Old: eyosongive.us
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League of Legends General /lolg/
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has science gone TOO far?
fnd out
just read nidalee suggestion
fucking faggots still at it i see
[sweating intensifies]
xTh for husbandos
Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.
when do you buy tear? after rod?
I want to hug Renekton and soothe his burning anger.
tear first item
then roa
Join for esports talk, general game discussion, lewds, shitposting, and finding groups!
I have not played a game of league of legends since march of 2014
It has been surprisingly active.
But he would stab you.
lmao i scrolled up for like 500 messages and they were 95% made by less than five unique users nice meme discord
you cant really like MF without liking sona and the other way around
maybe its just me
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
LMAO 20 people online and only 5 are posting
I just played a One For All versus a bunch of Caitlyns who maxed their traps first. Holy fucking cancer.
except i went back like 24 hours you dip
Freedom prime
hit me up nigga
xth for EU
He probably couldn't stab me with that weapon, he'd slash me instead
I'd still try my hardest to befriend him
when did we create this discord you retard?
or do you honestly believe that it had yesterday already 40 members?
Y-you mean with, right?
user youre killing me
Considering it's been around for less than a day and it's early morning in NA, that's not half bad.
Also, it's good to talk, encourages others to join the discussion.
any mouse setting guides???
In a pool?
Not if I stab him first with my cock
Had a similar game except we were the Caitlyns.
That was filthy.
stop bullying Europe. Not our fault G2 is literally retarded ;_; Fnatic would've done much better
EU on suicide watch
Is g2 the best team in EU?
I'm from na and don't watch eulcs
Winning finals in a bo3 = best
So yes, G2 is better than Fnatic
seems like a really good matchup for you so
bot : ^ )
>lmaokai and lel'koz
gl senpai
It doesn't matter where we are.
What matters is my plan.
>Was 60 LP to Gold
>Lost in Lane to a Ez + Blitz as Varus + Lulu
>Tank Akali jungle on enemy team went 6/0 in 5 minutes.
I should just end myself, and this stupid idea of gold. Now 26 wns to 12 loses and feel a huge loss streak coming.
kat a cute
you're ded
if I pool that off, will she die?
post original
support veigar is fun but i'm still extremely salty about this game especially when people expect you to carry them when you're just the support
yea sure i had 1k ap but i can't carry if they keep making bad choices
probably because your team had no support
It would be extremely painful
They had two assassins and your team had very limited peel.
you do the math
>don't you mean friend?
Kayle Runic or xXBl00DRAZ0RxX?
bloodrazer is probably the worst item to have existed for a long time
unless they have something stupid like mundo + sej + cho comp
Which Caitlyn skin should I buy, lolg?
Where the fuck are the jannies
>when the 2/7 waifu dives and is mad at you for not following
>nothing will be as good as Wisp
are you
tfw your opponent needs like 5k hp to make bloodrazor better than no stacks devourer
KIll yourself
>5 AP Alistars shitting on 5 squishies
Is there anything more badass?
Maybe 5 Darius but I don't know how he'd deal with all these Zed/Zyra/Brand spamming shitters.
Do Lolbabs ever shitpost in d2g? I just don't think it happens.
>Riot poops out Season 7 in the middle of season 6
>its also shit
Safari or the northern front one
They were in playoffs but they openly admitted to not practicing for this event. They're pretty much the most hated team in EU at this point and will guaranteed get booed once LCS Summer starts
>they all played for 5 years now
>they create new accounts to climb with on a regular basis
>they are good on 3+ champions
>the only money they invest is on XP and IP boosts
>im sitting here being shit
>Play 5 Darius
>Enemy is 5 Yasuos pretending to be Narutos or something
I want this to happen to me badly..
Arctic Warfare is best
The lunar one is the best. Can you even still get it? If not than the arctic one.
clearly it is rare enough that doing so gets many (you)s still
>riven waifu shitposting
Disgusting wherever it is
Now that is next level faggotry.
ez victory
Lunar Wraith Caitlyn is okay, I just think it was so fucking random to give to Cait. The skin looks nice, it just doesn't look like Cait.
Safari Caitlyn is the best but I think it's a legacy.
No thanks, you guys probably have giant faggots like Tomoka who ruin this thread. He'll most likely ruin the chat too.
It can
thats fine really
what meme happened that im getting shacos in every game this morning?
Rate my tryn build:
Death's Dance
Righteous Glory
Boots of Swiftness
full crit runes
What happened to Sej that made her winrate skyrocket?
anyone not building the shit item that is bloodrazor got a win % boost because playing vs bloodrazor champions is a free win
Rate my Lucian build:
Grasp of the Undying
Iceborn Gauntlet
Sunfire Cape
Black Cleaver
Ninja shoes (for 1v1v adc) or merc treads (for 1v1 mage)
Bloodrazor (take smite for dragon control)
And immobile mages are as popular as ever, which works really nice for Sejuani
get rid of sunfire and get deadmans plate. iceborn works pretty well on lucian, i've actually been seeing it a lot
dumb fucking meta
Why do you lolbabs choose to play this babby game when you could be playing Dota 2 which is legitimately superior in every way
>get to ranked screen
>I'm first pick, blue side and I'm also have the highest chance to get Ekko easily
>call 5 times, don't ban ekko please guys, I'll carry with him, let the other team ban him if they want to waste a ban
>our fifth player bans him anyways, the enemy team then bans Yi
>m8 why did you ban him when I told you not to
>then why did you ban him yourself if they were gonna ban him?
>proceeds to shittalk me the rest of the draft screen
I don't get it, how do I carry these people?
What about Zac and Mundo?
guys pls
But user, it's gay to let a girl fugg you in the butt.
What's it with Bronze and their love of Volibear support? He gets picks so often and usually is destructive as hell.
What the hell. Ashe's damage is fucking dumb
>YFW the sad realisation you don't belong in Gold because of Silver 1 kicking you to the ground, and should stop trying.
Send help