old: ara ara~ edition
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old: ara ara~ edition
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>there are gen Zers in this very thread that would rather watch other people play than playing themselves
lol what went wrong?
Widowmaker in literally every single game edition
Is there any evidence of the forced 50%? I'm not trying to defend it, I'm honestly curious if this is a thing.
Best butt coming through.
Tracer needs actual counters instead of "hope you hit her with a stun as mcree"
>be fragging for five minutes on the point as my boy soldier 76
>get multiple airshots on pharahs just floating around like mongoloids
>surely will get potg
>bastion ult gets potg
this is unreal
origins edition for $40
thought some of you late goys might find this useful
I made this important and valuable guide for HOW TO PLAY JUNKRAT
hope you like it
>That SFM video of Zarya fucking D.va up against her mech
Man, not even usually into that kind of deal.
>they would add the link to overwatch wiki than the google doc with all the players from owg on it
i cant wait for beta to end so you newfags and reddit would just fucking leave
>look mom, i pressed Q again XD
it's a moba meme
>cast die die die
>get sniped
words can't describe my hatred
If bastion is in the game there's a 90% chance he will get potg. Don't worry though he's fair and balanced.
>keep walking into junkrat traps
Kill me.
Her counter is sticking together with your team and not chasing after her.
more like get hooked
>its a get stomped against a 6 stack that has been playing since closed beta episode
>predict the blink
>hit the direct
nothing is more enjoyable than watching autists squirm while their general is temporarily inhabited by popularity.
Yeah i'm not going to get this in the end, I did have fun at times I won't lie but the forced 50% is complete cancer and I've had enough of that from valve games already.
Fuck this gay earth.
>pressed Q
I can't wait until casual subhuman retards learn this isn't WoW and crying their eyes out for something to be changed doesn't work.
no one wants to play with you
and i don't want to play with any of you, considering you're all fucking shit redditors
Reposting from last thread:
So how does Mercy's damage boost work? If I boost a Junkrat as he's got his wheel out, will it do more damage? If I boost a D.Va as she launches out of her mech will it explode more violently? Will a Torb's sentry do more per shot? Hanzo's dragon?
Or is it just for main weapons?
I really wish they could find a way to weight the system against the truly braindead ones, Bastions just spraying down retards, Hanzos firing through a wall and killing the other team the entire map across, Reaper spin2win.
Is hook hitscan?
and if you say yes or no, prove it.
I've tried looking around a bit and can't find solid evidence for either side except for images of what could also be considered lag compensation.
i sure do regret buying this game
What's the point of having such great asses if there's no third person mode?
I guess I should play more Zenyatta
Forced 50% is a meme retards use.
See, this is how matchmaking in literally every game works: if you win a bunch you play against better people, if you lose a bunch you play against worse people.
Retards see this and think the game is trying to rig matches against you, when in reality it's just placing you against better players because it thinks you can handle them. It's trying to find the proper skill level to place you into.
>Game has no snipers
>two people trip over themselves to pick one
>Lel not my problem faggos *locks in as 3rd mcree*
I've yet to experience one of these mythical stacks.
Sometimes in lucky instances when everyone on my team is competent and coordinating with each other it makes me sad that I'll probably never find 5 other people to play this game with.
You literally posted Tracer's most effective counter. I main Mei and NEVER die to Tracer.
>implying blizzard isn't going to tailor this game to casuals first and foremost
>he doesn't like a challenge
it's like you've never played quake or ut duels against people that have been playing since the 90's. you only improve by playing against better players.
if only you could have tried it for free before paying
>posts this in last thread
>no replies
>g-gotta make sure people know how much i don't like this g-game...
go home
Well... there's those poses you can strike.
Or just play dwarf.
Asses everywhere.
Literally the only thing that needs changing is NOT ALLOWING MORE THAN ONE OF THE SAME HERO IN A TEAM.
>that webm
I've seen the full thing and I've never paid that much attention to his goddamn face.
New player
How do I do emotes and say shit on a bloodborne machine?
>land a 5-man pulse bomb with tracer
>use recall, ass clenched, ready for the five kills
>they have lucio on their team
>he presses Q once he sees the large ! that covers half of his screen and my pulse bomb doesn't do shit
Tracer's ult should not give so much of a warning, same with D.Va's ult, it's ridiculous, and rewards shitters for not actually paying attention to their surroundings.
disgusting webm
you disgust me
>two retard barrier characters are op!
