I was going to put "Ashley's blog edition" with the picture of his arm
Elijah Scott
Skilltree beta makes the game even easier
John Hill
I was just going to remove the steam group and replace it with a link to the DLC and skin unlockers.
Adrian Walker
That's a good idea, but that would be helpful and constructive. Not fitting for a thread where half the replies to help are "kill yourself"
But if I'm on when this one dies I'll sneak it in there.
Noah Reyes
Well this one will hit bump limit about a week from now so I hope you have a good memory. Or it could die today if no one bumps it.
Jace Morris
I want to see your creative mind, /pdg/
Show me what you can do with the DAYS pattern, released with the Wolf Pack, requiring the achievement: "Cutting the Red Wire" (Disarming the C4 trap in Counterfeit on Overkill or above.
Here's an example, I showcased the pattern on Hoxton Reborn because it felt appropriate.
Joseph Garcia
Correction: Days is a material.
Which is weird because it really should be a pattern, if you ask me.
Regardless, I'm looking forward to any artistic minds willing to experiment with mask creation.
Jayden Anderson
>"Okay guys, this actress is much too attractive. How do we fuck her shit up?" >"Tumblr hair and white trash yakuza tattoos?" >"Perfect!"
Adam Parker
Hello heisters! New side jobs are out!
Today's Daily Side Jobs are: - Doctor Fantastic (doctor_fantastic) - The Butcher Needs You! (butcher_4_jobs)
And this week's new Weekly Side Job is: - Big Deal (big_deal) Complete it for your chance at an Infamous quality The Grin mask!
Keep those helmets flying! ;)
Kevin King
The DLC unlocker is already in the OP though. Has been for...I guess years, plural, now.
Noah Young
If you're talking about the pomf download link, that's dead, and has been for a VERY long time. The unknown cheats link doesn't have the script on it, either. Only how to use scripts.
Carter Evans
It's a BLT tutorial with the 4-line unlocker code given to you. You don't actually need the other stuff.
Joseph Martin
Ah, you're right. I haven't checked the pastebin in a while, I forgot that was there.
My bad.
Samuel Parker
Nigga, that pomf link works just fine.
Xavier Moore
where can I buy the dlc unlocker
Eli Young
Just donate to pirate captain ;)
Gavin Gonzalez
Pm ashley
Sebastian Martinez
Confirmed: The Buzzer is counted as a knife for the purposes of the "I ain't got time to bleed" achievement and presumably any other knife related achievements such as Are You Kidding Me?
William Davis
yo that's cool
Henry Sanders
Well at least you don't need Feedback ECMs to buy time to melee the dozer.
That is still hilarious.
Landon Campbell
Every other time I've tried, it's come up with the "Pomf is dead now" message.
I haven't tried it in ages, so I don't fucking know.
Parker Phillips
Sydney looks absolutely shit and the gun is just another Car4 variant but with the drum mags that have been in the game files since release. They would have given us drums years ago if their shitty engine could handle different animations when guns are modded. Discuss.
Joseph Young
Landon Smith
She still looks better than Clover or Lardfat
Jonathan Lopez
When I first played the game I was doing heists with my buddy who played as bonnie. It took me a little bit to realize that she was a girl. I kept hearing her voice, but I didn't know where it was coming from, I knew there was at least 1 guy, sometimes 2 giving commands, and I figured she was with them. Then I start hearing the girl say, "Dallas, follow me." It had to be at least 3 long jobs. She looks like some fat dude in game.
Michael Rivera
27th for Cute Sokol
Brandon Moore
Jonathan Richardson
>mfw seeing the limo on undercover going on fire for the first time.
William Torres
David Hughes
We really need a new RACING heist.
Owen Wilson
Pictured:Three cloakers and taser
I have seen a lot of fucked shit in my three years of heisting but this if the first thing that just made me stop and stare.
Kevin Jones
>censoring your name
Angel Brown
>playing bomb:forest unironically
Adrian Thompson
anybody wanna get all the guns from murky station for the weekly?
Isaiah Foster
Aaron Hughes
get in the beta i need help.
Chase Lopez
>needing help with anything while in the no-balance beta
Justin Smith
Does anything actually happen when it catches fire? Or is it just visual?
Grayson Parker
>Needing help for stealth. >Implying the beta effects stealth much.
Wyatt Richardson
>not needing help for stealth
Kevin Bell
Shit you showed me. Let me go buy the Gage Brain Damage Pack so I need people to carry me through the easiest part of the game.
Carson Wood
Why does OVK care more about making a quick buck rather than customer satisfaction?
That's a very short-sighted and fucking stupid course of action.
Andrew Evans
>That's a very short-sighted and fucking stupid course of action. Hello yes welcome to /pdg/ where most people know Overkill has been like that for over 3 years now.
Oliver Walker
Good progress today
Under 30 to go
Mason Murphy
Oh snaaaaaaaaaaaap.
Juan Bell
I got a Well-Used Longhorn Hunter
Which sucks because I really liked that skin but not in that quality
Austin Foster
I only need 2. Which I need a group for. I don't have a group.
Fuck Reputation Beyond Reproach in pubs.
Parker Carter
Yeah RBR's on my list as well
Kayden Walker
Isaiah Bailey
>Minimum 3 dollar sell
Not bad my man
Nathan Young
I was bitching about my shitty Overwatch loot box drops all day. I guess I know where all my unboxing luck went. And probably for the next few months' worth too.
