renegades edition
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
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first for memes
Friendly reminder we have a discord, come join us for deep intellectual and philosophical discussions!
Actually it's (obviously) mostly lewd shitposting.
Xth for Irelia
>You're ganking bot
>Enemy toplaner uses his tp to join the fight
>Meanwhile your toplaner is farming your wraiths
save me
First time Tankko.
How'd I do? I used your guys suggested shit.
Syndra is my waifu.
best legs
best feet
best waifu
xth for best hips!
shit build
who /comfy/ here?
>fluffy warm blanket and heat dish
>shitposting on /lolg/
life is pretty good desu
>no mercs
you could have prevented dying 6 times if you got your mercs
xth for breast waifu
solari would be pretty good vs their team
why didn't you buy memefist?
no mercs?
filtered frogposting newscum
Xth for Its more important to not die in this game than it is to get a kill.
STOP BEING RETARDS AND DYING! Playing safe is not fucking hard.
I kinda had the rush through the suggestions and missed a few before the game started.
I thought Ninja Tabi was better in this situation. Didn't get around to Solari and didn't know I wanted memefist. Will do so next chance I get.
>Jungle Poppy
>>Vayne E
>% max hp true damage to dark creatures
You really ARE fucking autistic
God I want Trundle to fuck my boypussy
where dat boi
>japan is easilly the worst server
>produces the best r43 and sfw cute lewds
>people who flash forward to trade a kill
>when they could have flashed away and lived
holyshit what did they do with illaoi
her tentacles are like 10x bigger now
Soooooo, Japan is Japan?
>People who think it's okay to die because you're a tank
>Literally facetanking the enemy carries until they die instead of getting away safely at low hp after zoning them
We got rekt guys
>>produces the best r43 and sfw cute lewds
>producing anything league related
lamo what are you, two years in the past?
i hope this serves as a lesson for other owners to never let a literally mentally ill person into their team
No I'm just dumb. Kill me.
Welp, brb stabbing myself.
What's even more funny is that they paid for his boobjob
if i want to get ADC most of the time which role do i pick as secondary?
>oh noez the camera is on me
>i hope no one notices i'm shy
This is why Hitler did what he did.
you mean gromp/krugs, right? he'd basically be mid if he was farming wraiths
things you should think about on ekko:
dead man plate
why does she have such a cute cock?
it makes me want to suck on it.
im not gay though, its not gay to suck on or get fucked by a dick if its a girl's dick, or a feminine dick for that matter.
You lie
You are lying
this is disgusting
and still go marksman adc.
>qt on the desk wondering why the fuck they hover the camera over this abomination of a "girl"
>hmmm i want to create a league of legends team
>seems like i need a good support player
>i know! ill get the mentally ill guy pretending to be a girl
Guys pls respond our integrity as a general is being undermined here
Im serious
>probably big part of this whole issue between Riot and RNG
>maria literally sweats and starts convulsing
>tweets "e-everything in RNG w-was fine with me I swear!!"
god I'm a transfaggot and she's an embarassment to us all.
No such thing as a feminine dick, and you're a faggot. Trust me.
Do you think calling someone with a mental disorder mentally ill is some kind of edgy insult?
and this
Seriously QSS feels like a shit item and playing vs shit like Veigar and Malz as an ADC makes me want to mcfucking kill myself
Why is literally every part of Irelia's body the best?
>>Vayne E
>% max hp true damage to dark creatures
holy shit an ekko nerf
its cute, it makes me want to pound her butt :^)
>no such thing as feminine dick
so you are saying there is no difference between a big fat throbbing veiny hard hairy dick on a muscular guy and a cute small soft hairless cock that is on a girl?
>tfw you feed double buffs
> I'm a transfaggot
>Trust me
There is no difference. There is only cock. I've suckd a lot of dick in my day, big and small, thin and fat, and it's all gay.
>Love playing as tanks, always have
>Riot releases awesome tanks and some sweet tank items
>Everyone and their grandmother does percent health damage and has dashes to stay permanently out of range while shredding my 4k health bar like I was a Season 3 Sona
The only reason tanks exist anymore is to take tower hits, since they don't do percent damage. Yet. Why are there so many percent health abilities nowadays? Is it because the older champions have outdated numbers, the new ones have retarded base damage and ratios and this is how Riot is "finding balance?" Someone explain this to me because I don't understand what tanks are even for anymore.
>Some random guy invites me to play with him
>He´s raging, feeding motherfucker that almost lost you the game
This is why I hate people. It was also ranked. I´m glad he didn´t have the audatcity to invite me again
it's blue and purple i guess
but i bet you've never sucked a girl's dick.
and thats the difference, its not gay if its a girl's
>complaining tanks are weak in this meta
That actually fucking hilarious
I needed a boots replacement and it give 10% movespeed
Normally I'd buy Trinity Force but I didn't have enough for it so I just bought Luden's
KilljoyX NegNA: the akali blaming me is rich
Vevino left the room.
KilljoyX NegNA: camped her lane
KilljoyX NegNA: and she still feeds
Erwick left the room.
