larger than themselves.

The wishes of magical girls, of course.

Are you saying we're the big guys?

I'm saying we cucked them for a reason.

Look at the size of one on the left's arms, he'd fuck any human up

Well yeah, that's a chimp. Chimps will kill you and fuck your skull like a trophy.
But bonobos are pretty mellow.

Yeah, they were pretty small most of the time. I think Lucy was about 3'6" last I checked, and Big Man was about 4'11".

Tfw we ll never be able to use our feet as hands

Is this the price of being the superior species????

Look on the bright side, at least we have significantly larger penises than them. Also, you can somewhat train to use your toes for grasping/climbing, but it's not really that useful.


Bipedalism, freedom of the forelimbs allowed them to be modified for more efficient intelligent uses than just walking and grabbing.

Based on how black africans act they would most likely try to attack and gore us for no reason at all since their impulse control could not be comparable to ours due to the huge evolutionary time gap.

Hang on there a second. Not all black countries have low iq scores! ...what is the name of that black country with high iq scores? I forget it. Maybe it was just a city... are there any leftists on that can help me remember the name? We have shut this guy down for Bernie.

Does every black person you see on the street try to attack you for no reason? Do most of them? Do a sizable number of them?

Intelligence, duh.

It was the monkey jews

Yes. I had to fight off four just to get home from work today.


it allows us to extract far more nutrients from the same quantities of food, which allowed us to develop such large and complex brains


it went kind of like this

the ones you encounter on the street have been domesticated like dogs. African niggers are like wolves

The ability to symbolize that emerged when our brain got more complex.

this is good

Evolution doesn't and hasn't affected humans, only cultural evolution does.
If you think otherwise you're a /pol/luter.

For you.

Pretty sure being able to see predators is bunk.
Anything you could see can logically also see you.

And a primarily non-bipedal primate can still use tools. At best the capacity to carry tools has changed.

In that case, we're all domesticated. No human is born civil

Domestication requires a domesticator for the process to happen. Which means the domesticator cannot be domesticated; which means the ones whom domesticated the Africans were not domesticated themselves

Reminder that the word culture has no analytical value to science. It is an ideological term that you can define as whatever you want it to be.

Cultural evolution does not exist. What you might mean is social evolution.


We are domesticated by our culture.

No we are civilized by our culture, not "domesticated."

Okay, then niggers are civilized by culture, just like the rest of us

Eating fish and bone marrow.

If they are willing to adapt to our culture then of course. But unfortunately as you know in America for example they develop a huge subculture within society that is problematic to the normative culture in that particular society. This can cause big conflict within society and in the worst case scenario can lead to civil war (see blacklivesmatter).

You cannot force people from another race or culture to assimilate, they are the ones whom has to choose to assimilate to the normative culture of the society/country in which the live in, and if they don't, well, bad things will happen.