Previous thread: We discuss minecraft, minecraft packs, projects, seeds, building ideas... Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see more builds! If you develop mods or anything Minecraft related, keep us updated so we can give feedback. Don't spam your server or discord here; use the list from the link below to advertise it.
Hey /mcg/ is there any good mods for 1.7.10 i can install?
Gabriel Richardson
If you play on a server where you need to lock your shit up then you're doing it wrong
Nathan Roberts
I admin a server and I've noticed a lot of people have trouble connecting. There's a core group of players with 0 connectivity issues. I was wondering what I could do to troubleshoot why people are having issues connecting. It's a dedicated server hosted by Exodus Hosting, so I really doubt it's related to the server hardware/connection available.
If you guys need more info or are interested in the IP let me know.
Ian Turner
if u have a good pc install some shaders, they make the game look really nice and gives it a nice feeling
Noah Brooks
Wyatt Allen
So um, baubles user? This happened when I tried to craft the second tier ring. Just happened when I put it in a crafting table.
Gabriel Williams
Oh boy, can't wait to load into my boring hugbox server
Kevin Jenkins
Hey cornmod user, do you have a link to your mod you'd be willing to share?
Kevin Gray
ded game ded memes
Aiden Watson
>being a reddit hugbox player
you have to go back
Kevin Edwards
>playing a game about building with people who only want to destroy you can spout as many "i like to live dangerously" memes as you want, but at the end of the day the only person doing it wrong is you
Christopher Hall
clearly they're not living dangerously if they have to lock all their shit up
lock mods/area protection are casual tier and you shouldn't be posting here if you use them
Benjamin Cruz
I don't have a link, I'm willing to share but its not finished. for >reasons, the corn crop doesn't place. I'm still working on it
Evan Morales
>not wanting conflict and challenge >wanting to be a reddit tier cuck
Parker Davis
>clearly they're not living dangerously if they have to lock all their shit up learn to fucking read >lock mods/area protection are casual tier and you shouldn't be posting here if you use them make me leave your "sekrit club" then faggot
>he thinks getting his shit stolen by an autist who thinks he's comedy gold or a selfish kiddie is conflict/challenge those of us who are above the age of 18 don't really care for wasting time on petty childish behaviour user
Tyler Myers
>not building far from spawn >not having landmines >not having retard bait traps
I bet you build at spawn
James Russell
Is 1.9 worth playing? Any mods for it yet? I've been gone for a while.
Is thaumcraft 4 good yet and is it for 1.7.10?
Anthony Gonzalez
1.9 is shit. Thaumcraft 5 is where its at.
Andrew Robinson
>>not building far from spawn Why even bother playing multiplayer if you're going to play it like a glorified single player with chat? >>not having landmines >>not having retard bait traps The only people who fall for these are pubbies.
Cameron Sanders
>tc5 really? I thought we were on 4 now. Is tc5 worth playing?
Carson Ward
>Thaumcraft 5 >5 laughing_whores.png
Elijah Wright
TC5 is for 1.8.9, and is the second best version of thaumcraft ever, right after 2. Wands charge automatically, grappling foci, Aura mechanics similar to TC2's, autmatic crossbows and wand focus casters, random crimson soldier events, and most importantly, TAINTSTORMS.
The second half is what's inside the thaumcraft folder.
Alexander Garcia
I see, does it have addons yet?
Xavier Lewis
Ian Gray
How many? Is there a list of the good ones?
Jace Sanchez
Pls respond
Samuel Flores
>bumping after 3 minutes nah mate fuck off
Ryder Howard
13, actually
Robert White
>1.8 >no boats not worth using
Jackson Long
Wait 1.8 doesn't have boats? What?
Grayson Peterson
>Server-killing fires >One of the best self-sufficient Botania Mana farms known Highwire school of balance.
Noah Phillips
no boats
Cooper Hall
Ethan Long
I don't understand
Gabriel Sanders
lurk more
Joshua Perry
Angel Garcia
Is it possible to run the windows 10 version in windows 7? I don't really want to upgrade this old laptop.
Gabriel Green
windows 10 version is shit m8. basically a pc port of the pocket edition. no mods of course, because jewcrosoft.
Carson Miller
I must be confused since I haven't played in a while. I thought it had more content than the java edition, thinking it would run better as well.
Dylan Edwards
>run better as well. a little bit, i suppose >more content no.
But do you honestly think microsoft would do something GOOD? 1.7 has the most mods. 1.8/1.9 are buggy and unoptimized. and if you want the vanilla stuff from 1.8/1.9 in 1.7, get et futurum. some thuamcraft faggots think TC5 is worth upgrading to 1.8.
John Collins
I'm just autistic and come back every few months and play without mods for a little bit. I just wanted it on this old laptop, so I'll go find a 1.7 somewhere then.
Oliver Adams
in which case, i'd suggest using 1.9 i guess
Angel Evans
guys what are good texture packs nowadays that aren't dogshit
I always used to use painterly and quandary but I'm wondering what else is out there that looks clean and nice
Jonathan Lopez
Dominic Johnson
john smith & sorotex have the most mod support. also sphax if you're twelve
Juan Young
With 1.8 and 1.9 proven to be buggier and slower than 1.7.10, why are we still gravitating that way?
Gabriel Sanders
thaumcraft faggots + retarded children + forgefags + jewcrosoft
Gabriel Gray
oh, you're probably using a 1.8 version of botania. go double check your version.
Nathan Stewart
I already got it, it was 1.8 NEI/Chicken core. Thanks though.
Wyatt Kelly
these are awful, what the fuck
this is okay, is there anything else like it?
