Guilty Gear thread
Make sure to preorder Revelator on PSN
Xrd now available on Steam
Character resources
Guilty Gear thread
Make sure to preorder Revelator on PSN
Xrd now available on Steam
Character resources
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I wish Ramlethal was my daughter...
So, this is just gonna die again right?
Not if we keep it alive. Come on guys! We can do it!
>tfw I preordered
Now what
>literally bullied out of /fgg/
top kek lads
Gotta practice man. The only thing you can do at this point.
I need to go learn some Jam bnbs
Well, /blaz/ got shitposted out of /asg/ and they're doing better than ever.
Who are you all gonna main when the full game drops? I'm sticking with Johnny.
Then /asw/ died
I'm really interested in Raven, but I can't say for sure that I'll main him. I wish there was more gameplay footage of him.
He reminds me a lot of Jedah in Vsav. I'm gonna play him for a little bit when the game arrives to see if it really sticks though.
DIzzy if she's broken
Johnny if Dizzy isn't broken
What do you guys think Zappa is going to play like in Xrd? Hopefully they tone him down from how broken he was in Accent Core.
I wanna switch to jack-o.
He's gonna be like his Slash version with a bit of AC. I mean Johnny is already like that in Xrd.
Does anyone here play any of the older GG games or did everyone came onboard when Xrd dropped?
I play +R a lot, it's my favorite.
so.... umm......
I was introduced to GGX on the ps1 by a friend. I've only played it casually since then, like every other fighting game.
Same here user. What character you play? I netplay that game alot. Maybe we can run some sets someday?
I remember GGX. Having no bursts and FD infinites were stupid as hell lol. I would like to play that even though I probably can't do any of those techniques. So what was your attraction to the game user even though you played it casually? Was it the story, characters, music etc?
How the FUCK do I fight this bitch?
>godlike halfscreen normals
>everything is safe on block
>insane pressure with grenade
>every trade goes into her favor
>to evade from corner pressure you need IB and quickly dp which is fucking difficult on pad
I'm Ky.
Watch and take notes from here. I recommend watching any match that machaboo, ain, rion, or rozu is in since they're the best ky players in the world.
Yeah, I tried it once.
>open Ain match with some Elphelt
>Ain gets rekt
Elphelt is considered top 5 character in the game.
Elpehlt is broken bullshit. There's nothing you can do against her.
>they're doing better than ever
Well, it's 90% waifu posting so they can keep it going forever.
Sticking with Venom but I'll try out Johnny and Dizzy.
Might give Jam and Jack-o a chance too.
Kum and Raven don't interest me though. They both seem kind of boring at the moment.
Played +R when it came to steam and fell in love.
>Sticking with Venom
I pity you user. Venom stuggles alot in Xrd. I consider him top 5 in the bottom characters.
Cool who do you play in that game? And if you're North american maybe we can get some games in?
>I consider him top 5 in the bottom characters.
And Japan and Ogawa consider him A tier.
US South
It was my first anime fighter. The sprites were hot and the chain system made combos easy and flashy. Everything about it was just cool to my middle school self.
Don't get me wrong when Venom can do his setplay it's devastating. He falls into the same thing where ram, pot, and slayer does well too when they get you in the corner. Honestly though the legit only bad character is jam currently.
I use Ky and sometimes Zappa. I'm NA EC.
Nice if you ever wanna play some +R I know a few places that still plays it on discord. Let me know if you're interested.
Subbing Ky unless one of the new characters is really fun.
Jam. The only other character I play is Slayer.
Yes, I know.
Is Ky the best character for beginners?
Yes, he's the closest thing to a shoto in GG.
Why does no one play millia i had the impression that shes really strong.
It appears that no one here plays millia and no one at my local plays millia.
does she just take too much work to win with compared to other characters or is there something else.
Sol and Ky are probably the easiest to get into, but you should just try out everyone and go with whoever feels the best to you.
Yes. Sin is pretty good too.
>tfw i'll never be a good potemkin
People don't like dying in two combos even if she can lock someone down with one knockdown.
dead thread
who should i play if im new
This general is a thing now? Wasn't it dying fast?