>lets ignore the literally broken "you must have two of these in every teamcomp to ever play against anyone with a brain" characters such as lucio, mcree, tracer
God bless every bastion and torbjorn player honestly, every game you assrape people at least one of those will cancel the preorder and never come back sparing the rest of us the cancer of having the dead weight on the team.
>ywn be raped by Widow's futa cock
ur a retard.
when people say 'forced 50'
they mean the game is placing you against opponent you NEVER HAD A CHANCE to beat.
So it isn't trying to find your skill level it's just trying to make you lose.
Not that I believe any game does this though.
very good, user
just the right amount of meme
I'll buy this game when they let us have custom characters based on existing heroes.
i think it only affects damage they are doing directly
so it affects pharah's ult and mcree/76/reaper etc
but the mech, tire, sentry and dragon probably not
There is literally no reason why more than 1 should be allowed.
A reminder that lucio is 5'3" and zenyatta, hanzo, and genji are 5'8"
why should we take these manlet characters seriously, let alone play them at all?
Why was this game overhyped even before we knew it was a game?
>a faggot is too stupid to handle his money
what a shock, it comes with the brain disorder i guess
>supposedly it's fair for a turret to insta-turn a full 180 degrees and start pummeling you the miliseconds you are out of cover.
The best part about Mercy is her wings
>90% of deaths are a result of players pressing Q
pretty frustrating desu
how long until /v/ leaves and they stop crying about bastion
Shaddup faggot or I'll kneecap ya.
this game basically proves that neo-blizzard has no fucking idea how an fps works and just made a moba
>bububububuut you have to aaaaiiiimmmm
reminder that this game has a server tickrate of 20 and it makes playing against hanzos the most cancerous shit this side of chernobyl
I have high hopes that the competitive mode at LEAST will be 60, or at least once the open beta is over they will up the standard tickrate to 60
but it's blizzard, so they won't
i love this
Mercy's damage buff has to be applied at the time the projectiles hit in order to deal boosted damage, which is dumb as hell.
I agree
that pick animation is beautiful
maybe learn how to avoid them or counter them
that's now how arguments work user.
You have to prove to me that it should be removed.
I love Junkrats Beyblade
baited for these exact responses
>tfw walk into every trap and riptire
I should play roadhog more honestly
I hope its soon because im tired of these retards complaining about shit thats perfectly fine while ignoring the actual problems
Her face is quite beautiful, too.
Ehh that would sound good maybe for ranked but not quickplay.
only if the hanzo is good
sfm porn with wingboners when
play black mesa, you'll get used to it
I know what they mean. I explained this to you. Try reading my post.
>retards think games are rigged against them because they get put against better people
>they perceive this as "an unwinnable game"
>in reality it's a normal matchmaking system and them not used to facing decent players
but the best character is an ULTRA manlet
dwarves are rad mang
i've never seen a single hanzo that impressed me in the least
it's always "spam arrow at chokepoint get 3 kills" because hitboxes and tickrate are both fucked
>nobody wants to play supports
>4 supports total
>only 2 are viable
>It's a team thinks it's Team Deathmatch episode.
The endless cycle of failing the first objective continues, no matter what role I choose.
reminder that kirino was best
I know you're attempting lee epin bayting but c'mon, that's just poor.
I love to see my team mates doing well!
A team working together is greater than the sum of its parts!
>70% win rate with Mercy
ur a shitter lol
sounds like you can't aim
She already has one.
How to tell if someone has no fucking idea what they are taking about : ask them if mei counters tracer
>mfw a tire has better plays of the game than you
>holding the backline really well as zenyatta
>kill the occasional assassin trying to sneak around
>tracer always zips up and throws her sticky bomb on me
>just me every time
oi, stop that.
What's the correct answer?
You made me think of the fucking disgusting horsefucking manchildren
Fuck off
That's sort of what I was assuming, but I remember getting assist credits while boosting a Hanzo who had thrown his dragon out. That might've just been a credit thing though (like the game went, 'Oh there's a healer on this guy getting kills, better give them an assist'), so I don't know if it was actually boosting the damage or not.
>I said a retarded thing on the internet and got called retarded
Shrugs all around.
Why no double-stacking the sticky with the bear trap for area denial, or position sticky so that it's blows the lead tank/reinhardt into the bear trap as a means if halting an advance? Both work pretty well for me
my bad. I did read it. idk what happened there, also i wasn't the guy you replied to first.