/msg/ - Maplestory General

Shaggeroni editioni

8x/4x/6x v171+ (Updates alongside GMS). Shit.

5x/1x/2x v162.4 GMS-like. Dreamâ„¢ server. Shit.

4x/1x/2x v169.1 GMS-like. Coming never.

Apply to Waifus/Casuals if you're in Windia, Pay2Win, MotherBase or LOVE in Reboot.

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>OP image that a total of maybe four people in the attention whore nigger clique would understand
This is why we're always so dead.

go make one urself then if ur so popular

>>Still not doing Nexon Games General
Anyone playing in Aries MS have a guild I can join? Character name is Villager :)

Add me to Waifus you dumb cucks

what guild to join on renegades?

None because GRAZED is so fucking dead even botters don't bother with it



Gotta agree with the first faggot, i know and like shag and i'm on the discord, but i don't think this image is funny, amusing or even clever.

If you want to help the cause of your dead general AT LEAST use a maple story pic.

what the fuck are with these drop rates

that one's very hard to get

Tell me about it, I used about 12 bottles before one actually spawned. At least I got the medal now.


hey im missing couple stuff too
does that flower drop 2 items cause im missing 2 from the last one

Nah, the skeleton flower only drops the one. What are you missing?

Disgusting opening image

Happy mothers day guys, be nice to your moms.

shag is a genuine /msg/ meme what are you talking about

how new are you dude

Anybody still play in GRAZED?

My guild buds pretty much went over to reboot and anybody who hasnt has stopped playing altogether.

oldboi only!!! REEEEEEEEEE

can a hayato boss well and complete black heaven content in reboot?

Nice name, I thought it was nevaevaaa but that's also pretty good sounding

Hayato's bossing is meh, but he's nice in parties because of his permabind that works on Von Bon

He has decent mobbing too, but I wouldn't recommend doing Black Heaven til the revamp we'll be getting soon, where it becomes much less tedious


>tfw to this day I'm still wearing the 11 atk work gloves my friend gifted to me
>dont even have any gloves with better stats anyway

what are the odds

morning guys


how the fk do i drop this ottermode phone

You can't, it's bugged
Gotta wait til Nexon fixes it

>Gotta wait til Nexon fixes it
Rest in pieces

you can't NPC it?

So what will maple do after fifth job is out? what's the next thing to get excited for? Black mage? 6th job? New areas?


Have we gotten all the black mage commanders yet?

yeah, to the point where they started making up new ones.
We're missing some of the grandis transcendents though.

They did? Like who?

lucid, Guwaru, Will.

get ready for vault guys

>there are newbois lurking /msg/ RIGHT NOW that aren't playing Windia

>Nexon General meme
Here's your (You), I saw you didn't have any yet and I felt sorry

Lurk moar

apparently if a cointainer takes more than 2 hits to break theres a rare item in it

i did not know this

Was Guwaru not one of the originals?

He was but not in the capacity he was turned into after colossus and the other shit, he was supposed to be a freud-type character that gave guidance to luminous before they gave him whats-his-face in the fortress of solitude. But after RED he was turned into a random so called commander that has never been explained or used other than the colossus storyline.

Is it ever explained why Magnus took the evil out of him?
Did he use that for something?

nope, none of it is ever explained. The only commanders that really matter are lotus, magnus, damien, and orchid.

Hilla's irrelevant because she took a backseat to magnus, arkarium's only worthwhile place in the story is the crosshunter stuff. Von Leon was never really relevant. The story for VL was never related to the black mage other than guilt tripping him about killing demon's family, it was about VL being a whiny sniveling little bitch because "muh wife"

Hey guys, thinking about reinstalling. Is reboot fucked? How's Windia? I've been playing on an off since 2006. Last played when reboot came out though.

Orchid is suppose to be on the good guys side right? She left black mage side?

Actually, now that I remember, they keep mentioning Guwaru's power in the Magnus fight.
Maybe he needed that to get the edge over Kaiser.

She didn't. Lotus attacked her after gelimer revealed he'd given lotus that lobotomy. Then hologram lotus in EVO lab blew her tits to bits after she was recovered by the resistance.

Then you have the whole black heaven storyline which is after she's in resistance's care. After that ends she talks to Guwaru to get a new source of power, so right now she's AWOL and has literally all of lotus' and her own power. Considering she's a sprite of raw, concentrated power from Guwaru, and has both halves of his power, chances are they'er going to give Guwaru his power back (new storyline with damien is the fallen world tree, guwaru is guardian spirit of the forest, chances are that guwaru will get some sort of something out of this in whatever future storyline we see).