Ky or Sol.
Best king.
It probably won't last long this time either. /fgg/ is reaching /asg/ levels of shitposting though, so might as well give it another shot.
is there any chance of revelator coming to pc
10 months after the console version, no crossplay and you'll like it
High chance but 6-9 month later.
S rank
A rank
Sol Kai Milia Zato chip bed Man Singh El felt Jack-o
B rank
Mei Potemkin Faust accelerator Venom Slayer Ino Ramurezaru Leo
C rank
Feels good to be on top again
Damn, Johnny is THAT good? I'm kinda scared now.
Makes me wonder how strong Dizzy will be.
Everyone in japan agrees he's #1 character in the game.
I think she'll be A rank since pachi screws things up alot with characters.
Unblockables, son.
Johnny being bullshit against Woshige, Nage, and Ogawa
Jack-O in A? Wasn't she considered quite weak?
That was before people figured her out
Japan finally figured out how to play her. She's annoying as fuck and can lock you down with her ghosts easily anywhere. A good example on how Jack-O can lock you down.
I wonder where Raven and Kum will fall.
For sure they can't be any worse than Jam
>I think she'll be A rank since pachi screws things up alot with characters.
Dizzy is like Johnny, if you look at her mechanics then look at Xrd's mechanics she's going to easily be S tier.
What do you like about GG? plus today is mothers day.
why is jam so bad
They nerfed her puffballs.
I doubt that they would be top tiers, most likely mid tiers. They both seem relatively simple and don't have any mechanics that particularly seem exploitable or broken.
Raven's mechanic of taking red damage to get stronger attacks seems pretty useless in a real match and his airdash and specials don't really stand out too much. Maybe his long range command grab might be useful.
Kum's changing special only add some variety to her attacks but I doubt she can use the charge types of specials during the match except on knockdown. Her super seems interesting though and might find creative uses.
I'm not sure how good their normals are though unless I actually see them used in match. Raven's Dhalsimesque normals doesn't seem like it would be great in Xrd and Kum's moves seem a little on the slow side.
Torpedo tits.
>Raven's mechanic of taking red damage to get stronger attacks seems pretty useless in a real match
I don't know, depending on the frame data it might be really good. There isn't really much footage to go by though.
>Jonio announced machaboo vs nage for saturday
This is fucking hype.
dead gen
It'll definitely survive this time, r-right?
From the footage, it seems like its too slow to use comfortably in neutral.
But yeah, if the move's recovery is short I can see it being exploitable in certain matchups.
Machaboo is going to win free
This thread will be dead before tomorrow lol
Wait until Revelator.
Nigga this ain't gonna be free. Even machaboo himself said that nage is one of the 3 people he's concern about playing.
Everyone knows the only way to survive is to make it about waifus
People are really fighting it against it so probably not.
Going to go with Johnny. Still will play Pot but I am really hoping they give him a few tweaks.
Why though? /fgg/ has been completely insufferable since the release of SFV, why would people want to stay there?
easy shitposting
Never played GG before, but I'm hyped about Revelator, should I import it or just buy the EU version? Didn't Arcsys fuck up the EU version of Sign in some way?
Looks like ASW is not gonna fuck over EU this time. If you're concerned about anything ask them on this twitter page.
>trying to play xrd vanilla after xrd revelator
i should just pretend blitz doesn't exist holy shit
anyone want to xrd console
im usa east
>Didn't Arcsys fuck up the EU version of Sign in some way?
That'd be an understatement. It was released 6 months after the US version, digital only, and it didn't even get any of the updates or DLC.
EU version of Revelator seems like it'll be fine though. It comes out the same week as the NA version, and it's even getting a EU exclusive collector's edition.
Sounds good, will just go with the EU then. Thanks.
Make sure to preorder on PSN so you can go ahead and start playing the game now.
I only go to /fgg/ for the lewd waifus
When will they bring back my bae, Lord God of the Mid-tier?
In the same iteration Baiken comes back.