League of Legends General - /lolg/


Weird ships and Dad bird edition

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I want to impregnate Lissandra!

Draven best guy

reminder that sjokz is the only thing keeping eu lcs alive

xth for /lolg/ discord: discord.gg/0zoibl697rx6h5Kz

Come lewdpost or something.
Or just stay in the room, never saying anything because you're too shy, like everybody else

>Jinx will never blow you up and laugh maniacally as your pieces rain down on her.

Why live?

Illaoi is cute.

Is that fucking Diana x Nocturne?

Xth for being fabulous

Weird ships

Is Lissandra any good? What's core?

Also should I get the inquisitor kayle or scourge singed? do they come with the icon if you buy them seperately?


I was talking to .
Starting at red was just an example. It's just there to show that WW can start at the most difficult camp, without any leash, and still clear the jungle with 100% hp and just using a single pot.

The point is that WW has always been able to start jungling without any leash and still clear it with full hp. This has always been the case.

I love Lissandra!


>you will never experience this level of teamworth within your lifetime

why play

post league videos

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.


there's your problem, you dont' need them. Just start krugs and you're good, pocket the 150 to get your jungle item and boots faster. With pots of course he can solo red, but no ww player who knows his shit buys them. Also i made both of those posts.

Post husbandos


Post Graves.



meme time





no more QSS or furor


so are jungle camps stronger now? I'm taking a lot more damage first clear as poppy

almost die on a full clear with three biscuits, or are weaker junglers forced to back/gank early now?

these are my runes, don't have much else in the ways of runes, still waiting on the may price reduction for tier twos

second clear however I don't lose any health at all
masteries are

Is siren cass a decent skin senpai? Should I snag it on sale? I got no skin for snek

I like that doujin but man dont know why the artist has against Irelia. He made her into sucb a dick.

they nerfed poppy jungle hard, it's not a thing anymore.

That works too

I just met a qt that plays League on Tinder. How do I NOT fuck this up?

what doujin

Its fine. I think Mythic is easily her best looking though.

>wasting money on anything Cass related
Simply don't, she's complete and utter trash and will never be viable nor fun.

Don't be ugly.

So don't look like this fat ape

You can't read it seems. It is just an example, a specific scenario.
No matter where you start, it could be at Gromp, Golems, Chickens, Blue, Red or the Wraiths etc you will never need any pots. That's all. Just chill man.

WW was, is, and will always be the baby mode jungler. Back in S1 when jungling was so hard only 4 champs could actually jungle and not die during the first clear, WW was the only one clearing it with full HP.

Who does she main?

>play a farm champion that's weak early
>don't build the item that gives you massive lane sustain
>complain that you lose

That image of Syndra and Zed is an ongoing Korean doujin. Nothing smutty but has elements of them doing it. Anyway the artist has a thing of turning Irelia into an asshole.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

t. Ezreal

be yourself and dont do awkward shit
think before you act and say anything
"how would I respond if she said this to me?"

I want to murder lulu

I'm sorry to hear that.

Not really. Just a het woman.



Same to be completely honest.

>Top damage on sion
I can't tell if this is some indication that I'm good, sunfire is broken, or that my carries are just complete ass.

It's already on PBE.

Dunno, she says she plays WW

>still trying to defend the worst rework in the history of this game
Are you fucking deluded? What kind of mental handicap do you possess to spout such utter nonsense?

Both Karma and Irelia are enemies to Syndra, Karma seems so nice tho.


Probably just needed someone to play "bitch that won't accept the mcs are actually redeemed" role and Irelia is the best candidate, and since Karma is obviously good then he went with the hardass captain of the guard that canon hates Syndra.

Have you tried the magical support sion

What champions do autistic people obsessively play almost exclusively and react negatively or indifferently if you suggest to them anything else?

If the game lasted 30 min or less that's actually normal.
If it was a 45+ min game your carries were ass and you carried hard.

Yare yare daze

And they aren't doing anything at improving her performance, rofl.

Changing her E first is the most stupid thing they could have done and they simply did it. The focus of this rework is on hitting her Qs for poison-damage, the E is just an afterthought.

By keeping her horrendous manacosts high on her core-ability and by neglecting to increase its range they completely miss the point. She'll remain fucking unplayable like that. What good is a buffed E even if she can't poison anyone beforehand anyway?

This actually happens way too often for me. It's probably his great lane harass + popping your shield on several champs.

it's a good rework
just needs some numbers buffs
also it needs her playerbase to stop crying like babies about pressing a button 4 tenths of a second later and to actually read what the new items do so they can actually sustain in lane on a fucking farm champion.

Riven or Vayne.

>ADC mains in general

Well then who do you main? Ask her to hang out and try synchronizing with her

What the fuck

>top tier waifu
>top tier qt
>top tier AD carry
>underrated as hell in all three


Jinx, Riven, Vayne

I want to impregnate all the league human females. Barring the obvious subhumans Nose girl and the hentai chick.



Vel'koz mains

They're the biggest pussies to change. Playing Velkoz is one thing, maining him usually involves bitching when you're outplayed or unable to compute anythinb but your "comfy" champion

A basic analysis of Cass rework :
>you hit Q
>you do damage

>you dont hit Q
>you do no damage

So now hitting Q is mandatory, more than ever. Your E might as well be turned off if your target is not poisoned.

Was fiora gutted? I knows she got nerfed but why don't I see any anymore.
Because she's canonically taken.

nigga I main the dude, I can tell you that this season in particular, he needed a leash to clear jungle with no pots. He doesn't anymore. I'm sorry that triggers you or something.

>Not wanting to impregnate Illaoi

Just imagine the shit she could do to your prostate while you're balls deep.

salty as fuck guy here:

Why do people troll so fucking much in these games? The fuck do they get out of it?

>Several other female champs fulfilling the role of albino hottie
>Pretty strong but there's still shit like Lucian running around

did the hotfix changes go through where can i find them i heard there were hotfixes coming

I want to cuddle Lulu.

her w and e were changed and everyone got mad


She's statistically shit at all stages of the game and even 125+ game mains have a 50% winrate.

She's trash m8

I wish I knew. And I always seem to get the feedlords, trollers and rage quit fucktards in my promos.

Fuck the ranking system.

your tears

People with over 125 games barely have more than a 50% winrate, was like 50.4 last I checked. She is beyond gutted right now, one of the worst champions in the game atm.

Nope the reworked that. Ashe is a single lady and Trendy is an angry man.

>healing requires teh target to be poisoned

so you also have to Q the wave and if you don't get all three before the poison wears off, you need to Q a second time

then repeat for the caster wave

if her Q healing didn't require the target to be poisoned, she'd be much better

Exactly. The hotfix is not helping at improving her state at all, she'll remain completely unplayable until 4.10 finally hits servers. So that's 2 weeks with Cass being basically disabled, this is a fucking outrage.

No, he did not. What's your rune page ?

>Not wanting to get impregnated by Illaoi


unzip ...

scaling armor, scaling mr, ad quints, as reds
scaling mr, scaling health, rest attack speed.

She got nerfed and metagolem made a lot of top laners better picks than her, she can't 1vs5 anymore

No they didn't.

How about I murder my foot up your ass?