/ps2g/ - PlanetSide 2 general

0.75 ADS dindu nuffin wrong edition.
>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made
>How does the construction system work?

More on last week's episode of 'aim better' -

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ded gaem

nerf the CARV


post memes

Why? It's already underpowered

what geeks

>people using anything but drifter jets on their light assaults

once you go icarus you can't go back

that shit too slow, icarus 4 lyfe

>that shit too slow,

t. extreme sonic turboflash drifter man

nerf the claymore

>the worst mine
nerf the proxy instead pls

icarus is always fast


I don't know how anyone can play Vanu. The hideous color scheme, awful aesthetics, and retarded weapon models just isn't worth the "OP" parts of it.

Nerf the Orion

big fat asses


Did he really do it?

It's more passable if you've got the solid camo from that anniversary pack. On vehicles at least - the difference on guns is negligible.

They should honestly just have those as the default. A big blue vanguard, purple magrider, red prowler - similar colours on the NS vehicles. Not this grey "pls buy pink or other vile camo" shit.


unfortunately not

Does NC ever make an effort to actually try to win alerts? They just sat on quartz ridge trying to cap it for the whole duration of the alert while VS just took their bases.

buff the rebel

anyone got experience with the new inquisitor?

worth the 1000 certs?

>BR 70

If the overpowered NS revolvers didn't exist, it would deffo be.

is VS the new patrician faction?


Not if you're a memer. It is if you aren't.

Welp, I figured out WHY the Trac-5 is so shit...
It has a HUGE First Shot Recoil modifier!
Now, this wouldn't be so bad, as the Vanu Carbines actually have higher FSR modifiers, but they have slightly better accuracy when moving while ADS.
In short, both the default TR and VS carbines are SHIT!

Use the burst version. Stop whining.

>more kills with the TRAC-5 S than the next three weapons combined
you learn to live with it

>I figured out WHY the Trac-5 is so shit
It's because you are shit.

>pastebins from 2013
ya'll are dumb.

we just don't care anymore

We're vintage.

We're vintage like an MGB GT is vintage.

It's interesting but you wouldn't want to drive it every day. Or all day.

>>more kills with the TRAC-5 S than the next three weapons combined
>you learn to live with it
Ah but that's what was confusing me, why I was so much more crap with the regular Trac-5...
Turns out, the Trac-5 S has a First Shot Recoil Modifier of only 1.85 as opposed to the Trac-5's 2.35.

The only fun I have left in this game is Magriding and roofmonkeying. Everything else has gotten incredibly stale and repetitive, clicking planetmans in the head day in day out...

I'm sure you'll find something to occupy your time.

Have you fought the shadow war today yet?

Something else will fill that hole, user.

The accuracy buff might make the Banshee a viable anti-tank weapon. It's not a Tankbuster, but it can 2 clip a MBT from behind, and 4 clip from other directions. Normal noseguns do much less damage to heavy armor.

change ur gender. more frendz


Lol, that guy as actually serious. Not a surprise since he's a humongous faggot who does nothing but AH farm and bolt shit.

>Magriding and roofmonkeying
Two of the five most boring things you can do in the game behind pressing Suit Ability as a Medic, Suit Ability as an Engineer, and sniping.


i haven't played in two years and really like all the long overdue changes i'm reading that are being put on to pts

i'll probably wind up playing again once they address heavy assault overshield

>be a perma-Striker faggot
>pretty much never see anyone else using the Striker
>when an ESF shows up, I'm probably the only one shooting at it with anything, let alone another launcher
>hasn't seen another Striker player be anywhere near accurate with the thing against ESFs
Why isn't this clown complaining about the Lancer
It's as point-and-click as other guns

>doesn't LOCK ON to ESFs
the lancer is obviously worse

Mostly new player here. I'll find myself in a situation where I want to grab a sunderer or some kind of vehicle. I'll redeploy and then realize I don't actually know what bases provide what facilities.

Is there any way to know from the map screen if a base/outpost/whatever has a galaxy/sunderer/air/vehicle terminal?

I'm mostly talking about the outposts. I'm guessing that the unique bases (e.g., Amp station, tech plant, and bio-lab) have access to all the terminals?

the meme where a br3 ends my 22ks with his uncerted trac-5 is getting real old

which one of you did this

t. shitter

heavy shields got nerfed 2-3 months ago and are half as strong as they used to be.

>and are half as strong as they used to be.
t. shitter

really ? I did not play back then but holy fuck they had to be OP seeing how they are still OP now

>fix someone's Magrider for them
>shoot an LA that was going to C4 him
>he v1's me
>hop in to gun for him
>You do not have access to this vehicle.
>c4 him myself

>not getting roadkilled by the Magrider driver while repairing
shit that didn't happen.txt

>Welp, I figured out WHY the Trac-5 is so shit...

Welp i figured out why you are so shit.. you need to aim better Graysparrow.

t. shitter

When you are on map screen after redeploying you have a list of bases you can spawn on on the left. There are tank, airplane etc icons next to base name.

t. shitter that needs IWIN button

>HA shield is IWIN button
If you have trouble with heavies, you really need to stop crying and aim better.
t. medic main


Drifter is only good for C4 cliff trolling.

t. shitter

any thoughts?

You should get a job.

but that took me literally five minutes
you do know that you don't have to calculate every single value by hand, right?

Where's the NW + 50s stuff?


>new autism trims


What? It's a legitimate question. You can have both equipped at the same time.

so I should be using Nanoweave plus Resist or Nanoweave plus Adrenaline...I've never used Adrenaline before, is it really that difficult?

Nanoweave and Resist doesn't stack. Adrenaline is nice if you can actually kill multiple people. Resist is better for fighting tryhards because it helps against headshots more.

okay so since I'm a total retard, what should I be using nowadays? for the past few weeks I thought that Nanoweave and Resist were stacking...woops.

boo :----D

You still need to get a job user.

Time to finally park an ammo sundy next to an amp station at 6 am and farm turrets to auraxium useless guns for the MBT directive.

I don't remember what they looked like before.

>meme resolution

>suddenly, liek 6 MCY reavers start tagging along
>steeling all muh kills
>see shiTR
>pop skillcat
>MCY nerd gets TKd
>"boo fucking hoo, tomcats OP"
>t. skillsuit/A2G main
top fucking laffo

And here we see the airtard's flailing attempts at communication.


fuck off faggatron

Why are shotguns banned from infiltrators but not from LAs?

Better question, why aren't boltshitting actions banned from infiltrators

wow rude

There's no weapon type I'm dying less to than boltshits. It's your own damn fault if you're exposed and giving someone the chance to shoot you in the head.

You deserve it.

wow rude

GD-22 worth buying?

t. new NC who doesn't particularly like the SAW


Well dying to a bolt shit is pretty hard when you're in a Prowler, so there's that.

If you really need a tank to avoid being sniped, you should consider uninstalling the game and dropping the FPS genre altogether.

t. bolt shit


>stuck wanking to the same half dozen vanu butts and maggies
>meanwhile, overwatch isn't even out and there's loads of porn of it
feels bad man

>tfw everyone is a nameless pawn in a neverending meat grinder hell
>game is a slowly decaying corpse with dwindling player base few of which are artistic
>no characters to make obscene fart porn of

quick post your favorite planetside images
vs supporting images need not apply