League of Legends General - /lolg/


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xth for kat


I don't get it?

What happened to the other thread?

Why does everyone call snowday Bard "Reddit:The Skin"?

>Overshills got last general deleted

>feed 28 kills

Xth for Vlad

wait for buffs and korea

third for janitors for going crazy

xth for ships better than vxv and riven/zac :^)

>Deleting threads

Delete because of Overwatch Cancer.

Shill assault


I dunno why people are still going RoA/Rylais on meme dragon. Takes too long to become a relevant threat when you can go Tear/Rylais to completely erase all mana issues and become a much more relevant threat that much sooner

>All waifufags are going to fuck off to overwatch
Is this blessing in disguise?

>You will never wake up in a bath tub full of ice missing a kidney after jinx drugged you and harvested it.

How do you fagucks even keep going?

Why was the other thread deleted?

>tfw your friends try to force you to go with a girl you don't know
>tfw she's a qt and has the same interests as you
>tfw you kind of prefer keeping your freedom and staying alone
What would you do /lolg/?

Don't you mean a blessing in the skies?

Post Irelia

Why do you think this?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
North America
Password: vidya
Good times headed your way.

with two kidneys.

manage your mana
back more often
secure ocean drake

>I dunno why people are still going RoA/Rylais on meme dragon
Give them time.

They need to adjust to the new builds.

I like having my kidneys?

no op posted the discord link and the janitor deleted the entire thread because of it

Even though I find some stuff funny about it, I don't really mind Taliyah's design.

Go where?

If its a one time thing just do it. Could be fun. If its shit then it's shit and you have a story to tell.

Someone tell me what the hell I was suppose to build here other than cinder hulk
I cannot into buying items to full build

>shiv Jhin

This shit is spicy AS FUCK. Time it with a 4th shot and you can scare the fuck out of people. Literally chunking the fuck out of them.

How much does Ashe benefit from freezing the lane? Just as much as any other champ?

where are you guys making those

AHAHA lost it

You don't really need that second one, anons. Why not give it to a significant other?

fuckign disney art, why is everything so cute and soft

is this supposed to be a shitty joke

Probably because catalyst is a broken?

>go where?
Sorry, I meant "to start a relationship with".

That's hilarious.

>doesn't like the idea of jinx rummaging around in his insides while chemically rendered unconscious

neo /lolgen/

Ahricuckbros ww@?


that's your significant other, not mine, or at least your imaginary one. besides, i like my women the with no missing or additional organs.

xth for Cute Vi

Irelia Edition

Cinderhulk, red smite, swifties (they have very little hard cc and none of it is going to go on you). Personally I would have gone for Warmogs instead of Randuins to synergize with cinderhulk but it's preference

I thought it was trundle at first but holy shit

my fucking sides
I love your work

Same shit, just do it, if its shit then break it off before it gets serious. No big deal.

what do u guys think works better for lissandra as her first item, roa or morello?

Push to pressure, freeze to deny farm and/avoid ganks. There's a lot more to wave management than that, but that's what you generally want to do.

Anybody wanna help me grind some IP on LAN?

you had too much armor
varus can only kite you and GP will never survive melee vs. you, while his ult is only magic damage while ziggs and brand had voidstaff

>been playing league since season 1
>been in lolg since it was on /v/
>ask what people think about ovewatch since it has similarities with league
>gets deleted and people think discussing it is cancer

Gold, as usual.

>NA babbies think they're hot shit
These midseason tournaments don't mean shit. Fnatic also did poorly at 2014 All-Stars but EU was fine at worlds that year.

"Nerfed" RoA is pretty much broken and gives you infinite sustain. Hextech GLP also works well and gives you additional burst and CC.

What difference does having a third or only one kidney make? Would you not be attracted to a woman,if you found out she had missing or additional organs?

>EU kiddies this butthurt over G2-8

No. I'm learning about freezing lanes and I'm learning it because I usually play ADC or support.

>being a beta cuck for a crackwhore
no thx



The problem is there aren't any good magic resist items. She has sv and banshees is just really weak for the slot lategame

Got Omen's for GP and merc's for Varus' ult
Didn't realize GP wasn't a big as a threat as I thought

it caters another group, it already killed everything for me and 2 of my buddies because its a FPS, we wouldve bought and bothered playing it if it was thirdperson but it isnt

League of Legends

>These midseason tournaments don't mean shit.
The tears



She benefits a lot because her early lane is fairly weak but after she gets IE+Hurricane she is one of the strongest ADCs.

>literally posts about leaving league for Overwatch
>cancerous Waifu posts
Yea, fuck off. Go discuss it in the Overwatch General.

Is the bug in a good spot now?

>tfw candycane

>Tristana: Oh shit we have no inturrpt

Nigga what?

yea just dont pick him into tanks, the usual

I personally don't like the lack of character lock in. It hurts the waifu aspect and makes the game feel weird to me desu.

I love Poppy!

>being a beta cuck for no reason

No thx

AS 2014 had the MSI style tournament.

Best skin of these three?

My sides



>being a beta cuck at all
no thx

that doujin is fucking 10/10

Nobody cares about all-stars user. Ever. MSI actually has serious worlds implications, all-stars is a joke.

>comparing all stars to MSI

Literally grasping at straws

kayle is probably objectively the best

my favorite is singed though

I personally think it's Singed's one, purely because I like the Plague Doctor aspect. Other than that, the Kayle one isn't too shabby either.

le comfy hot choco cocoa xd

Explain this bullshit.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on na
please join.
password vidya

Why does always go fine at first but then in promos in goes "TRUST ME GUISE RAGUBLADURU VAYNE IS OP GUISE XDddd"

>EU was fine at worlds that year.

>One auto away from killing Nexus

All of them are goat but apparently there's a movement speed bug with the singed skin

Kayle imo. Singed's looks weird with his gas/ult and the glue doesnt even make sense.

Too bad Kayle has that trash auto attack animation. Only thing holding me back

sadpanda link pls

>no pentas on Karthus
Sad times.

ashe has a fantastic lane

skins are ok-ish

on boring as shit champions though

I seriously hope Kobe is casting the CLG v FW this weekend

Gonna be hyped as hell

Thank you.

League of legends is broken beyond repair

you have me mistaken for someone else. I have no intention of "leaving" league. In fact I've played ranked more this season than any other season.

It's a fun game as someone who is familiar with league and a lot of the skills from league carry over well.

It's not unreasonable to wonder what the players of two closely related games think about the other game. owg has a comical amount of vitriol for league, which I find ironic considering the similarities.