They never explain why he took it but they do say he took it. Magnus knew about Guwaru because Guwaru gave power to Gerald Darmoor (Transcendent of life on Grandis), which was how helisium got taken over in the first place.

All that's explained is that "Magnus absorbed a gemstone from Guwaru". It was apparently an easy fight cause Magnus had absorbed all of Gerald's power (AKA guwaru's power), and had more power from the black mage contacting him. That was how Guwaru got turned into a commander, he had no power and is rebuilding from the black mage's reserves, or something. You can see the effects of the aftermath of his fight with magnus when you find Guwaru in elin forest theme dungeon. He's recovering from the fight.

Because of his palce in the stone colossus storyline and what he says at the end of it "We shall meet again", chances are guwaru is going to REALLY fuck shit up. He's gonna have black mage power, Lotus/orchid's power again, probably some power from the fallen world tree and damien, he's gonna be really really really powerful. He was supposed to be stronger than the black mage was when he first turned, but then split his power up for whatever reason.

Maple has some kind of cool lore. Too bad I'm lazy to read everything

It really does. Theme dungeons are some of the best parts of maplestory. I can't wait to see what they do with omega sector. All the grays are gonna turn out to be horrible eldritch abominations from the underground of foxpoint village or some shit I bet.

bye guys see u next week
keep up the hard work
dont miss me

i miss you already

Have fun and stay safe at the academy/work shag.

Is OS the last area for revamping?

Kerning square and florina beach too

nah there's a few.

Potentially chryse (PQ seems to replace the proper theme dungeon though but it's still on the map)
Omega Sector
Kerning Square
Florina Beach
Neo Tokyo.

Most of those will probably end up being scrapped, sadly.

Guys what would I need to do to set up a rig that sends my body's electrical currents from things connected to water to power a keyboard so i can play maple

>florina beach
I completely forgot about that place, I don't even remember how to get back to it. I thought gold beach was what it's revamped form was

I still want my room, fuck you Gold Richie

I miss the we wuz KLANGZ and LORANGZ in florina

>training in a place where mobs drop gold bags
>think i'll make a lot of money if i loot it
>6mil in one hour of training there with my snail pet
Pretty disappointing desu

>gold bags

think he meant meso bags

did you guys show your moms /LOVE/ today?

i wanna play maple again someone shoot me

okay *pew pew pew*

Is damage from the hyper stats page not worth it if you're soloing most of the time? Do you need to be in the same map/have online players to use it?

Haku eating Kanna's underwear!

busta pls

Can someone give me some advice? i just recently started today on mardia and got 0-100 today on a kaiser, i havent played in 5 years so im totally lost with new shit and sets and all that, can someone give me some advice on what armor set at 100 to buy or get to boost damage, same as attack too. I have 60 mil from sellin a clean slate and somethin else

i wanna sniff them

bully shade


>tfw my icog worked on my ghost ship exorcist badge

Fuck yeah, now its time to hammer it and use two more right? Can people post their enhanced badge to see how powerful it is?

no one on mardia that wants to paly with me :( ?

Guys get ready to break the glass cases again in 6 mins

this glass breaking event is shit

If you have 120 starforce until what level do you stay at drill hall 2? Does it make much of a difference compared to hall of honor?

That's total damage, and ignore the text of how it only applies to party members. It's definitely worth it, up next to Boss damage.

>hurt hand while squat-shitting
Welp, I'll see you guys in a week

post ranges


Anyone have a tierlist the classes? I don't want o invest in a deadend class

S tier


A tier

Any new class and phantom

B tier

The other explorers, resistance, heroes

Crap tier

Any region exclusive class

>source: my ass

tiers r 4 queers

>All of the classes were new at one point

best way to farm cubic chaos blades and superior item crystals?

go to future hene or ToT, and cc till you find veins/flowers/heartstones/


how do I get rid of the blue ! thing?
i think it might be related to this first job as there is one point, but i can't use it anywhere?

I'm so sorry, user.

after 4th you stop getting them, so just tough it out

What should I make for a new char? Bishop, level my WH (he's like 15 or something right now I think.), or level my zero (100, just made so I could have it for times like this)

I wouldn't be making any of them my main, I just want something new to play, getting sick of my NW. cards/links don't matter, so don't say zero just because of that.

Zero if you want something different and a cool story to go along with your training

otherwise just level a WH for fun

How active is reboot / any of the p servers? Thinking about getting into maple for the summer and wanted some other autists to play w/

/msg/ is spread out all over and you will not find a large group anywhere, you will be lucky to find more than 2 other people. Do not join a server just to play with people from /msg/, just join a server that looks appealing. In terms of overall community reboot has a fair amount of players.

I remember when reboot first came out, there was a fairly decent sized guild. I'm assuming all the reboot hype died out?