PillClinton805 ewDyr: its normals
PillClinton805 ewDyr: relax
Wizard Hat: elise
fckvwls left the room.
Wizard Hat: i backping you
Wizard Hat: you go in
Wizard Hat: my fault?
KilljoyX NegNA: you got fb
KilljoyX NegNA: and died
Wizard Hat: yeah
KilljoyX NegNA: how is that my fault
Wizard Hat: i greeded
Wizard Hat: but after that
PillClinton805 left the room.
KilljoyX NegNA: you literally wasted my time
Wizard Hat: just let me farm to 6
KilljoyX NegNA: so i wanted to lose
Wizard Hat: instead of trying to regank
KilljoyX NegNA: fuck it
Wizard Hat: he was ahead of me
KilljoyX NegNA: if you arent going to play serious
Wizard Hat: so it wasnt a good time to gank
Wizard Hat: ??????
coloncrunch left the room.
KilljoyX NegNA: why the fuck should i
Wizard Hat: i messed up by dying 1v1
Wizard Hat: but after that
Wizard Hat: i knew we couldnt 2v1 him
Wizard Hat: so i backpinged you
KilljoyX NegNA: its fine
Wizard Hat: and you still went in
KilljoyX NegNA: we lose
KilljoyX NegNA: because i hate you
KilljoyX NegNA: :D
>>Everyone and their grandmother does percent health damage
And you know who does that the most? Tanks.
Anyone want to play norms on NA?
Mundo smoked you in total damage, and its fucking mundo. His bar is lower
can you legit fit a guinsoo in a build somewhere? it takes six (6) hits to get going, but that q will look really juicy if it double procs muramana/botrk and maybe tf/ibg.
Would hybrid builds work on certain champions? For example if I were to build a ludens and a deathcap on gangplank after building 3 crit items and boots. Why wouldn't this work? W scales with AP for a stronger heal, and AP would also make your ult a lot stronger.
why does rito keep adding more kayle ults to this game
I miss morello so much, got way more hate than he deserved
He was dedicated to curbstomping anti-fun mechanics
Jesus Christ.
What did you use a to grab the chat?
Reddit steals our OC all the time
I'm just happy they're making fun of Taliyah's retarded nose too
I'm hoping that the next champ after Taliyah has an ult or something that does absolute damage - going through invulnerabilities and shit.
copy/paste, this is all postgame
i guess remi IS a girl cuz shes causing all this drama
Dunno I saw a few people meme with it but I'm not sure
If I had to guess I'd say replace your Maw/QSS item slot with it
Muramana/Iceborn/BotRK/LW item are like, totally mandatory for blue build with the possible exception of a LW item if they literally have no tanks
The phantom hit is probably dope when it's stacked but I've never tried it because usually you need the core+a defensive item
I mean our damage to champions was similar, his was higher though
If you mean total damage to everything that's literally a near-useless stat
>no onwe respomds or defends
Yep seems like /lolg/ is dead. Reddit attacked us,humilitated us and they won. I know you redditors are here. Let me just say that you won. You fucking won. r/leagueoflegends conquered us. Fuck.
It'd be weaker than a full AD build or a full AP build. Your ult is on such a long cooldown for your only damaging skill that building AP is a massive waste. You might heal for more from your W, but you'd do less damage with your Q and E, which is your bread and butter as GP.
Very few champs can build hybrid and do well, mostly Jax and Akali. GP simply doesn't have the scalings or playstyle to build him hybrid.
>Have earphones on
>Ear some creepy noise in the background
>Can barely hear it
>Get spooked as fuck, try to close everything
>It was from the hextech crafting tab in the client
Goddamnit Riot.
10% AP ratio isnt worth it 9n an ult that already does enough damage for minions and will never do enough for champs. Just stack AD and crit like a sane person with a tank item or 2
Are you fucking high this season is called tank season for a reason you dumbass.
How it actually works in ranked when you are not silver surfer:
>Tank build typical metagolem cheap items
>Locks enemy adc
>TF starts
>Tunnel visions through all damage and CC and kill adc in few hits
>Still has enough HP to wreck someone else´s ass right after he kill adc.
>fizz and veigar
>5 deaths only
why should we care about reddits opinion?
no...? I call a duck a duck, A fat person a fat person and a mentally ill person a mentally ill person.
Best waifu
How do I make her look at the same point? So far she looks like Sartre even on the original art
Post Rank.
I haven't seen Metagolem since patch 6.9 in Plat.
I puked.
Isn't remilia like an unironic low diamond/plat player or something?
>this invested in the ebin 4chain V Leddit war
you're fucking retard
Nudes where?
in the past
not him, but the exact metagolem build+grasp is certainly rare now but the items are still strong
I want to see her plow that boypussy
Some nudes were posted ages ago.
I remember he was in some shitty team and failed the challenger series at that time.
Reddit proved that it is more aggressive and virile. They utterly destroyed us and we did nothing. We just stood there and take it like a fucking faggot. They cucked us and showed the world that they are the more capable lol community.
Now they take over this general. Because they want. And because they can.