Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
What is the deepest/most complex fighting game and why?
Someone see me in V
Official /fgg/ pairings
Karin x Birdie
Rashid x Cammy
Ingrid x Boxer
Makoto x Dee Jay
Sakura x Sean
Chun Li x Mike
Ibuki x Dudley
Vanessa x Seth
Mai x Banderas
Athena x Heavy D
Kula x Lucky Glauber
Blue Mary x Duck King
Whip x K'
King x Mukai
Hinako x Nelson
Leona x Krizalid
Mature x Zero (Clone)
Vice x Zero (Original)
Moe x Richard
Miu x Silber
Hotaru x Butt
Alex x Ryu
Does anyone have a movelist for 4th Strike SF3?
Sniff Fighter V
It's okay that SFV is a shit game because it's balanced around being a shit game
We could actually discuss this,but fuck it lets just call the opposition fags and not actually argue.
Garou and Revelator
I think people are taking what he said in the interview out of context too. He said he was winning things with Gief at WNF and at online at his home PC because he could react better to things. And that is why his Gief wasn't working out on other tournaments. He didn't complain or cry about it (anymore than other Gief players at least), he gave up and switched to Alex instead. Now let's go back to making fun of him for things that actually happened, like getting eliminated early with Alex when 2 other Alex players got further than him and not being confident enough to play with his pocket Ryu that he has been practicing for a while when PR Rog brought out his pocket Ryu just fine.