William Allen
None of the loot boxes you open in Overwatch carry over into the game release anyway.
Feel free to laugh at all the clowns who keep getting legendary skins.
Jonathan Campbell
>goat simulator shotgun,
I'm sorry for your loss.
Levi Jenkins
Yeah...I'm dicking around with it but I can't seem to do better than 79.8 damage with the 000 Buckshot.
I don't know why this shotgun even exists. It seems like it's supposed to be a high concealment stealth or SB/LB secondary shotgun in place of the Loco or something. But it's never going to replace the Judge or the China Lake so why bother?
Jaxon Brown
Shit... I'd carry you guys but Cox are being dicks right now.
Samuel Parker
You guys wanna do rbr in a bit?
Elijah Moore
You on the beta? Friend and I had an idea about using Swan Song + Uppers aced with FAKs to make it super fucking easy.
Jeremiah Green
I am indeed
Zachary Richardson
>Using a shotgun without shotgun skills nigga
Cooper Wilson
Alright, well I'm free for the next ~2 hours.
Charles Lee
well im free for aout 3 or so
Leo Lewis
You don't really need shotgun skills to use shotguns, just like how you don't need SB to dodge.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
I'll sit in the group chat then.
Anyone else who wants to join and is in the beta, I'll be in the group chat.
Henry Collins
>10% dodge
>50% reload speed, 35% damage, 75% damage on kill nig ga if you think these two are comparable you're a lost cause.
Juan Martinez
Luke Robinson
Thomas Peterson
Anyone with the Hardcore Henry heists willing to host Birth of Sky for the Black Tie Event achievement?
Adrian Cox
That's point break heists user
Ryan Gutierrez
Sure why not
Hop in chat
Charles Reyes
Fug. That's what I meant
Caleb Jones
>Want to host >No one says shit >No one is joining Fuck you guys, you suck at taking decisions, ALWAYS
Ayden Walker
Allow me to correct myself. Anyone with the Point Break heists willing to host Birth of Sky for the Black Tie event achievement? I'm in the beta, for the record.
Grayson Nguyen
I only wanted to heist, fuck this, its like that this place is filled with womans
Isaiah Scott
Dunno what to tell you man, I'm not in the beta
Angel Young
>Not in the beta >EVERYONE ON THE BETA
>Get on the beta >Now someone outside of it I SWEAR
Levi Butler
My buddies aren't in it so I'm just chilling and waiting for the release, achievement hunting with them
I really should be doing some writing for this D&D campaign I'm going to be doing rather than playing Payday anyway
Kayden Gutierrez
That was my face when I saw the limo hit the building and fall for the first time.
Then Bain comes over the headset and says, "I never should have hired you Alex"
Christian Lee
>I don't know why this shotgun even exists.
Devs felt guilty the street sweeper was the only shitty secondary shotgun.
Henry Robinson
>The beast drill in Big bank can now be silenced
10/10 Overkill
Jaxson Turner
>Enemies you mark take an additional 50% damage when further away than 25 meters.
Might be cool, I miss using sniper rifles. Though it doesn't really help the Repeater which is my favorite
Ian Green
>whacking the Beast and restarting it causes it to beep endlessly even when it despawns
David Nguyen
I use it for the feels, as dumb as it sounds. GSPS has meaty sounds that make killing feel so fucking good. Loco is better at every stat, but it feels shallow compared to GSPS.
Xavier Phillips
I just want to know if that's for everyone. Like, I mark a dozer in front of me and someone else pops him with the thanatos from down the street, they get that damage bonus too. And do bots get the bonus as well? I would imagine so, but I have been fooled before. I noticed I am able to mark specials from further away than I used to be, but it's still an issue if you have a swarm of mooks between you and the special. I just don't know how practical it would be going solo.
Jason Hughes
I would assume it applies for everyone. I know the spotter perk as we have now applies to everyone
Spotter also applies to targets marked with the Theia, which means it's pretty spicy for sniper rifles.
Elijah Evans
15% damage bonus isn't really that useful though. For most players it won't change anything at all.
I'd rather it do something more interesting to specials marked by spotter. Such as permanently keep them marked or change the behavior of the AI once marked.
Ian Walker
Ayden Torres
are you gonna give away some keys any tiem soon?
Aaron Brown
Asher Lopez
What would a dodge Jacket build look like? I want that hotline miami feel
Kayden Long
Lower your graphics settings
Grayson Taylor
What about for DW?
Kayden Martin
Put Roller Mobster on repeat.
Jeremiah Ward
50% isn't really that useful either. With an 80 damage gun tazers only take a couple shots, same with cloakers but you won't be able to mark them and shoot when they're charging, which is the only time a damage bonus might help. And dozers only take 3 face shots, where a damage boost won't help get through the visors quicker. And you'd have to be far away from them anyway, where they pose no imminent threat. In a team setting it might be useful, but everyone would have to be somewhat coordinated. I really only take it for maps that benefit from spy cams, and I rarely do stealth missions.
Julian Nguyen
I'd like something similar to enemies you mark stay marked. Pointing them out from far away would mean players would have a much greater map awareness as long as he keeps his eyes open and to the distance. Considering its a high cost skill to ace, i'd say that would be worth it.
Henry Stewart
Do the cheeki breekis on Boiling Point actually say unique shit or is it just from the Russian version of PD2 or something