Chase Miller
>these are awful, what the fuck what kind of fucked up taste do you have? john smith is the best for comfy medieval aesthetics. soartex is good for modern sleek bases
Sebastian Clark
I should have specified that I think most packs that are more than 16x are pretty awful since they abuse the size without adding all that much. It doesn't help that all you're really doing is polishing a piece of shit because you're texturing a literal fucking cube - part of the reason why the simplicity of 16x packs are usually the best.
Jason Cooper
I get you user, though I think some 32x packs can look good (I like john smith), I can't stand huge hd packs that slap 256x textures or whatever on a fucking cube and call that "realistic"
Leo Young
>john smith is the best for comfy medieval aesthetics. That's a funny way of spelling Dokucraft.
Hudson Gonzalez
eh. dokucraft is good, but john smith feels a little bit harsher, which i kind of like
Jose Moore
Then check out Dokucraft Dwarven, perhaps. I personally like things a little brighter and softer, so I stick to Dokucraft High when I play vanilla.
Cameron Bell
Seriously though, if you grief anyone besides reasonably close friends you are a top tier manchild.
Joshua Bennett
It was not proven to be buggier or slower than 1.7.10. Get your head out of your ass.
Caleb Campbell
Oh god. I'll have a look, but no guarantee I can fix it, since no java knowledge, and the fact this runs at all is amazing.
Ryder Johnson
they are talking about weeb waifu shit rather than actual interesting mods
Joshua Campbell
Hey /mcg/, I've got an Immersive Engineering Thermoelectric Generator and I'm wondering if I can hook it up to an EnderIO Capacitor Bank. It looks like the EIO Energy Conduits aren't working, unless I'm doing something terribly wrong? Is there another solution, or do these mods not play nice with each other? I've never used Immersive Engineering before.
Isaiah Hernandez
Because the Minecraft fanbase is attracted to bright, shiney novelties just like simpletons.
Gavin King
disregard i suck blocky cocks
Wyatt Gonzalez
>FTB's 1.8.9 unstable pack
Unstable is an understatement
Crashed twice so far
Why is everyone trying to move up again?
Hunter Reyes
Evan Wilson
faq was removed?
Isaiah Watson
its expired I guess. welp. if someone had an archive of it that'd be lovely if they pasted that somewhere.
Jacob Bailey
in my opinion, the later versions run a lot more smoothly than 1.7.10 to me.
Ryder Williams
what mods can I use to disenchant weapons? And possibly keep the enchant on a book for later use?
Adam Kelly
MFR has a disenchanter that stores them on books, but it takes away a bit of the weapons durability.
Charles Scott
thanks slowpoke
Landon Rodriguez
>Try to use BC robots >Order robot to harvest in a specific area >It immediately fucks off to somewhere else >Try to get it back >Break it, it disappears
Sasuga CJ
Mason Reed
As if anyone ever read it/updated it.
Luke Martinez
is that the only big/widely known mod that does that? Does it need exp to work?
Lucas Bailey
It's a useful mod in general, so its widely known. And it does not require exp to work, just power and books. If you don't have power, draconic evolution has a disenchanter which will sometimes require exp if its a vanilla enchantment, but won't if it's from another mod.
>thinking about how cool it would be to have the TF disenchanting table be standalone >it's already a thing Looks like it's buggy as shit, but good on that guy.
Ryder Scott
Newest version for 1.7.10 (2.2.7) isn't too bad. 2.2.6 is buggy as fuck though.
Carson Cook
Dylan Roberts
>this is okay, is there anything else like it?
look up Isabella, Coterie Craft, and Painterly
Dominic Bailey
Robert Johnson
>CJ SpaceToad and hea3ven there, mostly. CJ quit by the time robots were even started - he left in February 2014 and robots were started around April of that year. And yes, they're buggy.
I don't use them, I make them.
Adam Lewis
Speaking of, >trying to make a super high tech futuristic underground facility Are there any mods that add light bridges or light based consoles or decorative blocks? Anything like chisel but with a lot more high tech blocks to use? Seems like over half the blocks in chisel just plain don't fit or all the metal based blocks in it are all rusted or bolted plating which fits more an old industrial facility.
Matthew Scott
Shitshow here. Progress is slow, but ongoing. Second floor is at least built, and will probably be for machines and shit.
As someone that uses this mod in his pack, it's actually pretty stable and works well. I'd recommend it if you want a standalone version of the Deconstruction table without the Twilight Forest.
Elijah White
there was a light bridge mod, but I'm not sure it's been updated past 1.6.4 (or if it even works properly in its latest release.. it was buggy) railcraft does have light rails, though. minecarts zippin about with no blocks underneath is always fun to watch.
Jose Martinez
I take that back. it apparently works with 1.7.10. still kinda buggy iirc, so be careful with it
Carson Ward
It's my fault really, I was trying to use them on Agricraft crops without the compatibility mod installed.
Owen Myers
Are there any good quests mods based around Thaumcraft?
Cooper Johnson
Joseph James
>google it >this is the first image result Holy shit, man.
This is exactly what I've been looking for.
Chase Cox
>mfw my base spawned in the fucking ocean and got none of this cool foreboding landscape
Christian Jackson
did you pick omega? cause alpha and beta are the most starter-bases.
Jayden Flores
>not reading the important quest information It's almost like you deliberately chose the hard mode pod.
Justin Russell
Ah, yeah.
The compatibility mod is separate because having to maintain a dozen "-dev" JARs from various sources and having issues if any of those mods breaks is something I wanted to keep out of main BC. It makes porting and contributing to BC itself much easier.